Chapter 950 The Abyss Strikes (Part Two)
A red gas with a strange aura emerged from the Sun Elf King's feet, and immediately after that, a red strange gas began to appear on the ground in the entire cave.

That's right, it's weird!
Zhiyuan discovered that the golden pupils of the Sun Elf King had turned a tragic red.

At the same time, the red gas rising from the ground wrapped around the coffin, the body of the sun elf, the sun elf queen, and even her!

"what is this?"

"Restraint, no misery." The system said.

"Shut up!" Zhi Yuan had a bad feeling in her heart, and she was not in the mood to argue with the system.

"Host, actually, there is some bad news." The system said.


"When you are entangled by these weird forces, your game characters have a tendency to transform into entities."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, if you continue, your entity in the real world will appear here!"


Zhiyuan knew what the bad feeling was.

In any case, Zhiyuan knew that if the entity appeared here... there would be absolutely no good results!
However, it cannot be logged out now.

I'm a little flustered, what should I do?Waiting online, very urgent.

"System, what do you think?" Zhi Yuan asked.

"I don't think so, anyway, let's cool off together."

"You can see it!" Zhiyuan said angrily.

"Then what else can I do? Let me tell you, life is unsatisfactory nine out of ten times. Even though I don't want to die, but... since it can't be avoided, then I'll hold on~ I just don't know that our system is dead. Whether you have a soul or not, maybe your Huangquan Road will not be lonely."

"As a system, you don't have any first aid measures?"


"Don't just accept your fate like this, think of a way!"

"No way, wait until you die, and leave!"


"Ah, forgot, I can't run away either, let's wait for death together."

"Is there really nothing to do?"

"A solution? At this time, unless there is a miracle!"


Zhiyuan is in despair, where can she find a miracle at this time!

Then, a sword shot out from nowhere, brushed Zhiyuan's body and scattered the red gas wrapped around her body.

"What was it just now?"

"Miracle!" The system exclaimed.


"It's over!" A female voice came from behind Zhiyuan.

Li Yinman and Ling Tian stood at the entrance of the cave, while the others stood carefully behind them.

Just now, the two spaces actually began to merge, which allowed Li Yinman and Ling Tian to freely enter the space here.

However, this is not a good thing.

After Ling Tian and Li Yinman's observation, when the two spaces merge, it means that the sealed item is broken. This is definitely not good news!

And depending on the situation, the sealed thing is not an ordinary thing, it may be a passage leading to the abyss!

The Japanese elves are courting death!
The Sun Elf King also looked in the direction of the cave entrance, with a weird smile on his lips.

"Unfortunately, it's too late."

Roars came from under the feet of the crowd, and the golden coffins on the ground, which were surrounded by red gas, trembled violently.

The Sun Elf Queen also opened her eyes, which were also blood red at this time.


on the ground.

The light of the magic circle dissipated.

Yi Qianqian stood steadily in the middle of the magic circle, looking happy.

The eyelids of Elizabeth and Charlotte trembled, and then they opened their eyes, and the majesty in their eyes flashed past.

At this time, the strength of the two of them has undergone an earth-shaking change—the ninth rank!
Through the blessing of the kingly way, the inheritance in the two people's bodies was thoroughly stimulated, making the inheritance exert its due power!

"Kingship reigns supreme!" Charlotte said.

"Oath to victory!" Elizabeth.

The two took a deep breath and began to feel the power in their bodies.

Then, both of them smiled.

Powerful, they have never been so powerful!
"It's over?" Xiao Yunyun asked after seeing this scene.

"No." Rogier's mouth curled up, "It's just the beginning!"

While Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya were puzzled, Yi Qianqian opened her eyes. At this time, Yi Qianqian's eyes had a pair of golden pupils, lofty and emotionless!
"King, you are a human being, not a human being, and transcending human beings!" Rogier said.

Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya looked at Yi Qianqian with serious faces.

At this moment, Yi Qianqian was obviously not quite right!
Yi Qianqian stepped out of the magic circle, and at the same time, the golden color in her eyes disappeared, turning back into a pair of ordinary pupils.

"Huh?" Yi Qianqian looked at herself curiously, "It seems that nothing has changed?"

Yi Qianqian felt nothing.

"Nonsense, the addition of kingship is not the empowerment of strength, it will be abnormal if you improve your strength!" Rogier walked over and said.

"Then I..."

"In short, your physique has been opened up. Today is to help you lay a good foundation. In the future, you need to go on your own."

"Oh." Yi Qianqian nodded with a half understanding.

"Hiss, by the way, why do I feel that something is wrong around me?" Yi Qianqian suddenly shrank her neck.

Others also looked at Yi Qianqian at this time, and felt that, except for the change in Yi Qianqian's temperament, other things really remained the same, and the situation just now seemed to be illusory.

"There really is no difference." Xiao Yunyun sighed.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yunyun suddenly saw a wisp of brown gas floating from the cracks in the floor tiles.

"This is... not good!"

Having been in the devil world for a year, Xiao Yunyun is no stranger to this red gas!
"No, everyone get out of here!" Xiao Yunyun immediately warned.

"what happened?"

"There's no time to explain, get out of here quickly, try to fly as high as possible, don't be entangled by this red gas!" Xiao Yunyun said quickly.

At this time, other people also noticed the red gas floating up from the gaps in the floor tiles. Although they didn't know what the red gas was, this did not prevent them from judging from Xiao Yunyun's appearance that this red gas was dangerous!
Several people heeded Xiao Yunyun's warning, and then quickly left the palace hall to get rid of the shackles of the red gas.

Yi Qianqian was also caught by Rogier and flew into the sky.

It wasn't until they flew into the sky that they discovered that not only the palace hall, but also the Sun Tree as the center, the entire underground of the Sun Elf king city was emitting this red gas.

The sun tree also withered at a speed visible to the naked eye under the cover of this red gas, gradually losing its former vitality.

"The abyss is coming!" Xiao Yunyun's face became very ugly. The abyssal aura of this level erupted, clearly the appearance of the abyss channel being opened!
At this time, in the air, the power of purple condensed, and soon a huge channel appeared, and then the channel continued to widen.

"It's Ling Jun." Toyotomi Xiuya sensed Ling Huohuo's aura and looked at the sky in surprise.

But Xiao Yunyun couldn't be happy anymore.

Don't come early, don't come late, what are you doing here at this time?
An abyss channel is opened below, and you open a void channel above, or open it opposite, how about playing?

This is completely hit the muzzle!

In the void passage, Ling Huohuo looked down at the city below.

"Feel the void... huh? Nobody?"

What Ling Huohuo didn't expect was that the Sun Elf King City below turned into an empty city at some point!
Then who will I show this coercive outfit?

(End of this chapter)

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