Chapter 943 Three Great Halls (Part Two)
Ling Tian and Li Yinman were walking in the darkness. Suddenly, their footsteps stopped in unison.



Both Ling Tian and Li Yinman frowned.

Can't delay any longer, late will change!

"Hey, Demon King, are you okay? Why haven't you found the source of wood for so long?" Li Yinman questioned.

"A man can't say no, if it's okay, you have to try... Mom, I was wrong!" Ling Tian felt the long sword on his neck, raised his hands, and surrendered immediately.

"Who is your mother?"

"Ahem." Ling Tian coughed twice in embarrassment.

"In short, if you go down this road, there will definitely be something important." Ling Tian said.

"Let's trust you just once." Li Yinman withdrew his weapon.

The two continued to move forward like this.

Some troubles and problems encountered on the road are not a problem for both of them.

For example, corpses crawling out of coffins, various hidden traps, and so on.

Finally, the two reached a place that seemed to be the end.

This is a great hall, which looks gorgeous, and there is a huge coffin in the hall.

Ling Tian and Li Yinman opened the coffin, and there was a huge corpse lying in the coffin, holding a crystal-like object in its arms.

And the first time the coffin was opened, the corpse opened its eyes!
A terrifying aura bloomed from the body of the corpse, and the undisguised murderous intent locked on Ling Tian and Li Yinman, and then...

Ling Tian and Li Yinman didn't seem to see or feel it. Before the corpse reacted, Ling Tian removed the crystal from the corpse's arms, and then closed the coffin lid again.

dong dong dong...

The corpse inside the coffin wanted to come out, but Ling Tian and Li Yinman outside the coffin... didn't want to go in.

The corpse struggled, trying to break out of the coffin.

"No, you don't want to." As he said that, Ling Tian put a bunch of blocking formations on the coffin, and finally, the coffin calmed down.

If the corpse hadn't been unable to cry, it might have been about to cry.

However, now the corpse is lying in the coffin, unable to get out, and the guarding things have been taken away, and the corpse is now in a state of suspicion.

who I am?where am I?What should I do?
Outside, Ling Tian and Li Yinman sat on the coffin and began to look at the crystals in their hands.

"Is this the origin of wood?" Li Yinman frowned.

Ling Tian was a little embarrassed.

"Um, no, we may have found the wrong thing, but it must be something good."

Ling Tian cast an identification technique on the crystal.

"Yangyang Fire (sealed state): A special item born in a yang attribute cemetery, which can be used to ignite a torch, which is extremely rare."

"Good stuff, take it." Li Yinman stretched out his hand to Ling Tian just as Ling Tian was about to put away the crystal in his hand.

"What?" Ling Tian looked puzzled.

"Mental damage fee!" Li Yinman snatched the crystal from Ling Tian's hand and put it away.

Ling Tian: "..."

I have never seen such a shameless person with such flames!
"Brave, don't go too far!" Ling Tian said angrily.

"I have big breasts, I am justified, why not accept solo!"


Ling Tian resented for a while, back then he also had two big chest muscles!

Phew, that's not the point!
If it weren't for the inability to use it here, I would definitely teach the brave a lesson. It wasn't that I couldn't beat her, but I just let her live, and I definitely didn't love her!

"Let's go, change another way and continue looking!" Li Yinman interrupted Ling Tian who was consoling himself, and at some point he reached the gate of the main hall, and turned back to shout to Ling Tian.

"Oh." Ling Tian jumped off the coffin and began to determine the way again.


Ling Miao and Li Yinman entered a hall in a panic, closed the door of the hall, and leaned against the door without daring to move, listening to the footsteps of the walking corpses outside the door gradually receding, the two Only then was he relieved.

Damn, being chased by hundreds of corpses is so exciting.

"Miao, this is it." Yin Ya frowned, looking around vigilantly.

Ling Miao also stood on guard, protecting Yin Ya behind her, and then threw out the lighting equipment.

golden light——

"Ah, my eyes!"

Ling Miao and Yin Ya immediately covered their eyes.

After a while, the two got used to the outside situation, and then tried to open their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the two swallowed at the same time.

Although the two had traveled far and wide and had seen a lot, the scene before them still shocked them.

The two finally understood what gold and silver are!
"This feeling of being blinded by the light of really good." Ling Miao murmured subconsciously.

"It's not good at all!" Yin Ya said.

"Let's see the situation first." Ling Miao led Yin Ya to the Jinshan and Yinshan ahead.

Ling Miao squatted on the ground, picked up a gold coin, and looked it over.

"It's real, not an illusion." Ling Miao said.

Yin Ya scanned the gold coins around twice, and found that there were not only gold coins, but also a lot of weapons and equipment with high value, and various precious materials.

"If the mountains of gold and silver here are like this..."

Ling Miao and Yin Ya looked at each other, feeling their lips were dry.

"This is simply a great treasure!"


"Is this the great treasure you mentioned?"

At the same time, at another place, Lu Sisi asked while pointing to Guo Xiaoyu's chest.

Lu Sisi withdrew her hand.

Guo Xiaoyu touched his chin.

"It shouldn't be, ah, I know, you must have led the wrong way!" Guo Xiaoyu knocked his hand.

"It's on me? It's like you know the way." Lu Sisi said angrily.

At this time, Lu Sisi and Guo Xiaoyu were also in the same hall, but the hall looked very dilapidated, surrounded by patterns that they could not understand, and in the center of the hall was an ordinary stone platform. There is a hollow metal ball the size of a basketball on top of it.

Glittering green lights can be seen from where the metal ball is hollowed out.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like there will be treasures here. The only thing that is more peculiar is the hollow metal ball.

Guo Xiaoyu walked to the stone platform, looked at the metal ball on the stone platform, then held the metal ball in his hand, and looked inside through the hollowed-out gap.

Seeing a green ball inside the metal ball, Guo Xiaoyu felt familiar.

Guo Xiaoyu pinched her chin, frowned and recalled.

"It seems... a bit like the origin of water, but this is not the origin of water!"

After hearing Guo Xiaoyu's words, Lu Sisi snatched the hollow metal ball from Lu Sisi's hand and looked inside.

"This, could it be..."

Lu Si thought about what Ling Huohuo was looking for recently.

"The origin of wood?!"

However, Lu Sisi found that if it was really the source of wood, then there seemed to be many cracks on the source of wood.

It looks like it will shatter at any moment.

(End of this chapter)

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