Chapter 965 Back to the past (second update)
It has been a month since Ling Huohuo left. At this moment, Luo Ming is sitting cross-legged in his room. He is making a breakthrough, and it is at a critical moment.

However, after a while, Luo Ming opened his eyes with a dejected expression.

The breakthrough failed.

"By the way, the senior gave me a kit last time, saying that I would open it if I encountered difficulties in cultivation."

Luo Ming hurriedly dug out the kit that Ling Huohuo had given him back then.

Then Luo Ming opened the kit with excitement.

In the kit is a note.

"Is it some secret method?"

With excitement, Luo Ming took out the note and opened it.

I saw two big characters in italics written on the note—come on!
Luo Ming: "..."

Luo Ming slammed the note and the kit in his hand to the ground.

"your sister!"

Mu Ling, who was watching Luo Ming secretly in another room, frowned.

What happened to Luo Ming?
What was written on that piece of paper?

Time: Ling Huohuo's college entrance examination is over.

Ling Huohuo looked at himself who was boarding the plane below, and fixed the time.

It was time for me to go to Japan to participate in the manga exhibition with the people on the third floor of NG.

"It seems to be more than a year. I remember that during this period of time, it seems that a netizen named 'Blooming Chrysanthemum' said he knew me. It seems that it is Mi Ke. However, a girl with such a net name I always feel a little weird..."

However, no matter what name Mi Ke chooses, how did he get the nickname of Chrysanthemum, he must find Mi Ke in this time and space now. If the prediction is correct, the situation of Mi Ke in this time period should already be very serious.

The good news is that Mi Ke has already located her approximate location in this time and space, and this time and space himself has gone to Japan, so there is no need to worry about meeting her in a short time.

Now Mi Ke is helping Ling Huohuo to take care of Ling Xue, so that Ling Huohuo can let go of his hands and feet to do things.

According to Mi Ke's guidance, Ling Huohuo leaned towards the location of Mi Ke in this time and space.

Ling Huohuo also asked Mi Ke whether Mi Ke knew his arrival and purpose in this time and space.

Mi Ke's answer is yes, but it is not sure whether Mi Ke in this time and space knows the solution.

Ling Huohuo easily met Mi Ke at Mi Ke's home at this time.

However, Mi Ke's condition doesn't look very good. Even if Ling Huohuo is facing Mi Ke, it's hard to find Mi Ke's existence if he doesn't pay attention.

However, the layout of Mi Ke's room has not changed much.

Mi Ke in this time and space looks more mature, and he is not wearing that school uniform, but a cool short shirt.

"I know you're coming." Miko in this time and space said, "My situation is not optimistic. My parents have forgotten me. Only a few people still remember my existence, but I can't be sure that these people are still alive. How long can you remember me?"

"But I haven't found a solution so far. I am going to form an organization to help me find a solution. Come to me in a year."

After returning in vain, Ling Huohuo found Mi Ke in high school, and then traveled backwards for a year again.

Time: Ling Huohuo's first year in university.

Ling Huohuo looked at Zhonghai City, which was being rebuilt, and confirmed that he was in the capital at this time, and would not appear in Zhonghai City again in a short time.

Then Ling Huohuo began to look for Mi Ke who had started this time and space.

To Ling Huohuo's surprise, Mi Ke in this time and space is not in Zhonghai City. Ling Huohuo found Mi Ke on the peak of Mount Everest.

Although he was at the top of the peak, Mi Ke was wearing a simple mountaineering suit, looking up at the sky alone.

Mi Ke in this time and space seems to have experienced a lot, his eyes became very dull, and a very mysterious temperament appeared on his body.

"To be honest, things are getting worse and worse. No one remembers me anymore. The organization I formed has abandoned me. Even the house I live in has been replaced by someone else's home. I have nowhere to go now. Okay. Even if I go to a restaurant to eat and drink, no one will care about me." Mi Ke said.

Looking at Mi Ke in front of him, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt a little heartbroken.

Although everyone is there, there is no place for Mi Ke in this world.

"Even the wind and snow won't patronize me now. I want to see the world before it disappears completely. I always thought what the scenery on the summit of Mount Everest would be like, but there is nothing but ice and snow." Mi Ke said, and then stretched.

"Fortunately, I also discovered some interesting things during this time, which might save me." Mi Ke's style of painting changed.

Ling Huohuo also cheered up.

"Go back to the past, 15 years ago, London, near Big Ben, I became the agent of the source of time at that time, it seems that something happened when I got the source of time, there may be clues there , Unfortunately, I don't dare to try time travel easily, otherwise I may disappear directly."

"Don't worry, I will find clues!" Ling Huohuo said seriously.

Miko smiled.

Ling Huohuo found that Mi Ke's smile was pretty.

Seeing Ling Huohuo leaving, Mi Ke didn't look back for a long time.

"Please, I'm... at the end of my rope."

When Ling Huohuo walked away, Mi Ke withdrew his gaze and looked in one direction.

"It's been a long time since I went back, let's go back to Zhonghai City and have a look."

When Ling Huohuo told the situation of Mi Ke in this time and space to Mi Ke in high school, Mi Ke was silent, and then suddenly bowed to Ling Huohuo.

"After that, please!"

"Don't worry." Ling Huohuo comforted.

Mi Ke nodded, and then started the journey again with Ling Huohuo.


When: 15 years ago, London.

"I'm just five years old at this time." Ling Huohuo touched his chin and said, still don't have to worry about meeting him this time, because he is taking Ling Miao at this time, and Ling's father and Ling's mother are not with them because of work.

Ling Huohuo and Mi Ke came to London and found Big Ben.

During this period, London already had the embryonic form of a modern city, with developed industry and commerce, and the tourism industry was growing rapidly.

"Wait nearby, I remember that I'm going to London to travel in the next two days." Mi Ke said with a low mood.

Ling Huohuo rubbed Mi Ke's head comfortingly, causing Mi Ke to beat him for a while.

"Let's find a place to stay first, and take advantage of this time to look around the situation first." Ling Huohuo said.

Mi Ke hugged Ling Xue and nodded.

Ling Xue is holding a teether in her hand and biting her mouth. Recently, Ling Xue has grown up very fast. I don't know whether it is just Ling Xue or all the children.


On a flight to London.

Five-year-old Mi Ke is lying on the window looking out curiously, beside her are her parents.

Miko's mother looked at Miko with a smile on her face, while Miko's father chatted with a couple on the other side of the aisle.

"Is the two of you going to London also a tourist?" Father Mi asked with a smile.

The man shook his head, while the woman continued to look at the book in her hand. Both of them were wearing round hats that were popular in this era, covering half of their faces.

"We're going to work."

"Work? I don't know what kind of work you two are doing."

The man raised his head slightly, revealing a young face.

"My wife and I are both archaeologists. We went to London this time to excavate an ancient artifact. By the way, my surname is Ling."

(End of this chapter)

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