The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 982 7-Color Holy Grail System Arrives

Chapter 982 The Seven-Color Holy Grail System Arrives (Part [-])
"It's a shame." Ling Huohuo looked at Zhonghai City outside and sighed.

Now Ling Huohuo's relationship with the world is like a man drinking and having sex, forcibly applauding a woman, and it's the first time for a woman, everything can't go back.

It was night now, and the lights were on.

The thick fog gradually rose.

"Dense fog at night is not a good omen."

Ding Ning appeared behind Ling Huohuo.

Hearing Ding Ning's words, Ling Huohuo nodded, and he also felt something wrong with the dense fog.

"I feel a strange force surging in Zhonghai City. No, based on the level of this force, this force has already affected the world. What happened in the world?" Ling Huohuo frowned.

"Is there any news about Hundred Ghosts?" Ding Ning asked.

Ling Huohuo shook his head.

Ding Ning was silent for a while.

"Well, I'm going to be away for a while now."

"Huh?" Ling Huohuo looked at Ding Ning suspiciously. Recently, there was a lot of chaos outside. Why did Ding Ning go out and run around?

"My previous snake trainer profession has inherited a follow-up task, this time I need to enter the Lost Land to accept the inheritance!" Ding Ning said.

Ling Huohuo suddenly realized.


If Ding Ning accepts the inheritance, then Ding Ning will quickly become a strong one in the future.

Ding Ning smiled.

"I will ask someone to follow and protect you."

"I thought so too. By the way, Lynch also wants to go with me."

"What? Are you going to elope?" Ling Huohuo showed a shocked expression.

"It's not elopement." Ding Ning gave Ling Huohuo a blank look.

"Luo Ke will also go together." Ding Ning explained, "Recently, people from the church force came over, so the two of them plan to go out with me for a while to avoid the limelight."

"That's it."

Luo Ke has been living in the studio for a long time. This sick and delicate girl who has a baby relationship with Lynch is still perfect on the whole. She loves Lynch deeply, but the love is a little sick, which makes Lynch a little headache.

Fortunately, with contact, Lynch gradually became able to accept Rocco.

Not because Rocco has changed, but because Lynch's heart has widened.

"Okay, you pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry, we are all safer than you."


Ding Ning went back and Lynch was about to leave, while Ling Huohuo continued to stand in front of the window.

Looking at the thick fog outside, Ling Huohuo frowned.


Hearing this father, Ling Huohuo knew who was coming.

His goddaughter - Zhou Zi.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Let's grab a cup."

"Don't go!"

"No, I'm not talking about the old Holy Grail."

"Why, what happened?" Ling Huohuo asked with a frown.

"I just received a notification from the Hall of Valor that the Holy Grail system has changed..."

Afterwards, Zhou Zi began to talk about the seven-color Holy Grail system.

"Because there is a problem with the origin of life and death, the boundary between life and death is blurred, ordinary souls are okay, but some powerful souls began to appear, and at the same time, problems also appeared in the Hall of Valor, some heroic spirits ran out, and in order to solve these problems, spawned The seven-color Holy Grail system, although it is still to snatch the wishing device, but in essence it is to maintain the stability of the dead system, as for whether there are other problems, then I don't know."

"We heroic spirits who were summoned in advance are also eligible to participate in the Seven-color Holy Grail War. If we can kill the Holy Grail holder, we can replace each other and become the new Holy Grail holder."

"Moreover, it is impossible for us to stay out of the matter, because once the opponent hunts and kills the heroic spirits and masters that are not in the seven-color Holy Grail system, the masters and heroic spirits of our own forces can be greatly improved."

After hearing what Zhou Zi said, Ling Huohuo thought about it.

Maintain the stability of the dead system?

It seems that the consequences of the accident at the origin of life and death have been revealed.

In fact, the Holy Grail system did affect Ling Huohuo this time, because Zhou Zi was also a heroic spirit who came in advance!

If Ling Huohuo didn't become a hunter, he could only become a prey.

