The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 977 I Can Always Feel Your Heartbeat

Chapter 977 I Can Always Feel Your Heartbeat (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo looked at the "Sword Code" that had disappeared into starlight in front of him, and grabbed his hands, as if the "Sword Code" was still there, and Babai had disappeared.

Ling Huohuo sat quietly in the room without any movement.

"Sword Code" represents his starting point.

From crossing, growing up, to now.

The disappearance of "Sword Code" made Ling Huohuo feel more like his farewell to the past.

Ling Huohuo is no longer the Ling Huohuo he used to be, and he is not even a human being anymore.

The room is quiet, and the sunlight reflects the time.

To the setting sun, to the willow shoots on the moon, and finally, the sun of a new day rises.

The door of the room was suddenly opened from the outside, and Xiao Yunyun walked into the room with food.

Xiao Yunyun didn't ask any more questions, but put the food in front of Ling Huohuo.

"time to eat."

Ling Huohuo finally moved.

"Eight hundred is gone, and I went back to the sword god boss, and the "Sword Code" has also been destroyed."

Xiao Yunyun's movements paused, and then he let out an "oh".

"I'm also...not the old me." Ling Huohuo said hesitantly.

Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo, smiled, and pulled Ling Huohuo to her heart. Ling Huohuo could feel Xiao Yunyun's heartbeat.

"We are not what we used to be, there is always a price to pay for growth, but..."

"No matter what changes happen to you, you are my Xiao Yunyun's."

Ling Huohuo also smiled.

"No matter how you grow, I can always feel your heartbeat, after all, there is no too thick compartment."

Xiao Yunyun: "..."

Xiao Yunyun drew out his staff.

"Put your head out, and I'll give you a buff."


Zhonghai City.

A young man got up, washed and dressed himself, and then looked in the mirror.

"My surname is Bo, and my name is Bolingageka. Although I don't know why my mentally handicapped parents gave me such a name, other than this name, the first half of my life was pretty good. Yes, I also have my own business in the game, and I can buy a house. Now I am short of someone who I like her, and she likes me. However, half of this wish has been fulfilled. Now, I like She's gone, all that's left is to make her like me."

"I'm in love with my neighbor!"

"There are two neighbors on the left and right of my house. The one on the left is a good-looking boy, but he is an otaku. After coming out, the neighbor’s figure is still very good.”

"Of course, it's impossible for me to like this neighbor. I like the neighbor who lives on my right, a beautiful neighbor!"

Polengetka turned on his mobile phone and entered one of his friend groups.

There are not many people in this group, Polingue himself is the group leader, and there are four dogs to manage it——Legion Commander, Sunfish, Mo Ling, and Zero Under Loli.

None of these four are easy to manage.

The head of the legion is a bastard, and it is said that he really has a legion.

The sunfish claims to be a great sage of the monster clan. Monsters have been proven to exist in this world today, but it is not clear whether the sunfish is the kind of sunfish he knows has become a spirit, and there are many great sages understood the way.

Mo Ling is a star player, very strong, well-known, and looks normal.

The last sub-zero loli is the most difficult. I have seen a video in the group, and the other party is indeed a sweet and lovely loli, and her voice is also cute. However, this is not the reason why this loli is not simple. The other party is really not simple. The most important thing is that this loli has big ○○.

"Comrades, I'm going to confess to my beautiful neighbor today, bless me!"

Legion Commander: "Your family is all comrades!"

Group member A: "The flame purifies everything!"

Mo Ling: "Come on! ヾ(°°)"

Group member B: "Judgment!"

Group member C: "..."

Under Zero Lolita: "Hehe, a pervert who hasn't even touched a girl's ○○, the possibility of a successful confession is too low."

Group member D: "..."


Sunfish: "Help!"

Mo Ling: "What's wrong?"

Sunfish: "Recently, a monster called Zhaochen wanted to eat me, and I was running for my life, crying~"

Legion leader: "It seems that there is no legal provision that eating monsters is a crime."

Subzero Lolita: "Cool~"


Polingue looked at the crooked group, shook his head, and put away his phone.

"Today must be successful."

Polenget sprayed himself with some perfume, then lay on the peephole and stared outside.

Suddenly, Polenget tidied up his clothes, then pushed open the door, and "coincidentally" ran into the door next door, which was also opened, but not only the one on the right, but also the one on the left, that is, He said that the three doors opened at the same time, and the three people pushing the doors stopped.

"Coin, coincidence." Bolengue scratched his head in embarrassment, and then looked at the otaku neighbor unhappily, how should I strike up a conversation when you come out?

The otaku neighbor ignored Boengai, but closed the door with the garbage. Although he is an otaku, he still pays attention to hygiene conditions. After all, his essence is a queen, but he just has a masculine appearance. Then I got addicted to the game.

"Mike, what a coincidence." Polingue greeted the female neighbor on the right.

"Yeah." Miko nodded.

If Ling Huohuo were here, he would have recognized that this woman was Mi Ke. However, Mi Ke looks more mature now, without a trace of childishness on his face. However, although Mi Ke looks youthful and beautiful, his eyes But a little deep, as if I have experienced a lot.

This contrast made Mi Ke's body dyed with a layer of mystery.

This is a woman with a story!
This is Polingue's judgment, and this is also the reason why Mi may make Polingue's heart flutter.

"Where is Miko going, I can drive you there." Polingue looked for a topic.

For things like feelings, most people can't wait and need to take the initiative!
Facing the approach of Bolingue, Mi Ke is used to it.

"No, I won't go far, I'll go downstairs to buy some daily necessities."

"Coincidentally, I'm going shopping too." Polingue said with a smile.

Miko looked at Polingue.

Polenget was embarrassed for a while.

Ignoring Polengai, Mi Ke went downstairs directly.

Today she is going to find Ling Huohuo, because there is a problem with the origin of life and death, she must go and see, even if her existence is exposed, it doesn't matter.

As for why Mi Ke hides his existence...

When Mi Ke walked downstairs, he stopped, and saw that the otaku from before was talking to two men.

"Hey, you are blocking the door, I said you..."

The two men ignored the otaku, but looked at Mi Ke.

"Found it, the source of time!"

"God of sleep! God of death!" Mi Ke's eyes became serious, that's why she needed to hide herself!

After all, she was being targeted by God!
And Bolengue, who had just chased him down, was also taken aback.

what's the situation?
(End of this chapter)

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