The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 957 Sudden time travel? ? ?

Chapter 957 Sudden time travel? ? ? (one more)
Ling Huohuo stood outside his alma mater, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

But at this time, Ling Huohuo felt a trace of wrong energy fluctuations in the campus.

Ling Huohuo frowned, and then walked around outside the campus to the location closest to the energy fluctuations.


The energy fluctuations came from a small forest behind the school.

And Ling Huohuo also felt that something was wrong with the other party.

His memory about this forest is actually very vague!
This is not normal.

This forest was not built after school, but existed when he was still in school!
But why is my memory so fuzzy?

And Ling Huohuo's mysterious and mysterious feeling appeared at this time.

"What's in this woods, something important, but..."

what is it?

Ling Huohuo didn't remember, nor did she know.

"Could it be that someone confessed to me here? Or did that girl and I bury the token of love here?" Ling Huohuo rubbed his chin.

But... pure YY.

Ling Huohuo thought for a while, looked around and saw that no one noticed him, and there were no cameras around him. He turned over and landed on the campus, dodging into the grove.

The grove is actually not big, and there are some decorations such as stone chairs in the middle.

Ling Huohuo frowned in the grove and looked around, but he didn't find anything wrong, and the strange energy fluctuation he felt just now disappeared.

Ling Huohuo let go of his perception...

But nothing.

This is not right.

Ling Huohuo's frown deepened.

At this time, Ling Xue suddenly woke up.

Ling Xue was not distressed, but looked around in a confused manner, and finally her eyes fell on a bunch of flowers in the flower bed.

"Yeah." Lingxue suddenly stretched out her little hand, as if she wanted to grab the flower.

Ling Huohuo withdrew his attention and focused on Ling Xue.

Ling Huohuo smiled, then carried Ling Xue to the flower bed, and brought Ling Xue closer.

Ling Xue worked hard at the flower in front of her, and Ling Huohuo couldn't help laughing because of her cute appearance.

Then, with a sudden force, Lingxue grabbed the flower.

"Little guy, you're quite strong." Ling Huohuo shook his head and smiled.

"Okay, let go, dirty~"

Ling Huohuo hugged Ling Xue up again.

But Ling Xue didn't let go as obediently as usual, but then Ling Huohuo picked up her strength and pulled the flower out of the soil.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Then Ling Huohuo couldn't laugh anymore.

Because the moment the flower was pulled out, Ling Huohuo realized that something was wrong with the flower. The top of the flower looked ordinary, like a wild flower on the side of the road, but... from the root, the flower was absolutely It's not a simple plant, because the root of this flower is actually shining with golden light!


The surrounding environment is not right!

Ling Huohuo clearly felt that the surrounding environment had changed, and everything around him seemed to be renewed!
And the surrounding area also became noisy.

At this time, Ling Huohuo heard a voice coming, Ling Huohuo dodged and took Ling Xue to hide his body.

Two boys wearing uniforms from a high school came out. The two boys looked almost the same. They both wore glasses, but the colors of the frames were different. They looked like twins, but they had different auras.

A boy was grinning, he looked like a sloppy dick, that is, his handsome appearance helped the boy get some points.

And the other boy has a helpless smile on his face, but he has a kind of temperament that makes people feel like a spring breeze, which makes people feel good about him naturally. With the same handsome appearance, he has a kind of warm man , the potential of a male god, and this boy also has the strength of the fourth level!
"Second brother, I think we..."

"Oh, Miao, all the girls have written love letters to you, so don't be shy anymore! They invited you here to tell you something very important, it's not good for you to refuse like this."

"But, second brother, I don't know her!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't know each other. You can get to know each other slowly. We'll talk about it later, and we'll talk about it later."


Under the gaze of his elder brother, the younger brother finally nodded and chose to compromise.

"Haha, isn't that right? Okay, the place is here, I'll go first, come on~" After saying that, my brother left without a trace.

Ling Huohuo knew that the elder brother didn't leave, but hid in the distance, watching this side.

However, when Ling Huohuo looked at the pair of brothers, his face became extremely serious, and he didn't even notice what Ling Xue in his arms was doing.

The younger brother waited there and looked at his watch after a while. However, the girls didn't come over until class began. In the end, the younger brother had to leave, and the older brother in the distance naturally left too.

It wasn't until the two brothers left that Ling Huohuo came out from the darkness, but Ling Huohuo's eyes became extremely strange.

Because, those brothers have the same face as him!
Moreover, from the perspective of blood, these two people are his blood relatives!
No, Ling Huohuo can be sure that that brother is himself!
After all, he is a person who has experienced many things, and has his own persistence in the judgment of some things.

Even if things are impossible, what remains is the truth!
Ling Huohuo crossed the fence and looked at Zhonghai City in the distance, which was both familiar and unfamiliar.

There is only one truth!
"Sure enough, I have crossed over!"

Ling Huohuo didn't even know what to say.

This is not an ordinary time travel, Ling Huohuo judged from the buildings of Zhonghai City in the distance, he went back to the past time, Zhonghai City is still an ordinary economic city.

And the time should be when he was still in high school. The two brothers just now, one is him and the other is Ling Miao!

But... Ling Huohuo didn't have any impression of the scene just now, making it impossible for Ling Huohuo to judge the exact time and age of his appearance.

Ling Huohuo began to quickly analyze the current situation.

The situation is that now Ling Huohuo has traveled through, returned to the past time, wore clothes, and saw his past self.

So is it time travel or parallel universes?

Although Ling Huohuo has never seen parallel universes, theoretically speaking, parallel universes do exist.

It is also possible to travel through time, but it requires the power of time.

So the question is, how did I cross over?Why didn't I notice anything?

However, this is not important, the important thing is how to go back now.

There is no doubt that the opportunity for his own shuttle was after Ling Xue pulled out that strange plant, and it was also at that time that he suddenly traveled to the past without noticing.

Coupled with the extraordinary roots of that plant.

So, sure enough, that plant was the key to the problem!

"Okay, Xiaoxue, give the one just now to brother... what the hell!"

Ling Huohuo found that at some point, the plants in Ling Xue's hands only had the ordinary flowers on the top, and the golden roots that looked extraordinary on the bottom half had disappeared, and Ling Xue's small mouth was pouting, It seemed to be chewing something, and then swallowed.

Then Ling Xue threw out the ordinary flowers left in her hands.

"Yeah~" Ling Xue stared innocently at Ling Huohuo with big innocent eyes.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

If it wasn't for his own sister in his arms, he would have fallen out!

Isn't this kid just teething?How can I eat grass? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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