The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 953 Devourer of the Abyss, gg

Chapter 953 Devourer of the Abyss, gg (one more)
"Who is sneaking up on me?!!"

A roar sounded from the place where the power of the void and the power of the abyss were mixed, without concealing the killing intent in it.

Ling Huohuo could feel that a malicious existence was rushing out from the abyss passage below.

"Abyssal creature?" Ling Huohuo's face was serious, but his power output increased a bit.


A huge figure rushed out of the chaotic force, with a size of thousands of meters!
This is a disgusting, strange-looking giant flesh-worm-like creature. Its body is covered with weird tentacles and carrion. The gaping mouth is full of fangs. Corrosive saliva flows down the corners of the mouth, exuding Foul and pungent odor.

This is—the Devourer of Abyss!
"The Devourer of the Abyss, one of the top monsters in the abyss." On the other side, Ling Tian recognized the identity of the Devourer of the Abyss.

"Is this the Devourer of the Abyss? It's the first time I've seen it. It's so disgusting." Li Yinman said.

Ling Tian nodded.

Ling Tian, ​​who has lived in the Demon Realm for most of his life, has a deeper understanding of the abyss than anyone else.

"The Devourer of the Abyss can devour all the existences he encounters, feeds on greed, grows from decay, is powerful, and...disgusting." Ling Tian introduced.

"How is the actual strength?" Li Yinman asked.

"I'm not very clear, I haven't fought against each other, but I know that the Abyss Devourer wanders under the earth all year round, devouring everything he encounters, and has destroyed countless worlds. Fortunately, the creatures of the Abyss are not gods, not immortal Indestructible."

The communication between Ling Tian and Li Yinman did not hide other people's backs, which made others nervously watching the Devourer of the Abyss raging in the distance.

"What is the abyss?" Ling Miao suddenly asked with a frown.

"You stare at the abyss, and the abyss is also staring at you." Ling Tian said, "No one knows exactly when the abyss was born, and no one knows what the abyss looks like. Being swallowed by the abyss, everyone knows that the abyss exists in the demon world, but even the creatures in the demon world have very limited understanding of the abyss."

"However, after studying the power of the abyss, we have learned that the power of the abyss is more like a mixture of countless chaotic negative forces, which makes people instinctively disgusted." Li Yinman continued.

"The abyss is not simple, because of the characteristics of the power of the abyss, it can be said that the abyss can open a channel in any world where there are living creatures. The negative power is the guidance of the abyss, and the creatures in the abyss are also called the forces of the abyss. The forces of the abyss invade The other planes have no purpose, just like a group of existences for destruction, they want to pull everything into the abyss, if the power of the demon world is not weak, the abyss would have wiped out the demon world long ago."

Li Yinman nodded.

"What's even more frightening is that the existence of the abyssal forces is not the kind of beast that only knows how to destroy, and the existence of the abyssal forces also has cunning wisdom."

"Although the beings in the abyss do not know whether they are immortal, they cannot be killed. Maybe, as long as the heavens and worlds still exist, the abyss will exist." Ling Tian sighed.

"So scary?" Guo Xiaoyu patted her chest, looking frightened.

"Actually, the existence of the abyss is normal. After all, every world has its bad things." Ling Tian finally added.

"The abyss or the void... which one is stronger?" Lu Sisi asked.

"There is nothing to compare, after all, they are all outside the rules, but..." Ling Tian's eyes flickered, "In this situation, the final victory should be Void."

"Why?" Yin Ya was a little curious.

"Because... that big bug is fighting alone." Ling Tian smiled.

It's not the right time for the Devourer of the Abyss to appear.


The surge of void power stopped, and people outside could see clearly what was going on inside.

The hideous and disgusting abyss is entrenched outside the former elf king's city, confronting the void passage in midair.

And at the location where the Sun Elf King City was before, a dark purple passage appeared there.

"How dare you, how dare you..." The Devourer of Abyss roared at the void above his head, as if he had been stimulated by something.

"What about the abyss channel?"

People watching from a distance also noticed the problem.

The passage to the abyss is gone, and what appeared there was only a missing void. The Lost Land was at the location of the Sun Elf King City, which was completely cut off by the power of the void and annihilated.

In other words, the abyss channel disappeared.

And the only one who reached this world through the abyss passage was the Abyss Devourer.

Ling Huohuo didn't expect that it was this guy who arrived.

However, although there is only one Abyss Devourer, Ling Huohuo dare not underestimate him.

The strength of the Devourer of the Abyss... very strong!
And unlike those of the previous Sun Elf family, those Sun Elf were only infected with the power of the abyss, they were rootless duckweeds, and the Abyss Devourer itself could represent the abyss!

The Devourer of the Abyss vented wantonly, with a huge mouth, a large piece of soil or other existence was eaten by the Devourer of the Abyss and disappeared.

Ling Huohuo stared at the Devourer of the Abyss venting on the ground, and after a while, Ling Huohuo's eyes became a little strange.

"The Devourer of the Abyss below, let me ask you, you can't...can't fly?"

For such a long time, apart from venting on the mud, the Devourer of the Abyss did not take any action against Ling Huohuo and the others that caused the disappearance of the abyss passage.

Hearing Ling Huohuo's question, the Devourer of the Abyss froze, and then continued to roar at Ling Huohuo.

"Is it amazing to be able to fly?"

"Sorry." Ling Huohuo looked at the Void Clan flying behind him, and then looked at the Abyss Devourer on the ground, "It's really amazing to be able to fly."

Devourer of the Abyss: "..."

The Abyss Devourer was greatly stimulated, and the abyss power in its body exploded violently.

"Damn guy, I want to devour this world, hahaha, devour everything!"

Shouting, the Devourer of the Abyss plunged into the ground, starting from its feet, and devouring in all directions.

"The Devourer of the Abyss cannot be let loose!" Ling Huohuo frowned.

"But if you confront it head-on, it will cause more damage to this world." Zhou Zi said suddenly.

Ling Huohuo, the Devourer of the Abyss, is not very afraid, but it is not worth fighting.

"Since such an opening has been made, let's exile the Devourer of the Abyss to the void." Ling Huohuo said, "In the void, I don't know how long the Devourer of the Abyss can last."

With a wave of Ling Huohuo's hand, a giant hand condensed from the power of the void pulled the Devourer of the Abyss out of the ground, and then threw it into the gap in the void where the former Elf King City was.

"No, the abyss will come again, when the time comes..." The Devourer of the Abyss disappeared into the endless void without knowing life or death without even finishing a sentence.

Ling Huohuo clapped his hands.

"Finish work."

(End of this chapter)

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