Chapter 966 Bank Robbery (Part [-])
Both Ling Huohuo and Mi Ke changed into clothes that were popular in the early 20s.

London in this era is not as prosperous and modern as it will be in the future, but it is still a metropolis.

After two days of observation, Ling Huohuo did not find anything suspicious nearby.

However, they found some interesting things.

For example, there is a golden door under Big Ben!

There is also an ancient tomb hidden in the mezzanine world nearby.

However, these have nothing to do with the origin of time.

In fact, Ling Huohuo also guessed that the source of time is in the Golden Gate or the ancient tomb, but according to Mi Ke's description, she got the source of time from a woman, and the source of time fell out of the woman's luggage, and then After Mi Ke picked up the source, he directly became the holder of the source of time.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo and Mi Ke set their targets on that woman.

But because it was a long time ago, Mi Ke couldn't remember the appearance of that woman, and the two could only search nearby based on Mi Ke's guess.

However, the main goal of the two is not the source of time, but to find a solution to Mi Ke's problem, and the source of time is the basis, and the two suspect that the method may be near the source of time.


Ling Huohuo strolled on the street near Big Ben, and Mi Ke took Ling Xue far away from Big Ben, in order to prevent Mi Ke from being met by her in this time and space.

At this time, Mi Ke was sitting in a coffee shop with Ling Xue in his arms. He seemed to be reading a newspaper, but in fact, in front of Mi Ke was a purple lion sculpture. It was through this lion that Mi Ke communicated with Ling Huohuo. .

"Did you find anything?" Miko asked.

"Not yet." Ling Huohuo's voice reached Mi Ke's ears, but no one else heard it.

"By the way, I remembered something."

"what's up?"

"I remember there was some confusion around Big Ben before I got the source of time."

"Chaos? Do you know why?"

"not sure."

"What degree of confusion?" Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously.

"It seemed quite big, but by the time I got into London the chaos had stopped."

"Does the chaos caused by the bank robbery count?"


Mi Ke was taken aback for a moment, and then she noticed that three police cars roared past on the street outside the cafe.

On the other side, Ling Huohuo looked at the chaotic bank in front of him, speechless for a while.

A bullet hit Ling Huohuo's feet.


Then more bullets were fired in all directions, and the bank directly became the scene of a gun battle.

The street fell into great chaos, and the crowd's exclamation and gunshots were all around my ears, and people fell to the ground from time to time.

Ling Huohuo simply moved his feet, hid in a dead corner of the shooting, and then observed secretly.

The people who caused this chaos are more like mercenaries, this is a planned and quite violent bank robbery!

What's more, what Ling Huohuo cares about is that there are extraordinary people among the people who robbed the bank!

Although it is not very strong, only Tier [-] and Tier [-], but it is far better than ordinary people, and it is also far better than the police who came to support.

Ling Huohuo looked at the London police who came to support them, and then these police turned their heads and ran away after seeing the power of the shooting.

"It's too embarrassing. Are these policemen here to joke?"

Ling Huohuo was observing in secret.


Bank underground.

Although the ground was chaotic, the bank's underground vault was quiet.

But, soon, this tranquility was broken.

dong dong.

There was a sound under the safe, and then, a circular passage appeared on the ground, and two figures crawled out of the passage.

It is a man and a woman.

The man shook the talisman paper in his hand, and the talisman paper that had lost its effectiveness turned into a spot of light and disappeared.

"I almost didn't catch up. I didn't expect that someone would dare to bring mercenaries to rob the bank directly. It's too barbaric. If it wasn't for rushing over after getting off the plane, it might be too late." The man sighed, and then gave himself I lit a cigarette.

No, this is no ordinary smoke.

A large amount of thick white smoke emerged from the fine smoke, and then enveloped the entire vault. These thick smoke kept rolling, as if they were looking for something.

The woman opened a nearby safe, and took out a box with surprise on her face. Inside the box was a string of gorgeous diamond necklaces.

"A woman's intuition, I know there are treasures here."

Saying that, the woman took the necklace out of the box, threw the box on the ground, and handed the necklace to the man.

"Put me on."

The man smiled and put the necklace around the woman's neck.

"How?" the woman asked.

"You are so beautiful," the man said.

The woman smiled and moved closer to the man, and pressed against his body, exhaling like blue.

"Would you like it, here..."

"Forget it this time." The man patted the woman's buttocks, "The people above will come down soon, oh, I found something..."

The man let go of the woman, and the two walked to a safe in the corner.

"Leave it to me." The woman licked her lips, then stretched out her hand, a ring on the woman's little finger flickered, and then the woman put her hand on the safe, as if sensing something.

After a while, the woman withdrew her hand and started to dial the combination lock of the safe.

With a snap, the safe was opened.

There are two items in the safe, a golden key and an ancient token in the shape of a hexagon.

The woman picked up the ancient token and put it in her pocket.

"I've got the thing, alas, is it easy for me to earn some money to raise a child?"


The man shrugged, then looked at the golden key, thought for a while, and put the golden key away.

"That person got a lot of things back then. Although they were all scattered and placed, they were also regular. This key must be as precious as the king's token, and it also appeared in London. Maybe it can be used."

The woman nodded.

"Okay, let's go." The man tidied up his clothes and didn't move anything else.

The woman also took off the necklace around her neck.

"Baby, although you are beautiful, unfortunately, I don't need it~"

As she spoke, the woman casually threw the priceless necklace in her hand on the ground.

The man smiled and didn't speak. They still have quite a few necklaces like this at home.

Afterwards, the two left along the previous passage, and the thick smoke in the safe quickly dissipated, and then the passage on the ground also disappeared.

After a while, the door of the vault was violently broken open from the outside.

"The first master, the second master, and the third master, this is here."

A group of aggressive mercenaries rushed into the vault.

However, when everyone entered, they frowned. From the traces on the ground, it could be seen that someone had visited here before.

"Damn it, I met a thief who stole the chicken!" The third master cursed.

"Hurry up and find out if the thing is still there." Da Dangjia said.

Er Dangjia nodded, found a safe, punched it open, and took out a box from it.

Open the box, and there is a golden key inside, which is exactly the same as the key taken away by the man and woman before.

"The things are still there." Er Dangjia said.

The head of the family nodded in satisfaction, and then looked around.

"Pack up your stuff. That's worth hundreds of millions of dollars. As for the rest of the stuff, I'll give you 3 minutes to bring as much as you can. Then we'll withdraw, and support is coming soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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