Chapter 954 Big Marriage (Second Update, 4000)

Is it over...?

The answer is, probably over.

The Hero and the Demon Lord reached an agreement.

Successfully thwarted the conspiracy of the abyss.

Guo Xiaoyu harvested the origin of wood.

No one died.

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations... Damn!

Now there is a problem in front of Ling Huohuo.

How is the hole he made in the Lost Lands going to be plugged?
And, that's not the crux of the matter.

The crux of the matter is——

In the past two days, when Ling Huohuo browsed the posts, he found that after the players had seen the battlefield, they didn't even know that there was an abyss invading. They only saw that the void opened a hole in the lost land. That is to say, Void can also open a hole in their house?
Thinking hard.

Today, a topic called "Void Threat" is on fire.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo's game account, because of the professional name - "Void Sage", has also affected Ling Huohuo. Many people hope that Ling Huohuo can stand up and explain what the void is!
Although the hole was indeed opened by Ling Huohuo, it is impossible for Ling Huohuo to go out and explain to others.

Then, on the third day when the incident gradually fermented, something happened again, which made Ling Huohuo decide to move!

Move to the futuristic city of the Lost Lands and let others not find you!

"System Announcement: The chapter "The Battle Between Good and Evil" is over!"

"Content: The brave man and the devil reached an agreement to ease the war due to some things, and it ended in a draw for the time being, looking forward to the follow-up."

"Reward settlement:..."

"Announcement: "On the Transformation of Virtual Games and Real Power"..."


"A new chapter is about to start, so stay tuned."

"A new chapter - "The Past in the Void · Once Upon a Lost World""



The sudden end of the chapter of "The Lost World", "The Controversy between Good and Evil", is something no one expected.

Everyone has thought that there will be many earth-shattering wars. In the end, only one of the devil and the brave can stand, and finally affect the direction of the world.

However, what no one expected was that the two reconciled? !

Finally ended in a draw!

The world is not affected at all!
Everyone has an MMP to say, and they said it right away.

Two big brothers, what about your morals?
Well, the two are big bosses, no one can control them.

Although it is a bit anticlimactic, this is the fact. Some things look complicated, but they are actually very simple, and some things, complicated, will become a drag.

However, according to incomplete statistics, this time, both the Demon King and the Brave camp have withdrawn many players, and the number of neutral players has increased sharply. The relevant personnel speculate that the future of the game may continue in the neutral camp.

Anyway, the camp of the brave and the devil is not very popular for the time being.

In addition to the sudden end of the chapter, the beginning of a new chapter also diverted the players' attention.

Although the specific content has not been announced, but based on the name, it is also known that it is related to "void".

And speaking of the void.

Ling Huohuo, who shined at the carnival, has attracted much attention.

Because he is currently the only player related to "Void"!

Many forces have started Ling Huohuo's idea, but it's a pity that Ling Huohuo moved one step ahead of schedule.

In fact, Ling Huohuo also knows about the new chapter, and has also communicated with the world consciousness. The new chapter will be a chapter of great unification of the lost land. Although it is named Void, Ling Huohuo has no reason to refuse.

But the players couldn't find Ling Huohuo, so their eyes fell on those guilds and studios related to Ling Huohuo.

It's a pity that Ling Huohuo never showed his face.

In addition to things related to the game process, the "Conversion of Virtual Game and Real Strength" announced by the game also aroused discussions among players. Only then did everyone know that the strength in the game can be transferred to the real world!
Although some people have done it before, but very few, and it is impossible to tell others casually.

And now, according to this article, players really understand this aspect, and then...

Players are even more enthusiastic about the game!

This is an extraordinary opportunity for all!

The center of gravity of the whole world has shifted to the game again.

The whole world became turbulent again.


As for our protagonist, Ling Huohuo, he is tidying himself up in front of the mirror.

Ling Huohuo changed into a handsome suit for a rare occasion, and combed his hair to look like an adult.

Xiao Yunyun helped Ling Huohuo tie his tie, and Toyotomi Xiuya arranged Ling Huohuo's clothes. At this time, the two of them also looked dressed up.

Not only them, but also the other people around Ling Huohuo, who were dressed more formally than usual.

What happened?

