The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 951 The confrontation between the abyss and the void

Chapter 951 The confrontation between the abyss and the void (one more)
At this time, a spectacular scene appeared in the Sun Elf King City.

Red gas emerged from under the Sun Elf King City, covering the Sun Elf King City into a strange city.

The Sun Tree, which was originally bright and full of life, also turned blood red, looking strange.

And above the Sun Elf King City, there is a huge dark purple passage, bottomless, as if it wants to swallow everything that comes close.

The passageway just shrouded the top of the Sun Elf King City.

The sky is falling and the earth is falling, but that's all.

The Sun Elf family outside the Sun Elf King City looked at the appearance of the Sun Elf King City at this time, and they were all silent.

At the same time, the Sun elves are more convinced of Niya, the princess who "saved" them.

In an instant, the Japanese elves had basically returned to Niya, which was unexpected by Niya, and it was a surprise for Niya.

"Everyone evacuate here, it's not safe anymore!" Niya gave the order to retreat.

Today's Sun Elf clan did not resist Niya's order at all, but began to evacuate in an orderly manner.

As for Niya, before leaving, she took one last look at the Sun Elf King City at this time, her eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Jeffet Rose looked at the Sun Elf King City at this time, and opened his mouth in shock.

"Abyss, void... what's going on?"

Thinking that Ling Tian was still in the Sun Elf King City, Jeffet Rose immediately issued an order.

"We withdraw!"

Well, that's right, to retreat.

Nonsense, Lord Demon King can't die, and if Lord Demon King can't solve it, he will also deliver food and drag Lord Demon King down.

The Demon King Army has always adhered to the "lone wolf policy" policy.

However, the subordinates I brought here are not immune to death, so I still have to save these subordinates first.

The Demon King's Army has always been like this.

On the battlefield, the only one who will go to rescue the soldiers is the Demon King Army.

However, in contrast to the Demon King's Army, the Brave Guard is different.

"Let's go over to support the brave man!"

Although it was ravaged by the demon generals of the Demon King's Army just now, no casualties were caused, and the combat effectiveness was still intact.

"Now is the time for our guards to be loyal! Everything is for the brave man! For this world!"

"For the brave man! For this world!"

"For the brave man! For..."


Shouting slogans, the brave guard rushed to the mutated Sun Elf King City.

On the other side, Xiao Yunyun's subordinates also tentatively approached the mutated Sun Elf King City.

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Yunyun's voice sounded from above everyone's heads.

Surprised smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

"Sister, are you alright?"

"You are the only one who has trouble!" Xiao Yunyun said angrily.

"Aren't we worried that something happened to you? We want to save you."

"It's just you? With your strength, you used to deliver food in the past, so hurry up, and run away if you encounter such a situation in the future, okay, stop talking nonsense, you all withdraw first!"

"What about you, big sister?"

"Me? I'll see if I can get any benefits."

Xiao Yunyun didn't intend to leave at this time.

Nonsense, where is my husband, why do I run away?
Xiao Yunyun's subordinates nodded.

"Okay, big sister, let's go first, you stay safe by yourself."

"Don't talk nonsense, if you don't leave, it will be too late."



Watching his subordinates leave, Xiao Yunyun also took Toyotomi Hideya and others to retreat a certain distance, observing the development of the matter from a distance.


Ling Huohuo stared at the Sun Elf King City below, frowning.

"Hongshuang, what do you think?" Ling Huohuo asked Hongshuang who appeared behind him.

"There must be something strange about this matter."

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"However, the breath is a bit familiar, it is..."


Ling Huohuo's eyelids twitched.

"Isn't this the place where the abyss passage is sealed?"

There is a memory about the abyss in the memory of the previous void sage.

Before the Void Sage became the Void Sage, there was an abyss invasion of the Lost Lands, and a passage leading to the Abyss was opened somewhere in the Lost Lands.

In order to solve the abyss invasion, the Lost Land paid a heavy price, but in the end, the abyss passage was not completely blocked, not because it didn't want to, but because there was no way.

It's a pity that the abyss wise man didn't have enough status and status at that time, and he didn't know the specific location of the abyss passage.

Now it seems that the elf king city is very likely to be built on the abyss passage.

Thinking about it this way is really exciting.

Ling Huohuo suddenly remembered something again, as if...he was also being targeted by creatures from the abyss!
Remember the Abyssal Devourer from Trash Mountain?

In order to clean up the rubbish mountain, Ling Huohuo brutally killed the ghost worm boss in the garbage mountain. However, the ghost worm boss is actually the carrier chosen by the abyss devourer for himself, and after Ling Huohuo killed the ghost worm, he not only destroyed The partial consciousness of the Abyss Devourer also triggered two tasks, both of which were related to the abyss.

And what Ling Huohuo did at the beginning was almost equivalent to scaring the snake, which triggered the arrival of the abyss.

"By the way, what happened this time won't be related to what I did back then?" Ling Huohuo was lost in thought, and the answer was—very possible.

Although Ling Huohuo was not the main reason for all this to happen, it promoted the process of what happened.

Look at this pot, it's big and round.

Ling Huohuo rubbed his face, he was about to confront Abyss.


I, Ling Huohuo, don't hesitate!
Isn't it the abyss?

My Void Clan expressed dissatisfaction!
When the abyss invaded back then, there was no void clan, and just like the abyss, we, the void, also invaded the lost land, so we, the void, are not necessarily weaker than the abyss!
"Everyone is ready to fight!"

Ling Huohuo gave the order.

This time Ling Huohuo not only brought the Hundred Ghosts of the Void, but also the existence of other Void Clans!

And before the arrival of the creatures from the abyss, the contest between the abyss and the void had already begun!

The power of the void fell into the Sun Elf King City, distorting everything in the Sun Elf King City, and the lifeless houses turned into irrational and strange creatures.

However, the power of the abyss also annihilated a lot of void power at the same time.

Around the most important sun tree, the abyss power and the void power had a fierce confrontation, vying for the erosion of the sun tree.

Suddenly, a violent explosion occurred on the ground near the Sun Tree, and several figures rushed out of the explosion.

Ling Huohuo originally thought it was an enemy, but after a closer look, emm...

They are all acquaintances!

Demon king, brave man, needless to say.

What's the situation with Ling Miao and Yin Ya here?
There are also Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi, why are they still there? Wait, Guo Xiaoyu is such a body?What the hell is the breath of the tree origin?

Sure enough, the son of luck is the most annoying thing!
The last one... seems to be a paper kite.

Did they meet down there before?

(End of this chapter)

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