Chapter 155 The Conference Begins

East of the city.

In an inn.

The little loli took off the veil and bamboo hat on her head, her face was painted with a thick black dress, and her purple-black lips looked a bit evil. She said in a loli voice: "Little Tian."

"Call me by name, and, Yanli, don't pretend to be a woman in front of me, it makes me sick!" The little fairy doctor under the cloak had a look of disgust on his face, and interrupted him unceremoniously.

At this moment, the little fairy doctor wearing a bamboo hat and the charming little loli were sitting in a guest room respectively.

Such blunt words made the scene cold.

This little loli named Yanli couldn't hold back her expression.

But at the next moment, Yan Li still had a smile on his face, as if he didn't care about the little doctor's rudeness.

Recovering the voice of a middle-aged man, he solemnly said:
"Okay, Sky Poison Girl, just now I received the latest news, today Jia Ma Alchemist Guild organized an internal test, this year's newcomers are very strong, there are thirteen alchemists who have reached the third rank.

There were also two batches of dark horses, and when refining the black iron spirit leaf, the purity was refined to nine points. Although these two young people are only second-rank pharmacists, they are definitely not weak, and they even deliberately concealed their ability to refine medicine, hoping to wait for the meeting. The last blockbuster is worth noting. "

"It's not difficult for me to refine it to [-]% purity." The little fairy doctor's eyes were flat, indeed, for the little doctor fairy, he also has the heart fire of Qinglian, and has eaten the lotus seeds of the ground fire given by Xiao Ning. The degree of control over different fires is by no means worse than that of Xiao Yan.

Hearing that the little doctor looked confident, Yan Li felt relieved.

"By the way, do you know the names of these people?" Yan Li's words made the little fairy doctor's eyes move slightly, and he asked calmly.

"In addition to the alchemy disciple and the royal princess, there are two other people who seem to be called Yan Xiao and Ning Qianhuan."

The little fairy doctor is slightly happy in her heart, but her face is very calm, the senior brother is indeed there, I wonder if the senior brother will be surprised when he sees him?
Yanli didn't notice the fleeting smile on the little fairy doctor's face under the bamboo hat, he continued: "Based on the results of the previous alchemist conferences, your ability is enough to overwhelm the group of alchemists in the Jia Ma Empire.

But just to be on the safe side, I also went there with a disguised identity, and each of us made sure to win the first place in the Overweight Empire Alchemist Conference this time. "

Regarding Yanli's words, the little doctor is very clear about his purpose, so hard work is just to gain his own reputation.

And along the way, Yanli tried her many times, which made the little fairy doctor tireless.

Yanli wanted to talk more with the little doctor, but the little doctor had no interest in staying any longer, and said directly: "Yanli, I have nothing to do, I'll go back to my room first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yanli to speak, she left the room, she was not afraid of him.

Seeing the little fairy doctor leave so rudely, Yan Li stared deeply for a few times, and snorted coldly in his heart, if it wasn't for his age, he would be in big trouble if he was exposed, why would he pay a huge price to ask Tian Poison Girl to take action.

Staring at the slender waist of the little fairy doctor who left, the little lolita swallowed her saliva with a sharp look.

Tsk tsk, she really has a good figure of a young woman. Although as a poison master, she is full of poison, but she still can't stop her youthful and beautiful aura. I really want to take off her bamboo hat mask and see her true face underneath.


The next morning, the sun rose high.

The venue for this conference was provided by the plus royal family, directly located in the Royal Plaza in the city, a circular square that could accommodate tens of thousands of people.

At this moment, there is a heavily armed royal army guarding outside the venue to maintain order.

Xiao Ning and Ya Fei came to the Royal Plaza together.

He prepared to receive from the entrance of the alchemist's inspection and directly entered the competition venue. Yafei, as a spectator, walked towards the VIP seats.

Walking into the gate of the square, there is a lot of space inside.

In the square, it was extremely lively early in the morning. Hard rock platforms were temporarily built in the center of the square, and at a glance, it was enough to accommodate 2000 people at the same time to practice alchemy.

At this moment beside the bluestone platform in the center, except for a central area in the center, many of the bluestone platforms around have already had alchemists entering the arena.

Xiao Ning randomly chose a place in the center where no one was there, and quietly waited for the meeting to start.

Casually looking at the surrounding environment at the beginning of the stage, Xiao Ning saw President Fa Ma, Hai Bodong, Xiao Yan, Liu Ling and Xiaogong from yesterday at a stand that was obviously much more luxurious on the high platform, and they seemed to be chatting wearing something.

At the VIP seat, Ya Fei has already taken her seat, her chin resting on her jade hand, her beautiful eyes staring at Xiao Ning who is in the center with an inexplicable light, her body is lazily leaning on the chair, today she is wearing a tight red dress, which makes her proud figure Outlined vividly.

The other jade hand held a crystal cup, and took a sip of the grape juice in it from time to time.

Sensing Ya Fei's gaze, Xiao Ning nodded to her with a smile, Ya Fei raised the wine glass in her hand, with a smile on her face, raised her brows, as if celebrating Xiao Ning's victory.

Suddenly Xiao Ning felt another staring gaze, and turned his head to look towards a remote corner as if feeling something, looking at the slightly wrinkled alchemist in Izumo Empire costume wearing a bamboo hat.

The alchemist of the Izumo Empire?

He stared at him for no reason.

The next moment, Xiao Ning was stunned. Under his investigation, the figure under one of the bamboo hats was so familiar.

Little doctor fairy?
Xiao Ning was a little startled, she also came, and she came as a pharmacist of the Izumo Empire.

As if sensing Xiao Ning's gaze, the little doctor Xian Su slightly lifted the veil covering her, and showed a sweet smile to Xiao Ning.

Xiao Ning laughed a little, seeing that the little doctor is doing well in the Izumo Empire.

Less than two months after they separated, the little fairy doctor has already reached the peak of Dadoushi. I saw what opportunities I got recently.

Sure enough, following him all the time is the real delay of the little doctor's chance.

The two looked at each other, and everything was in their eyes. Now they can be said to be in two different camps, and they haven't communicated much.



Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation in the venue, and on the high platform, Liu Ling jumped straight from the stand tens of meters high, with smooth movements and a smooth figure.

When he was about to touch the ground, he shot out a wave of fighting spirit, the figure quickly buffered, turned gracefully and landed on his own position quickly, and opened the folding fan in his hand with a smile, looking like a handsome young man.

Immediately, countless girls in the auditorium screamed, and the little princess who was still on the high platform glanced at the corner of her mouth, and then she tapped her toes lightly, and landed on her own bluestone in a light and elegant posture. tableside.

Such an elegant posture naturally caused a burst of exclamation.

In the end it was Xiao Yan, who didn't want to pretend to be aggressive, but was swept away by Hai Bodong's fighting spirit and flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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