Today is the wedding of Ling Huohuo's eldest brother, Ling Tian!

And the bride is Li Yinman.

The door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Ling Miao, who was dressed formally, walked in with Yin Ya, who was wearing a white dress.

"Second brother, the wedding is about to begin, and the best man is about to arrive."

"Immediately!" Ling Huohuo finally adjusted her clothes, with a smile on her face, and walked out of the room with Ling Miao.

"Alright, our bridesmaids are going to the bride's place too." Xiao Yunyun pulled Yin Ya and left the room with the others.

After a while, in the room, Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao looked at the elder brother Ling Tian who was walking around nervously, with helpless smiles on their faces.

Father Ling stood in front of the window and sighed. Thinking of his eldest son getting married, Father Ling felt a little melancholy.

"Old, old~"

Ling's father still remembers when he and Ling's mother got married back then, there were no conditions at that time, just the two of them exchanged tokens at the seaside of Zhonghai City, and then, until now...

Ding Ning and Lynch were also wearing suits, looking at Ling Tian who was spinning around in place, with smiles on their faces.

On the other side, the bride's room was about to become more lively. A group of women were chatting twitteringly. Ling's mother was holding Ling Xue, smiling very brightly, and at the same time comforting Li's mother who was crying.

As a mother, her daughter is about to get married, and Li's mother still has a lot of reluctance in her heart.

Xiao Yunyun and Yin Ya are also helping Li Yinman dress up.

"Sister Li must be the most beautiful one today." Yin Ya said.

Toyotomi Hideya smiled while holding the jewelry, "From today onwards, I should be called sister-in-law."

Everyone else laughed, Li Yinman blushed a little, and then snorted coldly.

"It's really cheap for that guy." Li Yinman looked at himself in the mirror, and gently touched his face with one hand. The smile on his face was called happiness.

Guo Xiaoyu stroked her chin while Lu Sisi looked at her curiously.

"Why are you so quiet today?"

"I'm thinking about organizing the wedding for you and Ling Huohuo." Guo Xiaoyu said solemnly.

Lu Sisi rolled her eyes and ignored Guo Xiaoyu.

At the same time, Luo Jier was filling Yi Qianqian with chicken soup.

"As a king, you must be on top when you consummate the house with my father."

Yi Qianqian: "..."

Zhou Zi glanced at Luo Jier speechlessly, marriage or something...

I don't know why Ling Huohuo appeared in Zhou Zi's mind.

Wait, she originally belonged to a man!
On the outside, people who are familiar with Yaotian Moren Studio, Wutong Studio, Yiwu Studio, NG Studio, etc. are already in place.

Ling Huohuo and the others had a lot of acquaintances, and everyone who could come came.

Even Ling Nu, who is far away in Japan, was invited by NG to come to the scene.

Fudo Mingwang and Ling Yaoyao also rushed back.

Ling Zhuo also pulled his sister to sit on the chair.

Xiao Mo also sat silently in the corner.

He didn't know why he came.

In the front row, there were twelve men and women sitting there, grabbing the best seats, but no one knew them.

In fact, they were the twelve magic generals who came over after dressing up.

The devil king of their own family is getting married, so they will naturally come over.

In contrast, the elders of the Demon Race hid far away at the back.

Although many people came to the wedding scene, there were not many people.

Finally, the wedding began.

The church bells rang.

Ling Tian and his best men Ling Huohuo, Ling Miao, Ding Ning and Lin Qi stood beside the priest.

And the priest is - Raphael.

At this moment, Rafael was wearing a divine attire, holding a Bible in his hand.

If there are ready-made angels, what do you use priests for?
Happy squatted at the door, and the goldfinch landed on the wreath with the green cotton bird and three chestnut bird.

The door of the church opened slowly, and two figures appeared at the door.

Ling Tian swallowed, feeling nervous.

Father Li walked in with Li Yinman.

At this moment, Li Yinman was wearing a pure white wedding dress.

Looking at Li Yinman's appearance, Ling Tian couldn't think of any words to describe it for a while, and a word emerged in his mind - the beauty of the prosperous age!
It wasn't until Li Yinman came in front of Ling Tian that Ling Tian realized that he touched his nose in embarrassment.

Li Yinman gave Ling Tian a blank look.

