The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 981 7-color Holy Grail System

Chapter 981 Colorful Holy Grail System (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo vetoed Mi Ke's idea, not to mention the success rate, and whether it will succeed in the end. Ling Huohuo knew that if he wiped the consciousness of the two worlds around his neck, something big would definitely happen in the two worlds!

The biggest shock is - the game can not be played.

In fact, it can also be seen through the game that the world consciousness is still very advanced in the matter of saving the world, and it is also quite advanced.

Although the strength of people in the real world can be improved through games, there may be existences that can solve the problems of the current world, but in disguise, this also puts pressure on the real world, and it is likely to accelerate the collapse of the world.

In order to save the world, the world is also driven to a dead end.

Whether the world can be saved depends on whether the world is saved first or collapses first.

However, Ling Huohuo slashed to add fuel to the fire.


It's all the time!


"Ashu~" Tohsaka Tokiomi sneezed.

"What's wrong with you?" Little Lolita asked Tohsaka Tokiomi.

"It's okay, just sneeze."

Little Lolita ignored Tohsaka Tokiomi, but looked at the other people on the table.

"The Holy Grail War has started early, do you have any ideas?"

"I have no idea." Huahua said.

"My lord is right." The long-haired man said with a smile.

"..." San Wunan remained expressionless.

"That..." Tohsaka Tokiomi hesitated for a moment, and did not speak, because he came from Japan to support, and the Tohsaka family has already been tied to the battleship of the little loli, and the representative sent is the young and mature Tohsaka Tokiomi minister.

No, it's not right to be young and old, because Tokiomi Tohsaka is only ten years old this year! ! !

The Holy Grail War started suddenly, catching the Einzbern family, the Tohsaka family, and the Makiri family (Matou family) who established the Holy Grail system and have been in control of the Holy Grail system by surprise. Never before!

This is a war involving the whole world!
It is not a subspecies Holy Grail imitated by the Holy Grail system, but the world has taken over the Holy Grail system and then covered the entire world!

Therefore, the Holy Grail system has also undergone tremendous changes.

The purpose of the Holy Grail War - to seize the Holy Grail, to fulfill wishes, to reach the root, these three points have not changed.

It is said that the Holy Grail can fulfill any wish, and now, the last Holy Grail of the new Holy Grail system can really fulfill any wish!
The Holy Grail is a miraculous relic derived from the legend of Christ.In the Christian circle, there are also quite a few legends of travelers who seek the Holy Grail, and then when the Holy Grail that appears is judged to be "true" by the Church of the Holy Church, a battle for it will naturally erupt.The battle for the pursuit of the Holy Grail, which is a holy relic, is the Holy Grail War in a broad sense.

Originally, "Spiritual Sentence Summoning of Heroic Spirits" was a decisive battle magic used to save the primate world. Seven heroic spirits standing at the apex of the seven attributes——Grand servants will appear and hinder the development of the primate world. The great disaster will be destroyed.For their own convenience, the summoning system that human beings downgraded this kind of magic is the Holy Grail War.

The ongoing war spreading to the world today is the latter, but the ultimate reward is the former.

The combination originally composed of magicians and heroic spirits has become any human being and heroic spirit, that is, the master no longer has identity restrictions.

The "Holy Grail", which has the power to instantly realize any wish, has become the holy grail of the legendary relic of miracles, and can not only fulfill wishes, but also become a god!

The participants are no longer a simple structure of seven groups, seven magicians and seven heroic spirits, but are divided into seven camps, 49 masters and 49 heroic spirits.

The seven-color holy grail born in the world is a symbol of power, held by the chosen person, the holder is the leader of the power, and the seven-color holy grail can be robbed.

People of each faction can use their Holy Grail to summon seven heroic spirits. Each heroic spirit will sign a contract with a person and become a servant, and the person who signs the contract with the heroic spirit will become the master.

Within seven days after the death of the master, the heroic spirit can choose other members of the faction as the new master, otherwise the heroic spirit returns to the Holy Grail and cannot re-summon a new heroic spirit.

If the heroic spirit dies, a new heroic spirit can only be summoned after seven days, and the master will permanently lose the qualification to become the master.

In other words, once the master dies one step ahead of the heroic spirit, and the heroic spirit cannot contract a new master within seven days, then this faction will permanently lose a follower.

In addition to these, the master will no longer have command spells, which means that the master will lose the means to force the heroic spirits.

After the forces lose all their heroic spirits, the seven-color holy grail is broken, and after the other six seven-color holy grails are broken, the only remaining holy grail will evolve into a real miraculous thing-"Holy Grail"!
The holder will have the opportunity to wish everything.

The seven-color holy grail system is a new folk system established under the eight pillar kings, 88 pillar generals and pillar general meetings of the Demon King Army and the official system of the governments of various countries.

However, only a few people know this news, and only those selected holders will know this after the Seven-Color Holy Grail descends.

The old Holy Grail system disappeared, and the new Holy Grail system appeared. The three families that have been in control of the Holy Grail system could not be so reconciled, so they chose to prepare in advance.

The advent of the seven Holy Grails in the new Holy Grail system has no rules to follow, and it is impossible for the Holy Grail to descend to the three families. Therefore, the three families chose to invest in these heroic spirits that have already appeared!

That is, Little Lolita and her party, Little Lolita and the long-haired man are heroic spirits who came in advance.

And the Tohsaka family managed to connect with them.

As for the status of these heroic spirits and masters who came in advance in the future Holy Grail War, there is no way to know.

However, the Tohsaka family believes that as long as they follow the heroic spirits who are descending now, they will definitely be able to participate in the new Holy Grail War.

And now, Little Lolita and her party are holding a meeting, and there are still three days before the arrival of the Colorful Holy Grail.

Little Lolita looked at her teammates and sighed.

This team is not easy to lead.

Even if she was Cleopatra back then, she couldn't afford to lead such a team.

"It's all the time's fault!"

Shi Chen: "???"


Although the source of life and death is infested by the void, for most people, the world is still the same world, without any changes, and naturally they don't know the crisis behind it.

"It's really leisurely." Mi Ke couldn't help sighing as he looked at the noisy studio.

Mi Ke temporarily settled in the studio.

"If the source of life and death is lost, the world will inevitably change, and the world consciousness will definitely respond." Mi Ke said to Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"I know, but what else can I do?"

Mi Ke didn't answer the words. In the current situation, he could only take one step at a time. Ling Huohuo didn't want to destroy the world, so he could only fall into a passive position.

(End of this chapter)

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