The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 944 The Chaotic Sun Elf King City

Chapter 944 The Chaotic Sun Elf King City (Part [-])
The Sun Elf King City once again fell into even greater chaos.

It's not because of the threat of the dark elves outside, but because something happened inside the Sun Elf King City!

A group of terrifying walking corpses emerged from the ground around the palace, madly attacking everything in the Sun Elf King City.

Fortunately, the divine arts of the priests of the Sun Temple had a strong lethality against this group of walking corpses. The priests in the temple came out in full force, which controlled the harm of the walking corpses and did not cause more chaos!
However, the room leak happened to be raining overnight, and someone discovered that the Queen of the Sun Elf was missing!
Moreover, the palace of the Sun Elf King was also invaded, and the office desk of the Sun Elf King was destroyed.

When these things were added together, the Sun Elf royal family was panicked and overwhelmed, and chaos inevitably occurred.

Fortunately, the Sun Elf family has a deep foundation, even if there is chaos, it has not completely collapsed. I believe that as long as we persist for a while, and wait until the reinforcements outside the city arrive to alleviate the crisis brought by the Dark Elves, then things in the city can be easily resolved. solve.

However, some things did not go as smoothly as the sun elves imagined!

The three princes of the Sun Elf family were assassinated!

One prince was dying, and one was seriously injured. Only the most powerful prince was left to take command and stabilize the morale of the army. However, he was still injured and could not last for too long.

And the people who assassinated the three princes were some Sun Elf traitors!

After inspection, the elves have been brainwashed these days, and the technique is from the dark elves!
This shows that this invasion of the dark elves was premeditated, and... there is no guarantee that there are no sun elves brainwashed by the dark elves in the royal city!
This made the situation of the Sun Elf family even worse, and everyone was in danger. If this continued, they would not even be able to persist until the arrival of reinforcements.

Although the Sun Elves may not perish, they will definitely pay a huge price!

"It's really ruthless." Jeffet Ross sighed.

Although he was stationed outside the Sun Elf King City with the Demon King Army, he seemed to have seen through everything.

"Unfortunately, none of you are the final winners."

Jeffet Rose looked at the Demon King's army behind him with a funny smile on his face. He was looking forward to the good news that Lord Demon King would bring back.

As for the battle in the Sun Elf King City, it's just a show.

Jeffet Rose was still in a good mood until his Demon Army exploded!


With a loud noise, a big explosion occurred from the ground where the Demon King's army was located, shaking all around, and then both sides fighting in the distance stopped their hands and paid attention to their side.

This also gave the Sun Elf family a chance to breathe.

Jeffet Los, who was sitting in the big tent after playing, looked not very good.

He discovered it as soon as the explosion happened. However, in order to protect the army, Jeffet Rose did not escape, but expended his strength to preserve the Demon King's army.

However, no matter who it is, they will not be happy if they come to him so suddenly.

"Who is it!" Jeffet Rose sullenly began to analyze the situation underground, and soon he found out.

"This is... a formation designed to restrain the Demon King's army!"

There is no doubt that there is such a formation, and there is only one person who can attack the Demon King's army - the brave man!
But now that the brave man is in the Sun Elf King City, it must be the brave man's subordinates who do it!

"Search for me and find the team of brave men nearby!"

Jeffet Rose's face regained a smile, but it became gloomy.

Although it is impossible for Jeffet Rose to kill the brave man easily because the devil wants to have a truce with the brave man, he can teach the other party a lesson and have fun!



Seeing that the Demon King's army in the distance was intact, Xiao Yunyun shook his head.

"It seems that there are demon generals stationed there."

Although it is a pity, Xiao Yunyun's goal has been achieved, and her manpower has not been lost.

At this time, Toyotomi Hideya was also writing and drawing on a document.

"Most of the prying eyes have been cleaned up. I believe it will be cleaned up soon, but I found Rogier and the others over there. By the way, there is also a team of brave guards nearby. They just came here. It should be to support the brave. " said Toyotomi Hideya.

"Rogier?" Xiao Yunyun frowned, "What are they doing here?"

"I don't know, but I'm watching a movie right now."

"Then let people pay attention to them. Forget it, let my people go and give them directions."

Xiao Yunyun instructed the ten subordinates behind him.

"You can just keep an eye on them from a distance. Apart from not letting them cause trouble, the other thing is to protect their safety."

"Understood, big sister!"

After sending away ten subordinates again, Xiao Yunyun withdrew his gaze.

"As for the Brave Guard, don't worry about it, wait a minute, the Demon King's army seems to have moved."

"They are going in the direction of the Brave Guard." Toyotomi Hideya's expression was a little different.

Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya glanced at each other, then skipped the topic just now.

"We are also going to sneak into the Sun Elf King City. Maybe we can get some good things. After all, the Sun Elf family is also a race with a long heritage."

"But, don't we have to wait for Ling Jun?"

"It's okay, let's go to fight the autumn wind, and we can explore the road by the way. After all, there are still demon kings and brave men there."

"Okay, I'll call someone."

"No, just you and I can go there. It's not a forced attack. Why go to so many people?"

"By the way, there is one more thing." Xiao Yunyun thought of something, "Let the future city also prepare, after this incident, the Japanese elves will definitely lose their vitality. As a force related to the elves, they must help a handful."

Toyotomi Hideya smiled and understood what Xiao Yunyun meant.

"It really needs a 'help'."



Ling Tian and Li Yinman walked in another passage.

"This is not like an ordinary cemetery," Ling Tian said.

"It's more like a sealed place." Li Yinman also saw it.

"Sure enough, as you said, this place was built to suppress some kind of existence." Li Yinman continued.

Ling Tian nodded.

"However, the sealed place is established in the form of a cemetery. Could it be that it is a place where bones are buried?"

"The main hall just now should be a sealing node, but I don't know how many such sealing nodes there are."

"Fortunately, it didn't damage there."

Ling Tian suddenly turned his direction.

"If you say that, this direction should be the road leading to the center of the seal!"


In Zhujiang's meeting room, Ling Huohuo was still playing board games with other people. As for the other Zhujiang, they left first. The same goes for Ling Zhuo and Yi Yi. Xiao Mo and Ling Xian'er also left first. The entire column made the meeting room feel empty.

Ling Huohuo suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"Game time is over!"

(End of this chapter)

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