The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 949 My Zhiyuan Hates Cheeky Men

Chapter 949 My Zhiyuan Hates Cheeky Men the Most (Part [-])
Inside the main hall of the Sun Elf King City.

The light flickered, and Yi Qianqian stood in the center of the magic circle with her eyes closed tightly, as if she was sensing something.

Elizabeth and Charlotte were also shrouded in the light of the magic circle, feeling something, and the aura of the two of them rose steadily.

On the other side, Rogier was dealing with Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya.

"I need an explanation." Xiao Yunyun thrust her waist, looked down at Rogier, and Rogier also puffed out her chest without showing any weakness.

"I won't tell you!"

Toyotomi Hideya looked at the two of them, as well as the chests of the two... they were almost indistinguishable.

Although Toyotomi Hideya knew that this was bad, but this inexplicable sense of superiority made her especially useful.

Facts have proved that strength and chest are not directly proportional.

"Actually, I think we should ensure the safety of Yi Qianqian and the others at this time. This is not a safe place. It's not too late to talk about anything when we go back." Toyotomi Xiuya smoothed things over.

Xiao Yunyun and Luo Jier looked at each other, and finally snorted coldly at the same time, turning their heads away.



This time, there were six people lying at the entrance of the cave, and all six of them were looking at the situation inside the cave.

The reason why there is light in the cave is entirely because the cave is decorated with countless night pearls.

In the cave, there are golden coffins arranged one by one.

However, apart from the coffin, there were three figures in the cave at this time.

Several people are also familiar with these three figures - the Sun Elf King, the Sun Elf Queen, and a female player.

That's right, the Sun Elf King, who was already dead, appeared here intact.

But at this time the female player seems to be a prisoner.

The Sun Elf Queen fell into a coma.

"We came a little earlier than you, and didn't hear much." Li Yinman told others what they had heard before.

"This is the king's tomb of the Sun Elf family. They seem to be taking advantage of the particularity here to deal with the corpses of the previous Sun Elf kings so that they can continue to protect the Sun Elf family. According to my inference, it should be a kind of resurrection." Ability." Ling Tian said.

"Resurrection?" The others were taken aback.

"Is resurrection really possible?" Ling Miao asked with a frown.

They all knew that the resurrection mentioned by the devil was not the kind of resurrection that appeared in the game.

Instead, it really makes life come alive again!
"Resurrection is indeed possible." Li Yinman accepted Ling Tian's words, "However, you think too highly of the Sun Elf family."

Li Yinman glanced at Ling Tian.

"If the sun elves can master the ability of free resurrection, they still need to curl up in this three-acre land?"

"Ah." Ling Tian thought for a while, and it was indeed the case.

"In my mind, with such a big move, there seems to be nothing but resurrection. Besides, in my impression, more than one person has been resurrected with the help of the power of the abyss."

The others were speechless for a while.

Well, the Demon King has been playing too high-end all the time. It's not a chance to resurrect the world. Ordinary people can't keep up with the Demon King's speed.

For the Demon King, the power of the abyss may be a spring for the resurrection of others.

Li Yinman gave Ling Tian a blank look.

"That's because you don't have much contact with them. In my memory, I don't agree with using the power of the abyss to revive. However, it is very common to use the power of the abyss to drive corpses. I guess that is the purpose of the sun elves."

"If it is driven, it must be under control, and the soul body is sealed in those coffins, so... so it is!" Ling Tian nodded.

Others were at a loss.

Boss, what are you talking about, we don’t understand, neither does Baidu!

"Now is not the time to think about those corpses. I'm worried about one thing now." Li Yinman said suddenly.

Ling Tian also frowned.

"It would be bad if that was the case."

other people:"???"

They really want to ask, can they be in the same channel with the two big shots when they are chatting?We don't understand you playing charades like this!

"Do you want to rush in now?" Lu Sisi suddenly suggested.

Although she couldn't understand, she could feel that the two big brothers must be worried that they didn't do something good.

"Rush in...if we could, we would have gone in." Ling Tian spread his hands.

"Is there a problem?" Ling Miao asked with a frown.

"Although you can see the situation inside and hear the voices inside, in fact, you can't get there through this hole. There are two spaces inside and outside, and once we try to enter violently, it will definitely cause people inside If you are vigilant, something unpredictable may happen.”

"But, it's not like this..." Actually Ling Miao wanted to say that he was timid, but thinking of the identities of the two, Ling Miao decided to be tactful.

"Hmph, things are not as simple as you think." Li Yinman said with a serious face.

"We have observed this space, and this space has been specially treated. Although it is easy for us to break through this space, it is not difficult even to destroy this space, but once we do that, the opposite space will cause huge damage to the Lost Land. The impact, maybe, will cause the collapse of the Lost Land, and even we have no way to remedy it."

Ling Tian nodded.

"And the people who arranged all this are very wicked. This space is the thing that suppresses the seal. Once this space disappears, the seal will be broken, and the sealed things will definitely appear. The abyss items will definitely bring more damage. I have to Said, the Sun Elf clan really found a good ancestral grave for themselves, others don’t have the strength to dig the grave, and those who have the strength dare not dig it.”

"I wanted to ask before, why are you so proficient at digging graves?" Li Yinman looked at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was silent for a while, and choked out four words——


The others smiled awkwardly but politely, this hobby is really peculiar.

Ling Miao also thought of his elder brother Ling Tian.

Ling Tian is different, digging graves is his main job.


In the tomb of the Elf King.

Zhiyuan felt that there were countless crap in her heart, no, it should be countless muddy horses running in her heart.

Don't you just want to assassinate the Queen of the Sun Elf?Why was he brought to this space suddenly?Moreover, I also saw the sun elf king who had been buried in the earth, he was still alive and kicking, and he became his captive.

In fact, what Zhiyuan can't bear the most is the chatter of the Sun Elf King, the so-called chattering means "cheeping crookedly" and "chattering".

From the very beginning, the Sun Elf King looked like "he has seen through everything", telling himself his arrangements and his discoveries as a winner.

Through the narration of the Sun Elf King, Zhiyuan realized that so many things happened in the calculation of the Sun Elf King, and the Sun Elf King is just a scheming boy~.

If there is no accident, the existence she temporarily follows cannot win, but what does this have to do with her?

Yeah, what does it have to do with her?
What's the point of saying so much in front of yourself with this victorious gesture?

Zhiyuan felt that if there was a chance in the future, she must rub the Sun Elf King on the ground.

I hate men with crooked "cocks" the most!
If it wasn't for being unable to force logout here, Zhiyuan would have logged out long ago.

Finally, the Sun Elf King stopped his narration.

"Next, I'll let you see the ten thousand year plan of our Sun Elf clan! Hahaha..."

At this time, Zhiyuan felt that the Sun Elf King seemed a little crazy, and... looked a little unnatural.

(End of this chapter)

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