The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 952 Use the power of the void to cut a knife into this world

Chapter 952 Use the Power of the Void to Cut the World (Part [-])
After coming out, everyone felt the power of the void spreading in the city, which also made everyone's hearts relax.

When it comes to emptiness, other people's expressions change, but it doesn't matter, we know each other very well!
But can't show it now.

"Is it void? It's too dangerous here, let's send people out first." Ling Tian said to Li Yinman.

Li Yinman also thought this way, so he nodded.

Afterwards, the two opened the way ahead and rushed outside with the others.

"My capable brother, I will leave the rest of the matter to you, I just got it~" Ling Tian said silently in his heart.

And Ling Huohuo secretly let a few people go, and watched them leave.

Although Ling Huohuo didn't mind taking this opportunity to give the Demon King a hard time, but the Demon King protected Ling Miao and the others, and Ling Huohuo couldn't do it because of emotion and reason.

However, Ling Huohuo's attention was quickly attracted by another group of people.

A lot of figures rushed out of the cave where Ling Miao and the others appeared just now, and their bodies were entwined with the aura of the abyss!
"Huh? What does that look like? They seem to be all sun elves." Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows.

These sun elves are exactly the sun elf king and the existence that crawled out of the sun elf king's tomb!

At this time, they all got the power of the abyss.

And Ling Huohuo looked at so many sun elves entwined with the breath of the abyss, and felt that he could not see the situation clearly.

"I always feel like I've missed something." Ling Huohuo murmured.

However, in any case, it did not affect Ling Huohuo's shot.

The existence with abyss breath on his body is his enemy!

Ling Huohuo released more void power towards the more than 50 figures that came out, and dealt with these day elves with his own hands.

With the support of the entire Void family, Ling Huohuo's strength has now reached a new height, and the battle at this time is not a contest of strength, but a contest between the power of the void and the power of the abyss!

As soon as the Sun Elf King rushed out with his awakened ancestors, he realized that something was wrong outside.

It's okay for the power of the abyss to cover the royal city, and it's normal for the people in the city to evacuate, but what's the situation with these void powers?
The void has invaded again?

Then, the Sun Elf King discovered that these void forces seemed to be directed at them!

"what is this?"

"Damn it, it's the power of the void!"

"What the hell!"

"Ah, my body, don't touch that place!"

"Ah~ don't come in, Yayu~"

"Oh yeah~"

"Ah, um, ah~"


Feeling the void power that was eroding the abyss power in his body, the face of the Sun Elf King changed drastically.

Being eroded by these void forces... It's quite comfortable, bah!

"No, I can't continue to be eroded!" The Sun Elf King shook his head, but he knew what would happen after being eroded by the power of the void and sinking into the void.

Except for the Void Clan and special existences, people with insufficient strength, whoever touches the power of the Void, will die!

The abyss represents perdition and evil, a collection of all evils, while the void represents nothingness and chaos.

In fact, there is no distinction between the two forces. After all, they are not in the same system. However, it is undeniable that these two forces are not good forces.

However, the Sun Elf Kings at this time are not pure creatures of the abyss, but borrow the power of the abyss. The power of the abyss in their bodies is like a rootless weed. Once the power of the abyss in their bodies is consumed, they will face the void power, and at that time...

All the sun elves realized the seriousness of the situation, and they began to absorb a lot of abyss power around them, and Ling Huohuo also took the opportunity to intensify their targeting. Finally, some sun elves with insufficient stamina were overwhelmed by the void power.


With an unknown groan, several sun elves disappeared into the void power.

And as the sun elves were eroded by the power of the void, the other sun elves disappeared one by one like dominoes.

It turned out that at some point, the power of the void had sealed them in, isolating them from the power of the abyss outside, preventing them from absorbing a large amount of power from the abyss. It was only a matter of time before they were swallowed by the void.

Finally, faced with such a desperate situation, one sun elf began to attack other sun elves!

The remaining sun elves began to rob each other of the abyss power in others.

Everyone has been the king of the sun elves, or the powerful generation of the sun elves, how could they accept their fate?

However, such a struggle still can't change anything, it's just a dying struggle.

"No!!! Ah~~~~"

Finally, as the Sun Elf King and Sun Elf Queen were swallowed by the void power, this confrontation between the void power and the abyss power came to an end.

Ling Huohuo has nothing to be happy about, bullying the elves these days is nothing to be proud of, and from such a long confrontation, Ling Huohuo can see that the power of the abyss can really confront the power of the void.

This is the first time that Ling Huohuo has encountered a force that can resist the erosion of void power.

Of course, the power of the gods can also block the erosion of the power of the void, but that can only be done under the immortal blessing of the gods.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo knew that what he had to face next was the real abyssal forces, and it would be a tough battle.

However, it is impossible for Ling Huohuo to just wait, Ling Huohuo is thinking about how to solve this abyss passage.

The Void family is not afraid of the forces of the abyss, but allowing the forces of the abyss to attack is a mentally retarded behavior!

And Ling Huohuo has already thought of a method, that is, this method is very bold, but it can be tried.

Ling Huohuo took the lead and began to gather the power of the Void Clan.

Ling Huohuo is going to use the power of the void to attack the abyss channel.

If it succeeds, this space will be erased directly, and the abyss passage will naturally disappear. Although a hole has been opened in the space of the Lost Land, it will not be a loss to eliminate an abyss passage.

The reason why Ling Huohuo dared to do this was because of the devouring and melting characteristics of the power of the genetic abyss, which also represented the inertia of the power of the void-that is, it would not explode and spread easily.

In other words, the power of the void will only target the target, and will not affect the space in other areas.

If other forces of the same strength do this, although the abyss channel will disappear, the entire continent of the lost land of the conference will almost fall apart in the shock of the power explosion.

After all, this is a world without origin.

Therefore, the void power that can melt space like melting snow is most suitable for this kind of thing.

Painless abortion... Ahem, probably similar.

Finally, while the power of the abyss was spreading more, Ling Huohuo was ready.

"The void dissolves!"

At this time, in the abyss passage, a huge figure rushed out ferociously, just facing the falling void power.

"I am the Devourer of the Abyss, ants, look up...ah!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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