The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 978 Death God Sleeping God Zhou Zi

Chapter 978
"Give way." Ryo Su Chuan said to the two people in front of him, but Ryo Su Chuan found that the two of them didn't even look at him.


"I won't be polite if you don't get out of the way."

A man looked at Ryo Su Chuan, then waved lightly, and Ryo Su Chuan's body flew upside down, coming out through the wall.

"Extraordinary!" Polengue exclaimed.

Mi Ke looked serious.

"The god of death, the god of sleep, I didn't expect to be found by you."

"You can make it easy for us to find." Sleeping God said.

"The underworld fighters didn't find you, and we needed to do it ourselves in the end. I have to say, you hid it very well." A cruel smile appeared on Death's face.

"Don't you think you're going to deal with me?" Mi Ke said.

"Why can't you deal with it?" The Grim Reaper licked his lips. The Grim Reaper was very handsome, and his actions just now gave him a sinister feeling.

"Will you go with us in a weird way, or choose us to defeat you and bring you back." Sleeping God asked.

"Coincidentally, I also want to try your strength." Mi Ke said.

"It seems that there is only one battle." Sleeping God narrowed his eyes.

Death's smile became even more ferocious.

If they were mortals, the two of them wouldn't talk so much nonsense, but the other party is the agent of the source of time, and he no longer belongs to the array of mortals.

"Zhan Nima!" A loud shout came from outside, and it came from the direction of the big hole that Su Chuan flew out of.

Everyone looked in that direction, and the corners of their eyes twitched.

Two classic lines popped up in Porenghe's mind - the dragon-slaying sword, click to give it away, one knife 999, if you are a brother, come and kill me!

At this time, Su Chuanliang's face was full of anger, he was wearing an exaggerated armor, and the weapon in his hand was an equally exaggerated sword with dragon-shaped carvings on it. In addition, Su Chuanliang's whole body equipment was A kind of LED flashing effect, by the way, there are naturally exaggerated wings behind it.

Su Chuanliang, who was originally slender, looked extremely majestic and mighty.

The exaggerated shape is still very impactful.

Polengue wanted to ask a question - where did you buy this equipment?
"Mortal, ants!" Death said coldly, then stretched out a finger and pointed at Ryo Sukawa.

The pitch-black starlight condensed, and then a ray of light shot out from Death's finger.

"Break it for me!" Ryo Sukawa swung his knife, smashing the light into pieces.

"Huh?" The Sleeping God made a surprised sound.

"Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years, don't bully the young and poor, today I will make your arrogance pay the price!" Ryo Su Chuan roared and rushed towards Shikigami and Sleeping God.

Porenghe always felt that there was something wrong with the painting style.

What the hell is the beginning of this thick and inferior online game?

However, Polingue also realized that now is not the time to watch a show, and then Polingue looked at Miko's position.

"What about people?"

It turned out that Mi Ke had left at some point.

The god of death and the god of sleep also found that Mi Ke had run away.


"Don't go, fight another three hundred rounds!"

Ryo Su Chuan roared angrily, and stopped the God of Death and God of Sleep who were about to leave.

"Mortal, you are too much!"

"I control my own life!"


"The immortal touches my top, and the hair grows!"


"Burn my immortal body, scatter my immortal soul, and all the blood of battle will flow away."


Polingue felt that this painting style of fighting and speaking unknown words was familiar.

But, let's not care about anything else, let's slip away...


The battle between the two gods and Su Chuanliang also attracted the attention of people in Zhonghai City.

Naturally, some people came to organize.

"Don't fight!"

However, the two sides did not pay attention to the other people's fighting. The battle between the two sides seemed to be a real fire, and the power was getting stronger and stronger.

The God of Sleep and the God of Death found that Su Chuanliang was stronger than they imagined.

"Mortal, you have offended me!" The God of Death yelled, and a black phantom like the universe appeared behind him, and then gradually solidified, swallowing everything around him, including the light.

"Then who made you wanton on my territory!" A cold shout came.

The terrifying coercion covered the entire Zhonghai City.

A golden light fell from the sky, rushed towards the phantom behind the Death God, and shattered it with one blow.


Death and Sleep were taken aback.

Not to mention the power of the attack just now, the breath in that attack...

Sleepy God subconsciously took a step back.

"Hehe, sleepy god, it's been a long time." A woman's voice echoed in the sky above Zhonghai City.

Sleeping God's face was ugly.

The god of death also realized the identity of the other party.


Speaking of Sleeping God and Zeus, there is still some friction between the two.

Although Sleeping God is Hades' subordinate, his strength is not weak, and his divine power is very special, even able to influence the powerful main god.

However, the power is limited, and the sleeping god can only make an existence like Zeus fall into a deep sleep.

As a big stallion back then, Zeus would go out to hunt for sex every three days and was rarely at home, which caused dissatisfaction among a god.

That is the wife of Zeus, Hera, the Queen of Heaven.

The queen Hera felt that the green hat was getting taller and taller, and the land at home had not been irrigated for a long time, so she decided to find a way to stop Zeus.

Then Hera approached the god of sleep.

"Do me a favor." Hera said.

"No help." Sleepy God.

"The reward is to introduce the most beautiful of the goddesses of fate to you as your wife, you can unlock various poses, and add various sex toys to the luxury package, with two sister-in-laws as a bonus." Hera.

"Done." Sleepy God.

Then the god of sleep put Zeus into a deep sleep, and then packed it up and gave it to Hera.

When Zeus woke up and felt his body was about to be squeezed dry, he looked at the queen Hera who was sitting by the bed with a satisfied face, fell into embarrassment, and then became furious.

He knew that he had been fooled by Sleeping God and Hera!
But Hera is his wife and cannot fight, so she can only sleep God.

Then Zeus started chasing and killing the Sleeping God. If it wasn't for the Sleeping God relying on his strength and Hades' support secretly, he would have been tied up and beaten by Zeus, or raped. After all, it is said Back then Zeus was all men and women.

A figure appeared in front of the god of death and the god of sleep.

At this time, a blond woman appeared in front of Death and Sleep.

It was Zhou Zi!

The god of death and the god of sleep were stunned seeing Zhou Zi's appearance, and they were even a step slower in retreating.

"Zeus is a woman?" The God of Death couldn't turn his head around.

The same goes for Sleeping God.

They can be sure that the woman in front of them is Zeus Bens!
By the way, is Zeus really a woman?
Sleeping God's mind was a little confused, and he, who was always calm, couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

However, if Zeus was such a beauty back then, after I let her fall into a deep sleep, I would never hand it over to Hera directly, I...

Be sure to cool off while it’s hot.

(End of this chapter)

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