The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 942 After this battle, I will nurse the child of the Zhang family

Chapter 942 I'll go home and nurse the baby after this battle ([-] more)
Sun Elf King City.

The player and the Sun Elves are defending against the attack of the dark elf army.

The army of dark elves is clearly prepared, whether it is high-end combat power or ordinary sergeants, they are very sufficient, and they look like they are coming out in full force, while the sun elves are in a hurry, and lost several high-end soldiers in the previous chaos. Combat power, which plunged the Sun Elf King City into a huge crisis.

However, thanks to the previous arrangement of the devil and the brave, many players gathered in the Sun Elf King City, and the Sun Elf clan also pulled up a large number of player legions in a short period of time, stabilizing the situation. Of course, the cost is relatively high. too much.

After all, players will not let go of this opportunity to take advantage of the fire.

However, if they defend the city, the Sun elves will reverse the situation and repel the dark elves when reinforcements arrive.

At this time, there is a relatively special team of players in the team guarding the city.

The strength of this team of players is not that strong. It can be seen that they should have just entered the game not long ago.

The reason why this team of players attracted people's attention was that all the players in this team were uncles and aunts in their 50s and [-]s!

It's an old age battle!
There are quite a few senior players entering the game, but there are fewer combat professionals, let alone so many appearing together.

And the leaders of this team are Father Ling and Mother Ling!
"Mother-in-law, organize your staff, everyone is working hard, trying to figure out a way to fuck his mother!" Mother Ling said.


Ling's father silently hacked to death an enemy who wanted to attack Ling's mother, and then looked at the nearby enemies.

"We're going a little too far, so we need to back up a little distance!" Father Ling said.

The team retreats.

"Come on everyone, keep going." Father Ling encouraged everyone.

"Oh, I'm a little tired. I have to go home to nurse the baby after the fight." Mother Ling rubbed her shoulders.


Such a team with a certain amount of advance and retreat in battle, able to win more with less, and win with the weak against the strong, quickly became the focus.

Some forces feel that they must have a good contact with this team after the battle is over.

"There seems to be something going on in the future." Mother Ling suddenly grabbed Father Ling and said.

Father Ling frowned and looked into the city, and soon discovered the problem.

"The commander has changed, those three are princes, but... wait."

Father Ling found that there was some commotion in the palace, and he didn't know if it was an illusion, but the structure of the palace seemed to have changed.

Father Ling searched and found a picture of the city of the Sun Elf King City uploaded by a player. After a simple comparison, the frown deepened.

"Let's retreat and stick to one position. There is a situation!" Father Ling ordered.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone else looked at Father Ling.

"The Sun Elf King City has changed, and the layout near the palace has changed. Although we don't know what's going on, we'd better seek stability."

Mother Ling also nodded.

"I have a bad feeling."

The others looked at each other, then nodded, followed Ling's father and Ling's mother to move slowly, and found a position that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Some people who followed the team of Father Ling and Mother Ling were curious about the movement of the team, but after thinking about it, they felt that the members of this team were all uncles and aunts, and they might be tired from fighting for a long time, so To leave the battlefield.

Most people don't get to the bottom of the matter and move on with the battle at hand.


In the palace, the bedroom of the Sun Elf King.

Niya paced blankly in the empty palace of the Sun Elf King.

At this time, the battle outside was fierce, and no one would devote too much energy to the matter of the Japanese Elf King's bedroom.

After all, the palace of the Sun Elf King is in the rear, and in the minds of all the Sun Elf, this place is very safe.

However, they did not expect that someone would still enter the palace of the Sun Elf King, and it was not good!

The dormitory of the Sun Elf King is gorgeous, but it is deserted, there is no one there, and the valuable things may be all kinds of precious items placed in the dormitory.

However, Niya knows that the palace of the Sun Elf King is not that simple!
The Sun Elf King is Niya's obsession. Niya has collected a lot about the Sun Elf King through various means, so she knows more.

Niya paced unhurriedly in the bedroom, and stood in front of the office of the Sun Elf King.

Looking at the empty place now, Niya's eyes were a little blurred.

I still remember that year, her elder brother was sitting here to deal with the big and small matters of the Sun Elf clan, and he was also sitting here, hugging the young girl, explaining the history of the Sun Elf clan to her, and teaching her various things.

At that time, her elder brother was always as gentle as ever, and possessed all the qualities a king should possess, which could be called perfect.

At that time, there was always laughter here.


Niya's eyes regained clarity.

"Unfortunately, this position no longer belongs to you, my lord brother!"

Niya murmured.

It's a pity that my brother is perfect and has the qualifications to become a king, while she, although not perfect, has the ambition to become a king!

What's more, the two fell in love with the same woman.

Then, it came to today's field.

"If the father sees today's situation, will he be disappointed with you? My lord brother."

With a murmur, Niya sat where her elder brother used to sit.

"You think you have a good secret to hide, but unfortunately, it has not been hidden by you all the time as you imagined. As long as it is a secret, won't it be known sooner or later?"

With a wave of his hand, Niya swept all the books and pens and ink on the neatly arranged desk to the floor, revealing the complete desk top.

Niya stretched out a green finger and groped along the lines on the desk, a hint of fascination flashed in her eyes.

"Is this what it feels like to be in control?"

If someone looked down, they would find that the patterns on the table corresponded to the street layout of the Sun Elf King City!

A vague incantation came from Niya's mouth, and as Niya sang, the pattern on the desk centered on the position of the royal palace and the sun tree, lit up little by little, and finally, the whole desk lit up shine.

As the lights of the desk were all lit up, the desk changed.

"Channel, unfold!"

Following Niya's order, the patterns around the Sun Elf palace changed little by little.

The light from the desk reflected on Niya's face, and Niya smiled.

"What is that secret place hidden by brother and father? Well, don't care, if you can't get it, then destroy it, just like that woman, or..."

Niya looked outside.

"This city and this race!"

On a whim, a bold idea came into Niya's mind!

(End of this chapter)

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