Chapter 980 Dangerous Thoughts (One More)
If Ling Huohuo wants to save the world, he needs to break the void and become a god, and then come back, so that he can save the world.

But now, first of all, Ling Huohuo's shattering of the void became a problem.

According to the normal situation, even if the world loses one source, it will only weaken the overall power of the world. It is still possible for Ling Huohuo to shatter the void, but the problem now is that the situation is not normal.

Mike began to explain.

"First of all, the great changes in the world began when the leylines dissipated back then. The world's ability to withstand it became weaker, and then it was divided into two worlds."

This turmoil directly caused the world to drop from the top world with gods and spirits to a world of low martial arts and low magic where the mainstream strength of creatures is only below the fifth level, and only a few people can reach the fifth level.

The gap in it is not 01:30 points.

Although there are still many powerful existences above the fifth level in the Lost Land, it no longer belongs to the scope of the world, it is just a continent made up of space debris.

"Although this kind of differentiation is the differentiation of the world to prevent itself from collapsing, it does not mean that this kind of differentiation is perfect. Every time a part is divided, the barriers of the world will be weakened. As the division continues, the barriers of the world It becomes very fragile, even unable to perfectly fill the gap, which is also the origin of the space passage leading to the Lost Land."

"Because of the differentiation, the scope of the world has become smaller, and the barriers of the world have shrunk by themselves. This is one of the reasons why the two worlds are close."

"In addition to these, there are battles of the strong and the invasion of outsiders, making the space of the world more and more unstable. To put it bluntly, the current world is like honeycomb coal, which is full of loopholes. Then, if At this time, if you shatter the void..."

Mi Ke was silent for a while, and Ling Huohuo was also silent.

"It's okay if your strength has just passed the line, but I can feel that your strength is too strong. If you break the void, it will have a great impact on the world. The impact will not be small, and it will even affect the entire world. Space barriers, in that case, the world will collapse directly, and you might even get the title of 'World Terminator'." Mi Ke said jokingly.

Ling Huohuo couldn't laugh at all.

"Then what if I don't shatter the void?" Ling Huohuo frowned and thought.

"If it was in the past, it's okay for you to hang on like this, but now..." Mi Ke's smile also became a little helpless.

"You swallowed the source of life and death with the power of the void, the power of the world became weaker, and it was no longer complete, and the source of life and death also represented a cycle, which had a great impact on the world. If you let it go, the world will definitely be destroyed by outsiders. Power gradually erodes."

"External power?"

"The periphery of every world is void, that is to say, it is void that erodes the world!" Mi Ke looked at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo felt a toothache.

Although he belongs to the void family, it only means that he can live in the void and cannot control the entire void, and he is powerless in the face of the erosion of the void.

As for bringing all life into void life.

Although there is Ling Huohuo, this method is theoretically feasible, but it is definitely not that simple.

Not everyone is willing to become a void creature and enter the barren void, and after the number of the void clan increases to a certain level, accidents are bound to happen.

Now Ling Huohuo's hundreds of empty ghosts can only be called a small group, and Ling Huohuo is the center, which can ensure the normal operation of the small group.

But if the number of the Void Clan reaches a certain level, Ling Huohuo cannot guarantee that he can control everyone. Even if all these people join the Void Hundred Ghosts, Ling Huohuo will not be able to control everyone.

At that time, once there are people with evil intentions, the position of the Void clan will change, and the Void forces will become "Void terror"!
Ling Huohuo has been a Void Clan for such a long time, and he has a deep understanding of the consequences of the unlimited expansion of the Void Clan.

Moreover, Void is not bound by any rules, and Ling Huohuo's status as a Void wise man is nothing more than the spiritual leader of the Void clan!

Except for the Void Hundred Ghosts, Ling Huohuo, the other members of the Void Clan, can't control it, let alone more Void Clans appearing.

Who wants to be inferior to others?

Ling Huohuo believes that as long as he discloses the news of his conversation with Mi Ke today, then outsiders will be more willing to kill Ling Huohuo before the world perishes.

At that time, there will definitely be a war that will spread to the entire world, and there will definitely be gods participating in it!

However, if Ling Huohuo let the world be destroyed like this, Ling Huohuo would feel very sorry.

After all, Ling Huohuo is also a member who wants to save the world!

Just play off.

"The void has never been so beautiful. Erosion is normal. It is estimated that the world will not be able to continue to be stable in more than ten years. At that time, the erosion of the void will suddenly erupt, and then the world will be quickly annihilated in the void. At that time , as an inducement, you might even get the title of 'Terminator of the World'." Mi Ke said.

"Can we not talk about this title?" Ling Huohuo felt a little tired.

He didn't expect the world to become like this.

At that time, I was only focused on improving my strength to make myself happy, but I didn't expect that I would soon bring people from all over the world to the crematorium, and it was still a void burial.

Now, it's not the Demon King's Army or the X Organization that threatens the world, but... the Void!
And Ling Huohuo also happened to be a member of Void.

Ling Huohuo sighed, walked to the window with his hands behind his back, looked down at the prosperous and busy Zhonghai City, and stood there for a long time.

"What are you thinking?" Mi Ke couldn't help asking.

"I'm thinking, am I too strong, or the world is too fragile, ah, my damn strength that has nowhere to rest."


"Actually, I thought of a solution." Mi Ke said suddenly.

"Huh?" Ling Huohuo regained his energy.

"any solution?"

"That is to transform this world into a void world!"

"But, if transformed, those creatures..."

"No, what I mean is to transform the original attribute of the world into the void, so that the void will tacitly accept that this world is also a part of the void and will not be eroded, and this world will also be sheltered by the void!" Mi Ke said Said with bright eyes.

"How did you know?"

"I have already touched the core of the world. The core of this world is the attributes of the world. If the attributes change, the world will also change. In fact, the method I said is also my guess, but I think the success rate is very high, and Very exciting."

"Then what do I need to do?" Ling Huohuo felt that Mi Ke's proposal could be tried.

Mi Ke smiled, and then made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"First kill the two world consciousnesses, then transform all the sources into the void source, and finally reintegrate into the world. How about this process? Is this process very simple?"

"..." Ling Huohuo.

Sister, your thoughts are dangerous, you know that?

(End of this chapter)

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