"Are there a lot of heroes running out?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"A lot, but not too many, but there are quite a few powerful beings. The most important thing is that all the heroic spirits who ran out came from their bodies!"

"The main body." Ling Huohuo repeated these two words, because this is the key point.

Due to special reasons, Zhou Zi appeared in the main body, but under normal circumstances, the heroic spirits descended in the form of projections, and their strength would be weakened, but the arrival of the main body meant that the heroic spirits would be very powerful.

"What about the heroic spirits in the Holy Grail system?"

"It's still a projection, but because it can be summoned multiple times, the heroic spirits may have the possibility of descending repeatedly." Zhou Zi said.

Ling Huohuo didn't continue to ask questions, but stared at the thick fog outside. At this time, the thick fog made the visibility outside less than one meter.

"Father?" Zhou Zi looked at Ling Huohuo suspiciously.

"It seems that now is the time for the Holy Grail to come." Ling Huohuo said.

Zhou Zi nodded.

"That's right, today is the day when the Holy Grail descends, but the Holy Grail descends very randomly."

Ling Huohuo used his eyesight, but found that he still couldn't see through the thick fog, but his perception could detect farther places, but his perception ability was also limited a lot.

At this time, there were roars and exclamations from the crowd outside.

"It seems that something happened outside, Zhou Zi, I will leave it to you."

"Okay, Dad." Zhou Zi turned and left.

There were more and more drops of water on the window panes.

"Looks like it's going to change."

Ling Huohuo knew that since he broke the source of life and death, the world has changed from a difficult difficulty level to a hell level difficulty level.



This is where Ling Tian and Li Yinman spent their honeymoon.

Ling Tian sat by the window, looked at the thick fog outside, poured himself a glass of wine, and took a sip.

Putting down his wine glass, Ling Tian narrowed his eyes as he watched the red light flashing across the sky.

"This world... should almost be given up." Ling Tian thought in his heart.

Ling Tian knew that this world was hopeless, and the seven-color Holy Grail system this time was just lingering on its last legs.

Although Ling Tian has a lot of reluctance, but things have come to this point...their Demon King Army has nothing to do, after all, they are not professional in saving the world.

The Demon King Army cannot save the world.

If it was before, Ling Tian could leave gracefully, regardless of the torrential flood behind him, but now, he has more ties, and he must be cautious in doing things.

I just don't know if there is anything the Brave can do. There has been no news from the Brave for a long time, and he should be on his honeymoon now, right?

Li Yinman appeared behind Ling Tian in a bathrobe, wrapping her arms around Ling Tian's neck.

Today's Li Yinman is more charming.

"What's the matter?" Ling Tian asked curiously, he felt that Li Yinman's mood today was not right, he seemed a little sad.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly feel a little unhappy." Li Yinman rubbed Ling Tian's cheek.

This hopeless.

Even if Li Yinman is a brave man, she has to admit that she has no way to save this scarred world.

Faced with such a sense of powerlessness, she is not in a good mood. The most important thing is that this kind of life will not last long.

If the Demon King's Army hadn't appeared, and the superhumans in this world hadn't been exposed, wouldn't I have gone to get back my power, but instead, as an ordinary person, I would find an ordinary job, fall in love with Ling Tian, ​​and reap an ordinary love? , and then sit together like this, looking at the ocean, hold your hand, and grow old together.

Instead of what it is like now, the future is hopeless, and the journey is also a fog.

At this moment, Ling Tian's arms gave her a sense of security.

Suddenly, Li Yinman exclaimed, because Ling Tian hugged her directly.

"Unhappy? Then let's be happy?" Ling Tian had a wicked smile on his face.

Li Yinman blushed and twisted her body.


"Ha ha……"

Ling Tian bowed his head, and immediately started asking for it, and Li Yinman also skillfully responded to Ling Tian.

The two hearts have also leaned together, snuggling up to each other.

Regardless of the landslides and landslides in the future, he only wants to be happy in the present, with you, it will be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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