Chapter 108 Soul Bag (please subscribe!)

"System, system?" Xiao Ning called out to the system twice in his heart.


"You're still alive, I thought you were dead?" Xiao Ning laughed.

"What's the matter, just fart!"

The system is obviously still angry about what Xiao Ning complained about the system last time.

Ah!Still a tempered system!

"I want to ask, Mo Cheng has already been solved by me, why hasn't the system shown that I have completed the task? Could it be that you still have data delay?" Xiao Ning asked with a smile.

"Are you sure you really killed the other party?"

"The calculation on the system's side is based on the disappearance of the soul or the complete loss of memory of the soul body as the standard of death."

In terms of the system, Xiao Ning understands that in this fantasy time, the disappearance of the physical body does not mean that he is completely dead.

For a strong man like Yao Lao, even though his physical body is gone, he can still survive in the world, and he can even regain his physical body and be resurrected again.

At the fighting spirit level, even if the soul leaves the body, it will not die immediately.

But under normal circumstances, without the physical body as the container of the soul, the power of the soul will quickly dissipate and return to the world.

Could it be that Mo Cheng still has some treasures that store soul power? Xiao Ning squatted down and skillfully opened the corpse.

After searching for a while, except for a good ring, nothing else was found.

After opening the ring, there was nothing special inside except for some pills, monster blood, and monster corpses.


Xiao Ning frowned slightly.

From the side, silently watched Xiao Ning's skillful steps of touching the corpse, and saw Xiao Ning's strange expression.

This is a veteran!
Touching the dead body is also particular. People's real treasures will not be put in the ring on the bright side.

Under the tongue, in the armpits, in the nostrils, in the ears, in the hair, and even in the anus, these are all possible places.

Taking out the core Nashi of Najie is only the size of a grain of rice, where can't it fit?
Seeing Xiao Ning frowning for a while, the two Dou Huang secretly guessed what Xiao Ning was looking for.

It would be a lie to say that they are not curious, Xiao Ning has a lot of treasures on him, as Dou Huang, they are all jealous, things that make Xiao Ning care about, they seem to be unusual.

Finally, the eight-winged Black Snake Emperor couldn't help asking: "Xiao Ning, what are you looking for? Can you tell us, we can help you find it together."

Hearing the thunderous voice next to his ear, Xiao Ning came back to his senses, took a look at this big dark monster, frowned and said: "This Mo Cheng doesn't seem to be completely dead yet."

"Impossible!" The female Douhuang in green at the side felt it for a moment, and said, "This guy's vitality has been completely annihilated, and his soul fluctuations have completely disappeared. How could he not be dead yet?"

The Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor also felt it for a moment, and nodded in the same way: "The ball is indeed completely dead!"

"No, no, when you say that, I also feel something is wrong. When you killed him just now, I really didn't feel any soul fluctuations."

"It stands to reason that at the moment of death, the soul will leave the body and dissipate in the world, but for cultivators, as the strength increases, the soul power will also increase to varying degrees. For the soul of the spirit fighting level, the soul power It is already much higher than ordinary people, and it shouldn't dissipate completely in an instant."

Now the woman in green also paid more attention, and disappeared in place in a flash, looking around.

A pure soul has no strength in front of its body, even if it runs away, it will have a lot of money.

In a few breaths, he quickly searched for dozens of miles around, and the woman in green returned to the original place, frowning slightly, but she couldn't find it!

As soon as Xiao Ning saw the expression of the woman in green, he knew that there was nothing to discover.

Hey!This Mo Cheng still has some skills!
He actually escaped under the noses of himself and the two fighting emperors?
In the original book, did the Mo Cheng who was killed by Xiao Ning die in the end or not?

This time it attracted the attention of the two fighting emperors.

A little Dou Ling sneaked away in front of the two Dou Huang, but they didn't notice it at all.

It was Xiao Ning who brought it up, and they realized something was wrong.

Oh mom, I'm so ashamed!
For a while, the two of them were silent.
Chi Huo, who was suppressed by the eight-winged Black Snake Emperor, looked at everyone in a daze, rolled his eyes a few times, and shrunk his body a little bit.

In the end, it turned into a small snake only a few centimeters in size and sneaked out from under the snake emperor's body.

Then he quickly sneaked into Xiao Ning's cuff, and after a while, he quietly revealed a small head, looking around.

Seeing that the big black snake wasn't paying attention to him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then Chi Huo also felt the master's confusion.

After sniffing slightly, Chi Huo bumped Xiao Ning with his head.

Sensing Chi Huo's thoughts, Xiao Ning looked down.

I saw him crawling along Xiao Ning's hand to Xiao Ning's hand holding Mo Chengna Ring, pointed his head inside and said: "There is another strange thing inside."

Did Chihuo find out?
Xiao Ning was stunned, but then opened the ring and took out all the contents.

There are more than a dozen fire-poisoning mysterious pythons inside, which are of the same family as the Chihuo.

I saw Chi Huo felt it for a moment, leaped from Xiao Ning's hand, and flew to the side of a simple black bag, rolled up the humble little bag with the body of a snake and flew back to Xiao Ning's hand.

He nodded towards Xiao Ning as if asking for credit, and pointed to the black kit bag which was only a few centimeters in size.

Looking at the small black bag, Xiao Ning was a little surprised, because he didn't notice this thing when he checked Mo Chengna Ring just now.

Immediately, Xiao Ning surged up with a surge of soul power, wanting to detect the bag, but the soul power that had been detected in the past disappeared without a trace like a mud cow into the sea.

Xiao Ning's eyes flashed, this thing can absorb soul power, and it can also block soul perception!
Xiao Ning tried to open the bag, but he couldn't open it no matter what.

This thing looks like a cloth bag, but every time Xiao Ning tore the mouth of the bag forcefully, faint black lines appeared on it.

At this moment, the woman in green and the Eight-winged Black Snake Emperor, who were watching silently, suddenly remembered something, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Xiao Ning, that's a soul bag! Throw it away!" the woman in green said hastily.

"Ah?" Seeing the woman in green yelling anxiously, Xiao Ning was shocked, and immediately threw the black bag with all his strength.

There was a burst of Ziyun wings behind him, whooshing into the air, and escaped thousands of meters in an instant.

The Fighting Queen in Green: "..."

Eight-winged Black Snake Emperor: "..."

When this kid was courageous, he broke the sky. When he was young, he was so afraid of death!

The speed of escape can be compared with their imagination.

Xiao Ning was frightened by the words and expressions of the female fighting emperor in green and the eight-winged black snake emperor, and subconsciously thought it was some kind of taboo bomb.

In an instant, even the energy of breastfeeding was used up.

After running away for a while, I suddenly realized that something was wrong, and when I looked back, I saw two Dou Huang from the Heavenly Snake Mansion, looking at me with strange eyes.

When Xiao Ning saw that the two Dou Huangs were still standing in place, he immediately knew that he had overreacted.

"Ahem." Xiao Ning touched his nose in embarrassment, not knowing how to explain it.

"That... That, I suddenly remembered that there are still some things at home, just like to go home quickly and have a look."

The woman in green and the eight-winged Black Snake Emperor nodded, as if I understood.

Xiao Ning: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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