"The wedding has officially begun!" Raphael announced in a rare and serious manner.

The church was quiet for a while, looking solemn and solemn.

Both Ling Tian and Li Yinman subconsciously stood up straight, and they took a breath at the same time.

It's okay if you face thousands of troops, but getting the first time.

"Today we gather in front of the Lord and the guests for the sacred wedding ceremony of Mr. Ling Tian and Miss Li Yinman. This is a precious treasure left by the Lord since the creation of the world. Therefore, it is not allowed to enter at will. Be respectful and serious. At this holy moment, these two can be united. If anyone knows any reason why this marriage cannot be established, please speak up, or keep silent forever." Rafael said skillfully.

She had rehearsed with Gabriel and Vinette many times before.

"Who married the bride to the groom?" Raphael asked loudly.

"My wife and I." Father Li said, and then he looked at Ling Tian.

"My dear, I will leave my Yinman to you. If you treat her badly, I will break your leg." Father Li's voice was choked with sobs.

"Father." Li Yinman called out embarrassedly.

Ling Tian became serious instead, and nodded seriously.

"Don't worry, uncle, I won't let Yinman down."

Hearing Ling Tian's assurance, Father Li nodded in satisfaction, and put Li Yinman's hand on Ling Tian's hand, and squeezed his hands twice, Li Yinman felt a little embarrassed.

After delivering Li Yinman to Ling Tian, ​​Father Li sat in the reserved seat in the front row. Father Ling was beside him, and Father Ling patted Father Li on the shoulder.

Mother Ling and Mother Li sat on the other side.

And the twelve people behind them seemed even more excited.

That's right, they are the Twelve Demon Generals in disguise.

Eisfeldt actually shed tears of emotion.

"It hasn't started yet, why are you crying?" Besiqi asked.

"It's okay, cry again later." Esfelt waved his hand.


At this time, Ling Tian also led Li Yinman to Rafael.

Raphael spoke again.

"I command you to confess before the Lord any reason that hinders your union. Remember that anyone whose union is not in accordance with the Word of God, their marriage is void."

Ling Tian resisted the thought of going back and beheading the master, and nodded.

"Groom, are you willing to marry the bride?"

"Yes, I am willing!" Ling Tian said seriously.

"Would you like to be with her forever, whether she is rich or poor in the future, or healthy or unwell in the future?"

"Yes I do!"

Raphael turned to Li Yinman.

"Bride, are you willing to marry the groom?"

"Yes, I am willing!" Li Yinman also said seriously.

"Would you like to be with him forever no matter whether he is rich or poor in the future, or whether he will be healthy or unwell in the future?"

"Yes I do!"

"Well, in the name of the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son, I declare that the bride and groom are married."

There was warm applause from below.

"Please exchange wedding rings."

Ling Tian and Li Yinman took out the rings they had prepared and put them on for each other. Their expressions were so serious and serious.

This is not a simple wedding, but a promise of eternal life!
"Now, the groom can kiss the bride." Raphael said again, with a happy smile on his face again.

Ling Tian's old face turned red.

"it's not good."

"Why are you shy!" Li Yinman burst out of impulse from nowhere, pulled Ling Tian's head and kissed it directly.

Ling Tian's body froze for a moment, and then he began to respond to Li Yinman.

One kiss, forever.

The guests stood up excitedly and clapped their hands enthusiastically.

"No, no, my lord..."


"No, no, I'm so touched."

Lu Sisi stayed away from Guo Xiaoyu, who was starting to get sick again.

Yin Ya glanced at Ling Miao shyly, Ling Miao touched her nose in embarrassment, and turned her eyes to the other side.

As for Ling Huohuo, he felt several eyes on him, making him dare not move.

In other words, isn't it a bit much?

At this time, Ling Miao came to Ling Huohuo's ear.

"Second brother, well, it doesn't take so long to kiss." Ling Miao asked curiously. He is also a person who is going to get married, so he is more concerned about the wedding.

Ling Huohuo pouted.

"Just look at it, what do you care about so much?"

"Oh." Ling Miao nodded, and then clapped violently with Ling Huohuo.

A group of white pigeons flew from outside the church, to the sky, to the distant and unknown future...

【End of this volume】

(End of this chapter)

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