Xiao Ning also has the resources to fight emperor

Chapter 107 Is there a bug in the system?

Chapter 107 Is there a bug in the system?
"Junior Xiao Ning, I have met the two seniors of the Heavenly Snake Mansion." Xiao Ning ignored Chi Huo's plea for help, and respectfully bowed slightly to the green-clothed woman and the eight-winged Black Snake Emperor.

Seeing Xiao Ning's opening, the Snake Emperor also stopped his thoughts of playing tricks on Chi Huo, turned his head to look at him, and approached Xiao Ning with triangular pupils as big as washbasins.

The bewitching snake pupils blinked twice, and in an instant, three green light spots flashed from Xiao Ning's pupils, and a faint green light shot out from Xiao Ning's pupils.

Immediately, Xiao Ning felt tremendous pressure, and his own Green Snake Sanhuatong passively asked the eight-winged Black Snake Emperor to sign a contract.

But the opponent's strength is too strong, Xiao Ning is too weak, Bi Snake Sanhuatong can't bear it, trembling slightly.

After probing, the eight-winged black snake emperor shook his dark head, raised his head to look at the green-clothed woman beside him, and said in a muffled voice, "It's the green snake and three flowers, that's right."

Similarly, as the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor's gaze left, the contract was terminated immediately, and disappeared from the eyes again.

Xiao Ning shook his head, there is really something in the Heavenly Snake Mansion, it can move the space in his pupils so easily.

Excitement flashed in the eyes of the woman in green clothes. She crossed her arms, looked at Xiao Ning with a pretty face and smiled and said, "You know the Green Snake Mansion very well. After exposing so many treasures, you dare to swagger and recover in front of the two fighting emperors." Injuries, aren't you afraid that I'll kill people and steal money?"

Hearing the words of the female Dou Huang, Xiao Ning immediately showed a frank face, showing a simple and honest smile, and said:
"I once met a strange person. He gave me a strange book, which contains the records of the Green Snake Mansion, and said that one day, if I can't get along anymore, I can go to the Green Snake Mansion for help."

"Everything about me comes from that senior, since he said so, then you yourself won't harm me!"

"The two seniors have a good character and integrity. They helped me stop the enemy who wanted to kill me. Naturally, they are not bad people. If you are like this, why should you be afraid?"

Xiao Ning's eyes were sincere, and he looked at the woman in green calmly. I'm not lying, after all, this world was created under his pen.

The woman in green just ignored Xiao Ning's gaze, this kid is not honest at all.Seeing Xiao Ning with a simple and honest face, he complained wildly in his heart.

Believe you, there are ghosts!
You guy just killed two Dou Ling and nearly 30 Dou Shi and Da Dou Shi.

Now, pretend to be honest with me here?

You really don't know that you are killing people like numbness, do you?

If I hadn't just watched the whole process of your boy's actions, I might have been confused by this guy's appearance.

"The corpses are still there, so you don't have to pretend to be here with me!" The green-clothed woman gave Xiao Ning a blank look, motioning him to look at the broken corpses in this place, and said angrily.

"Ahem. Well, they are all bad guys. They want to arrest me for research. I heard that they will dig out my heart and eyes." Xiao Ning said with a dry smile.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to hear these things." The woman in green waved her hand.

Good guys, bad guys, that's child's play.

At their level, there are no truly good people.

"That. Please pay the shooting fee of the two fighting emperors." The green-clothed woman felt that this kid was very slippery, and she could no longer be led by the nose by this little guy, so she took the initiative to attack.

"We don't want too much. One sixth-grade elixir per person. Dou Huang sells at least this price. You won't lose." The woman in green added with a smile.

"Ahem, what?"

Xiao Ning was dumbfounded, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

This woman doesn't play by the rules!

Shouldn't he be kind enough to persuade him to join the Green Snake Mansion?

Why did you talk about salary with me as soon as you came up, and I didn't ask you to make a move!

"That, that, me"

Seeing Xiao Ning's devastated appearance, the woman in green felt that she finally let out a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt much more comfortable in her heart.

"No? Can't you get it out?" The woman in green clothes suddenly changed her manner as she spoke, and said viciously: "Then obediently come to my Green Snake Mansion to work and pay back the debt, and leave when you finish paying!"

When you get to the Green Snake Mansion, it's up to you.

At that time, I will match you with a few beautiful female disciples from the mansion, and a hundred flowers will come from them. I don't believe that you, a young man with a strong blood, can bear it.

As long as you have a bond, do you still want to leave?

The female Douhuang's small calculations were clinking.

The eight-winged Black Snake Emperor on the side stared at Luman with puzzled eyes, wasn't it a promised invitation?

Why did it suddenly become hard to grasp?

This is not good, if it makes people feel bad, it will be a huge loss to the Green Snake Mansion!

Seeing the thoughtful expression of the female Dou Huang, Xiao Ning felt a chill in his heart.

Fuck!What is this woman thinking!

Didn't even ask you to come hard?
I didn't say no to it either!

Not waiting for the woman in green to force her, Xiao Ning smiled wryly and said: "I probably guessed the purpose of the two seniors, but I really have something to do, so I can't go with you."

"Hmm!" The green-clothed female Dou Huang stared at her immediately and was about to grab her by force.

"But!" Xiao Ning said hastily.

"Shut up if you have something to say!" The woman in green scolded.

Xiao Ning: "..."

It was you who interrupted me.

"I still have to deal with some things. After a while, it won't be too long. I must give you a satisfactory result, okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, we're not in a hurry, do you have any enemies? I can kill you. It just so happens that I haven't fought for a long time!" The eight-winged Black Snake Emperor's voice was like thunder, and he whipped Chi Huo excitedly few times.


Chi Huo, who was crushed under the eight-winged Black Snake Emperor: I have provoked someone!


After chatting with the Heavenly Snake Mansion for a while, Xiao Ning once again turned his attention to the dying, but not completely dead Mo Cheng.

At this moment, Mo Cheng looked miserable, he didn't have a whole piece of clothes on his body, and there was blood everywhere, so Mo Cheng was a fighting spirit, otherwise he might have died a long time ago.

The beast's hands also recovered due to lack of energy support, but it can be seen that his hands were severely damaged, and his meridians burst a lot. This is obviously a sequela of the beast.

If there is no elixir for repairing the meridians, this hand is almost useless.

This transplantation is just so-so.

Xiao Ning walked to Mo Cheng's side, leaped to kill the enemy, the system generated a villain boss card, and killing him would give him points and a chance to draw a card.

Mo Cheng is also a four-star character, and his admiration value has already been minus [-] at the moment. Killing him will give you [-] points and a chance to draw a card.

Xiao Ning didn't hesitate, a golden flame turned into a small energy sword, smashing Mo Cheng's heart with one blow.

However, something strange happened.

After waiting for a while, Xiao Ning did not wait for the system's prompt. After turning on the system, Mo Cheng's character card remained unchanged.

what's the situation?
Is Mo Cheng still alive?
But his heart was broken by him?

Xiao Ning checked Mo Cheng again to confirm that he was indeed dead and couldn't die anymore.

But why is there no response from the system?
There is a bug in the system?
(End of this chapter)

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