The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 933 The Demon King Flips the Table

Chapter 933 The Demon King Flips the Table (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo's purpose is very clear, to solve Ling Xian'er's matter, and then return to the game immediately.

The sky and the earth are big, but they are not as big as the source of wood!
Ling Huohuo no longer cared about the rules, because the Void Hundred Ghosts sent another message that the Demon King's army had already entered the Imperial City of the Elf!And the brave are on their way.

As soon as Kaszhu Jiang slapped the table, he was about to scold Ling Huohuo, but Ling Huohuo waved his hand directly, and Kaszhu Jiang was slapped flying from the air, seriously injured and fell to the ground.

The sudden change shocked everyone, and someone actually took action!

Ling Huohuo didn't want to care so much anymore, at worst, he was wronged by this pillar!
"what are you doing?"

Seeing Ling Huohuo flipping the table, the other generals were shocked, and even Yi Yi and Ling Zhuo opened their mouths in shock.

Old iron, fierce!
Xiao Mo narrowed his eyes.

This turn of events might be his chance!

Ling Xian'er also looked around nervously. If this group of ninth-level powerhouses fight, the consequences...

"I'm in a hurry. Such a trivial matter has made you grind for so long. I don't have time to play house with you."

"It's up to you, it's best for Ling Huo and Huo Zhu to stay here." A voice came, and everyone saw it, and found that for some reason, two graceful figures stood in the meeting room.


"It's Lord Demon General!"

"It's Lady Claudia and Lady Sisli!"

Someone recognized the two.

At this time, the two demon generals were looking at Ling Huohuo with a smile on their faces, and they seemed to be in a good mood.

A look of disbelief also appeared on Xiao Mo's face.

These two people, Xiao Mo, knew each other, and they helped him a lot during his growth. Although Xiao Mo had guessed their identities, Xiao Mo never thought that these two people were actually demon generals!
Then Xiao Mo frowned, why did they touch him?What is there in him that is worthy of their plots?
Ling Huohuo became serious.

At this time, Ling Huohuo couldn't react anymore, then he was really retarded!

"Your demon army is targeting me!" Ling Huohuo said slowly.

"Then who knows?" Claudia smiled brightly, and she felt that she was in a good mood.

They knew that Ling Huohuo had schemes in the Sun Elf King City, and now that the Demon King’s army had arrived at the Sun Elf King City, sure enough, Ling Huohuo couldn’t sit still, if Ling Huohuo was left here, no matter what Ling Huohuo was planning Whatever, it will be a wedding dress for the Demon King's army!

Others didn't intervene easily, and things are obviously not simple now.

It's not just Claudia and Sisli, this Ling Huohuo doesn't look simple either.

"Do you really think you two can stop me?" Ling Huohuo asked with a smile.

"Who knows? The big deal is that we let go of our strength."

Ling Huohuo's face darkened, if the demon general let go of his strength, it must be the existence of Yuwai, he... can't beat it!

Although Ling Huohuo knew that the demon generals would not let go of their strength easily, after all, they were not here to destroy the world, but this was a naked threat!
But... they are not the only ones who have the cards!
The magic general with sealed strength is only at the level of Yu Nei, even if he was a god at the peak, but now his strength is too bad, and, don't forget, Ling Huohuo still has a true god in his hand!

Or is it a true god who can walk on the earth for special reasons!

"Zhou Zi, Demon Dragon!"

Ling Huohuo said two names.

Then the door of the conference room was opened from the outside.

"Dad...Dad, what's the matter?" Zhou Zi said in embarrassment, it was still so embarrassing to call Ling Huohuo Dad in front of so many people!
"Master!" The dragon was about to calm down, nodded coolly, and then looked at Dilauris and Sisley.

"Zhouzi stop them!" Ling Huohuo said.

After hearing Ling Huohuo's words, Zhou Zi looked at the two people in front of him.

And Dilauris and Sisli also looked at Zhou Zi and the magic dragon, and finally stared at Zhou Zi, their expressions changed.

"True God?!"

Shocked, there is a real god by Ling Huohuo's side!
Lord Demon King didn't say anything either!


"The magic dragon leave quickly!" Ling Huohuo continued to give orders, and at the same time, a mass of energy was injected into the magic dragon's body by Ling Huohuo.

The magic dragon was stunned for a moment, knowing Ling Huohuo's thoughts, and then left quickly without hesitation. There is a space blockade here, and it is impossible to escape into the void, but as long as you leave here, you can escape into the void and leave.

Ling Huohuo took a shot in the void, and the social turtle fell into Ling Huohuo's hands, and was thrown into the small world by Ling Huohuo.

In order to prevent the source of water from falling into the hands of the Demon King's army, Ling Huohuo must of course protect the source of water, and he is not prepared to let the magic dragon take the social turtle away. If the magic dragon takes the social turtle away, it will easily cause the devil Without the army's attention, and the social turtle can't escape into the void, it will delay the dragon's evacuation.

The magic dragon left with a special mission.

The reason why Ling Huohuo didn't leave by himself was because Ling Huohuo felt that today...he couldn't leave!
At this time, Ling Huohuo felt that he had been locked by a breath, preventing him from moving easily.

The minions suddenly exposed by the demon king's army made it impossible for Ling Huohuo to leave here.

"It seems that no matter what the calculation is, it is just a joke in the face of absolute power." Ling Huohuo said with a wry smile.

At the same time, Ling Huohuo is also a little strange, why has the Demon King's army been stimulated recently?Not only to negotiate with the brave, but also suddenly target him?

Ling Huohuo originally planned to lift the table by himself, but unexpectedly, the devil lifted the table first.

What is the devil going to do?
However, will the Demon King Army really be the final winner?

Sun Elf King City.

The atmosphere in Wangcheng today is very wrong.

The bustling Wangcheng in the past has become deserted and depressing, and the residents have temporarily retreated to their homes.

The reason for this situation is—the arrival of the Demon King Army.

Although the demon king's army did not harm the king's city, the people in the king's city could only hide in the distance when facing the powerful demon king's army.

Wearing bone armor, Ling Tian strolled on the main road of the Sun Elf King City, like a stroll in a courtyard. On both sides of the road, there were two rows of guards waiting in formation.

Some daring players hid nearby, sizing up Ling Tian secretly.

"Is that the Demon King?"

"Seems to be."

"The same attire as on the promotional materials, it should be."


"It looks so ordinary!"

The others nodded.

Indeed, seeing Ling Tian suddenly, everyone felt that there was a huge gap between the Demon King in front of them and the Demon King in their imagination!

Shouldn't the devil be as domineering and incomparable as in the propaganda, and he will bring a monstrous and fierce look as soon as he appears on the stage?

And what about this one?

It's like the big brother next door who is wearing cosplay costumes to participate in the comic exhibition!

This gap gives people the feeling that Kamen Rider is riding a bicycle to protect the world!
Regarding other people's comments, Ling Tian didn't say anything, but looked at the buildings of the Sun Elf King City curiously.

"No matter which world the elves are from, the architecture is full of artistic atmosphere." Ling Tian sighed, but then Ling Tian shook his head, "It's a pity that I don't understand art."

The road soon came to an end, and at the end of the road, a group of people were waiting there. It was the royal family of the sun elves, but the queen who led the sun elves was the queen, the king of the sun elves, who was dead.

Ling Tian smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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