The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 956 Zhonghai No. 1 High School

Chapter 956 Zhonghai No. [-] High School (Part [-])
When the class was over, Ling Huohuo did not leave directly, but carried Ling Xue to the old lady's side, and helped the old lady up.

"Thank you, Xiaoling."

"It should." Ling Huohuo laughed.

The old lady's name, Ling Huohuo, is not clear, but people who know the old lady call her Aunt Ying.

Everyone is curious about Ling Huohuo, a special student, and naturally they all know Ling Huohuo and Ling Xue.

It is really rare to learn parenting with a younger sister.

When they heard that Ling Huohuo was still unmarried, some people thought of protecting Ling Huohuo as a mediator. Fortunately, Ling Huohuo said in time that he had a girlfriend, so he dispelled other people's ideas.

"Xiao Ling, do you have time to play mahjong with me today?" Aunt Ying smiled.

Ling Huohuo thought for a while, then nodded.

"There's nothing to do today, let's go together."

"it is good."

The place where they are going to play mahjong is a childcare center specially opened for mothers. The owner is actually a daughter of Aunt Ying.

There are professional childcare teachers there, and mothers can sit together to rest and chat, or study. The mahjong table is next to the childcare center, which is set by Aunt Ying herself.

According to Aunt Ying, taking care of children can't be hard for adults, can it?

Soon, Ling Huohuo sent Ling Xue to a professional parenting teacher. Ling Xue was not distressed, she was always well-behaved, and she was very curious about strange things.

Ling Huohuo also followed Aunt Ying to the mahjong room next door.

It was not the first time Ling Huohuo came here to play mahjong with Aunt Ying, and he also met many poker friends.

Because most of the people here are mothers, the environment here is very good, and most of them are women, and there are no messy people.

Seeing Ling Huohuo's arrival, some women greeted Ling Huohuo, and some brave ones patted Ling Huohuo's buttocks.

"Xiao Ling's butt is up. I don't know which girl will be cheaper in the future."

Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth, no matter what he said, it sounded wrong.

Soon, Ling Huohuo and Aunt Ying called two women to form a table.

In fact, they are women, but most of them are married wives in their 30s, and they are all well-versed, and many of them are the kind with good looks.

After all, it is not the daughter-in-law of ordinary families who can take the time to bring their children to the childcare center and stay next door to play mahjong.

If an ordinary man came here, his hormones would definitely be abnormally secreted. Fortunately, Ling Huohuo didn't have this kind of situation, and he was still stable.

If you can't stand it, you have to weigh the hatchets at home.

"Xiao Ling, I've never seen you go out to work. What do you do? Ertong." A wife and poker friend asked Ling Huohuo while playing mahjong.

Ling Huohuo then drew a card, which was [-], and kept it, and then Ling Huohuo played a three of a kind.

"San Tiao, me, I'm investing at home now, and I don't usually do anything. When I'm free, I start helping my parents with their children."

"Didn't you have a job before? Ten thousand." Another wife and poker friend asked.

"I also worked. I used to teach in foreign universities, but I didn't like doing it, so I came back." Ling Huohuo laughed.

The two married couples and Aunt Ying looked at Ling Huohuo in surprise.

"I didn't expect you to be a highly educated person and a university professor. I haven't heard of you before." Aunt Ying complained.

"I'm not a professor, I'm just a mentor, and you didn't even ask."

"Then what do you teach?"

"I teach some knowledge related to Chinese culture."

"By the way, where are your parents? What do your parents do? They are so busy, don't they have time to take care of their children?"

"My parents are both retired. They used to be professors in the Department of Archeology at Capital University, and now they are playing games." Ling Huohuo smiled wryly.

As for the game, if it was not a business in the past, but now, it has been accepted by more people, and a few people are not too surprised to hear it. However, they compare the six words of Capital University and professor. care.

This little Ling's family background is not simple.

"I can't think of it, but when it comes to games, Xiao Ling, haven't you played games? I have to go into the game twice a day, and the scenery there is really not good, and a new expansion has been released recently. I don't know what will happen again." How about it."

"Yeah, yeah, but I don't have combat talent, I can only be a life player."

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"I have indeed played, but only occasionally. In fact, I am also a life player." Ling Huohuo said.

The four chatted and played cards.

At this time, someone pushed the door and entered, and everyone saw that it was a youthful girl with twin ponytails.

Ling Huohuo knew her, she was a great-granddaughter of Aunt Ying.

"Grandma, I'm out of school." The girl called Aunt Ying sweetly.

"Haha, it's good after school, eat early, and I have to go to class in the afternoon." Aunt Ying said with a smile.

"Well, by the way, I just saw my grandpa and grandpa Liu went out, and they went to the square."

"Hmph, that little bastard, I was appointed to go to the square to fight crickets again, playing with things and losing my ambition..."

"Well, grandma, my grandpa doesn't have much ambition at that age."

Aunt Ying's face froze, and then became upset again.

"What's the matter with being old? I don't know how to be a late bloomer? I think that Mr. Jiang..."

Ling Huohuo and the others twitched the corners of their mouths, can you put down the mahjong in your hand before saying this.

But Aunt Ying was already approaching ninety, and Ling Huohuo and the others had no choice but to dare not say anything.

Aunt Ying's great-granddaughter also regretted that she said more.

Soon, Ling Huohuo found an opportunity to bid farewell to several people.

"Xiao Ling, if you have time to play games together in the future."


Ling Huohuo went to the next door to bring Ling Xue back, and then left with Ling Xue.

Walking on the street, people come and go.

"Xiaoxue, let's take a stroll around."

Regardless of whether Ling Xue agreed or disagreed, Ling Huohuo started wandering around with Ling Xue in his arms.

Before he knew it, Ling Huohuo walked for more than half an hour, and even Ling Xue fell asleep. When Ling Huohuo came back to his senses, he suddenly found that the surroundings looked familiar.

It is a high school.

"No. [-] High School in Zhonghai City, isn't this my alma mater?"

Looking at his familiar alma mater, Ling Huohuo sighed inexplicably.

"Time is not forgiving."

Sighing, Ling Huohuo walked around the school, turned around, passed through the wall, and looked into the campus, where the familiar...

"Damn it, you actually decorated it!"

Ling Huohuo was a little annoyed, he didn't expect that the school would be renovated after he graduated, what a big trotter!

However, looking at the better campus and the repainted teaching buildings, Ling Huohuo could still find some familiar pictures.

"By the way, I was a champion in the college entrance examination back then~"

(End of this chapter)

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