Chapter 939 Sister-in-Law (Second Update)
The Sun Elf Queen sat in the garden of her bedroom, called off the others, and looked at the pool in the garden in a daze.

"Where has the Sun Elf family ever been in such a situation..." Bitterness appeared in the eyes of the Sun Elf Queen, but it was quickly replaced by firmness, "However, the Sun Elf family will never perish, they will only survive disaster after disaster. become stronger!"

Thinking of her three excellent sons, the confidence in the eyes of the Sun Elf Queen grew stronger.

"Unfortunately, there is only one throne, but I have three sons, but no matter who takes that position, I am relieved." The Sun Elf Queen murmured.

"Oh? So, if someone else is sitting in that position, don't you worry?" A clear voice came from behind the Sun Elf Queen.

"Who?" Anger appeared on the face of the Sun Elf Queen, she stood up and looked behind her, but soon the expression on her face was replaced by shock and fear!

" are Niya!" The Sun Elf Queen exclaimed.

At this time, behind the Queen of the Sun Elf, stood a beautiful woman in a gorgeous long dress.

The woman's age looks very young, it is the cardamom age, a pair of golden pointed ears, which shows the woman's identity as a sun elf.

"It's Princess Niya, Your Lady Queen, or sister-in-law." The woman said with a smile.

Seeing the woman's smile, the Sun Elf Queen took a step back subconsciously.

"You... aren't you already dead?" The voice of the Sun Elf Queen trembled.

Princess Niya, the biological sister of the Sun Elf King and the husband's sister of the Sun Elf Queen's husband!

However, in the memory of the Queen of the Sun Elf, Niya was already dead, but what stood in front of her now was a living Niya, and...the same as Niya when she died.

"Dead? But I'm back. After all, I'm very worried about this country." The smile on Niya's face remained unchanged.

The Queen of the Sun Elf quickly adjusted her condition. All these years of nourishing Qi were not in vain.

"Since you are still alive, what are you doing back here? Why are you here? Don't forget, you are still a traitor to the Sun Elf clan!"

"Traitor?" Niya curled her lips. "That's right. After all, I murdered my own brother back then, although I failed in the end and paid the price with my life."


Niya's painting style changed and her smile resumed.

"My old brother is dead. If the queen and princes die again, I will appear as the only remaining royal family to save the sun elves..."

Niya's smile became brighter, while the expression of the Sun Elf Queen quickly darkened.

"No matter what I have done, I will be the orthodox heir to the throne of the Sun Elf clan! And I will also become the first... queen of the Sun Elf clan!"

Speaking of this, madness flashed in Niya's eyes.

"Queen, how wonderful it sounds, instead of a princess title that will never change until death!"

"You were the one who controlled all the things this time?" The Sun Elf Queen asked in a deep voice.

"Of course." Niya said without hesitation, "Although there were some minor accidents, it still came according to my plan."

"What is it for? Does that position allow you to sacrifice the Sun Elf clan without hesitation, and even kill my sister-in-law and your own nephew?" The Sun Elf Queen asked sadly, with an expression on her face. mournful.


Niya's expression was a little ferocious.

"Since I was a child, my elder brother has everything, but I can only live in his shadow. The things I like are all that I don't need, but all the things I need are taken away by him. He always I was born to be a king, but once I was born, I can only be a princess!"

Niya took a deep breath, and looked deeply at the Sun Elf Queen, with some inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

"Even the person I like becomes his wife!"


The Sun Elf Queen was silent.

The kite lurking in the dark also fell silent.

Zhiyuan has been with Niya for so long, and this is the first time she has heard such explosive news.

The story is more exciting than Zhiyuan imagined.

The Queen of the Sun Elf felt that things were a bit messy, and she needed to sort it out. Her husband seemed to be the only wife, right?

"Hahaha..." Niya showed a horrifying smile, "So, at that time, I decided that I must take his things, and if I can't get them, then...destroy them!"

One of Niya's hands clenched into a fist.

"Let's start with you and his evil seeds!"

"You're dreaming! I won't let you succeed!" The Sun Elf Queen shouted.

The Queen of the Sun Elf could see that she couldn't reason with Niya. Niya is a pervert, and she has gone crazy!

"Hahaha... you should take care of yourself first, I know you are delaying until the guards arrive, unfortunately, no one else will find out what's going on here." Niya showed a victorious smile.

The Sun Elf Queen's eyes became solemn.

"Don't worry, after you die, I will take good care of your body..." Niya looked at the body of the Sun Elf Queen, with longing in her eyes, she couldn't help licking her lips, and couldn't help pinching her legs. tight.

Sun Elf Queen: "..."

Zhiyuan suddenly understood why she felt that she and Niya were a bit out of place. It turned out that she was not perverted enough!

Bah, I'll never be such a pervert!

Zhiyuan's eyes became serious, and Niya secretly issued an assassination order!
The kite figure suddenly appeared behind the Sun Elf Queen, and the sharp blade in her hand pierced the Sun Elf Queen's back. fatal!
The Sun Elf Queen was so shocked by Niya's perverted speech that she didn't have time to react, and when she realized it, it was too late.

The threat of death haunted the heart of the Queen of the Sun Elf.

A triumphant smile appeared on Niya's face.

If it wasn't for her brother, the Sun Elf King's sudden death, things wouldn't have gone so smoothly.

But, soon, the smile on Niya's face froze.

There was also an expression of disbelief on Zhiyuan's face.

Because on the body of the Sun Elf Queen, an eggshell-like protection unexpectedly appeared, firmly blocking the attack of the kite!
"No, it's not defense! This is... the power of space!"

The kite reacted quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the Sun Elf Queen disappeared, and a space passage appeared at the position where the Sun Elf Queen had just stood. He wanted to go forward, but in the blink of an eye, the space channel disappeared again, leaving no trace.

(End of this chapter)

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