Chapter 940 Grave Race (Part [-])
"Fusion, summon, Millennium Dragon!" Ling Huohuo shouted.

"What, it turned out to be a thousand-year-old dragon! Impossible!" Clodia's eyes widened in shock, "Hmph, I don't think it's over here, look at my trump card - blue-eyed white dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, blue-eyed white dragon White dragon... combined, blue-eyed ultimate dragon!"

"Hehe, but you don't understand power at all, come out—Dark Mage!"

"No, it's impossible, damn it, I still have my final trump card, look at mine—— Lord Demon King!"

"Do you dare to be more shameless? You actually printed cards on the spot!"

"Why, it's as if you are playing according to the rules. Besides, this is a card group unique to our demons!"

"Shut up, shameless old thief!"

"Ling Piff!"

"Hehe, since this is the case...Look at my hero card, use the ultimate kill—three thousand monsters!"

"Blue-eyed Ultimate Dragon, use and hold!"

"Dark Mage, mega evolution! Super Dark Mage!"

"Master Demon King, respond to my heart, move Z, black hole devours everything!"


Xiao Mo waited for the dead fish eye, looked at the two people whose faces were close to each other, and then looked at the messy cards on the table.

This is not the Yu-Gi-Oh I know!


Under the sun tree.

No matter how the ground looked like, the underground of the Sun Tree was still dark, silent, and extremely strange.



Ling Tian and Li Yinman sneezed at the same time.

"Don't learn from me!" Li Yinman said angrily.

"Who learned from you? I..."

Seeing Li Yinman's hand touching the sword, Ling Tian raised his hands, convinced!

Ling Tian and Li Yinman also sneaked into the ground when the Sun Elf Queen opened the underground passage.

But now they have a problem.

"This seems to be a tomb." Ling Tian said.

"What should I do next?" Li Yinman asked with a frown.

Once underground, this space gave Li Yinman an ominous feeling, which made Li Yinman very uncomfortable.

The same goes for Ling Tian.

But both of them understood that this time it was the right time!

Ling Tian spread his hands.

"I don't know either, I don't have a map."

"You don't have a map?" Li Yinman once again looked at Ling Tian unkindly.

Ling Tian raised his hands again.

Li Yinman suddenly found that she liked the feeling of threatening the devil.

It's a little cool.

Ling Tian didn't notice Li Yinman's strangeness, but opened his mouth to explain in time.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, I have my own way to find the way." Ling Tian said.

Then Li Yinman signaled Ling Tian to start his performance.

Ling Tian unhurriedly took out a compass, and then muttered...

"Looking for the dragon to divide the gold to see the mountain..."


"Yes, this way!" Ling Tian pointed in one direction.

Li Yinman looked at Ling Tian with strange eyes.

"Why are you so skilled?"

Ling Tian's expression froze.

"Well, when you go out, you must have some skills, don't you have too many skills~"

Fortunately, Li Yinman didn't get entangled in this matter, Ling Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go ahead!" Li Yinman said to Ling Tian.

"Why am I walking in front?" Ling Tian was taken aback.

"Because I'm worried that you'll sneak up on me from behind!"

"How can you doubt my character?"

"Do you still have character?"

Ling Tian opened his mouth, then turned aside.

"Then what if you sneak up on me from behind? You have to know that a man can't easily hand over his back to others."

"Don't talk nonsense, are you still a man? Besides, this is not a prison, and no one is interested in your backside!" Li Yinman scolded.

Ling Tian's words were choked, the brave knows a little too much.

However, in the end Ling Tian still walked forward.

Walking in the front means that you will be the one who takes the thunder, and it is much safer to walk in the back. Not to mention that there is no trust between the brave and the devil. The person who walks in front turns his back to the person behind, which is very dangerous. things.

However, Ling Tian didn't want to fight the brave man here, and he didn't want any unexpected accidents to happen because of the brave man, so tracking Ling Tian went ahead.

However, the brave still distanced himself from Ling Tian, ​​which relieved Ling Tian a lot.

But there is also the reason why Li Yinman was worried that Ling Tian's stepping on the thunder would affect her.

In this way, the two of them moved forward safely and explored the surroundings with a considerable distance between them.


Yin Ya followed Ling Miao to explore the surroundings.

how to say?

This place has nothing but coffins.

Fortunately, there was no danger either, the two of them just kept going forward unimpeded all the way.

It's not that Ling Miao has never considered opening the coffin to have a look, but after thinking about it, she gave up the idea.

Curiosity killed the cat. If you don't play it, you won't die. What if you prescribe something bad?
So it's better to honestly look for quest items.

Although it was dark all around, with the help of lighting equipment, Ling Miao and Yin Ya still had some understanding of the surrounding environment.

Surrounding it is a kind of soil wall that is harder than steel, and the soil wall is covered with criss-crossing tree roots.

It is impossible to open a passage from the soil layer.

There is a lot of space around, but there are caves, which look more like tombs.

Tombs of similar size are neatly distributed on both sides of a main road, and a coffin of the same style is placed in each tomb.

Although it is underground, the passage is dry, but there is no air flow.

There was no sound around, only the footsteps of the two people sounded softly in the passage.


Ling Miao and Yin Ya's footsteps stopped, and their hearts tightened.

"You just heard..."


There was another sound, like the sound of a dry branch being trampled off.

Ling Miao and Yin Ya assured that they heard correctly, there was a real voice!

Damn, someone cheated on the corpse!

"Miao, are you good at dealing with corpses?" Yin Ya asked in a low voice.

Ling Miao was silent for a while.

Well, if it was in the real world, he really wouldn't panic, but now...he can only resign himself to fate, and hope that the corpse that comes out will not be very strong.

There are more than 100 large and small tombs along the way. If the corpses in these tombs crawl out...

Hundreds of male corpses cross the river?
Ling Miao and Yin Ya looked at each other, then swallowed, and looked around.

As the sound increased, there was movement in the cave tomb.


Ling Miao let out a low shout, and sprinted into the distance with Yin Ya behind her back.

At this moment, figures came out of the cave tomb, and looked at the direction in which the two were fleeing.

A low growl.

Hundreds of figures chased in the direction where Ling Miao and Yin Ya left, and their speed was no slower than Ling Miao's.

"Is this a race on the grave?" Ling Miao felt a little bitter.

Yin Ya kept restoring Ling Miao's status and setting acceleration buffs.

(End of this chapter)

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