Chapter 156 First Round

With a kind of unsuspecting free fall, it hit the ground fiercely. When Xiao Yan was about to be smashed into meatloaf by many people in the auditorium, Xiao Yan's last coquettish operation caused the audience to exclaim , Instantly overshadowed the limelight of Liu Ling and the little princess in front.

The impromptu performance of the three of them was the opening performance of the alchemist conference, and it instantly heated up the atmosphere at the scene.

In the end, the little princess, Liu Ling and the others landed on several empty bluestone platforms around Xiao Ning.

A bell rang melodiously,
At this time, Fa Ma moved, stepped forward a few steps with a slightly stooped body, coughed and said: "The time is up, the participating pharmacists who haven't entered the arena quickly enter the arena.

The champion of this conference will be awarded the title of honorary vice president of the Alchemists Association, and will be rewarded with a volume of Liupin Danfang, No. 2. Once again, participate with integrity and do not cheat. Once caught, it will be dealt with severely. "At the end, Fa Ma's voice was extremely strict and cold.

Among the contestants, several pharmacists shrank their necks immediately, stunned by President Fa Ma's aura.

"Okay, are there any questions?" Fa Ma asked with a smile, his voice becoming like that of a kind grandfather again after the harshness.

"No." In the square below, all the alchemists replied, all the voices gathered together, the momentum was like a rainbow, and the roar continued.

"Okay, then I announce that the first round of the alchemist conference will start now!"

As soon as Fa Ma's words fell, thousands of flames in the square could not wait to burn brightly in the cauldron, and began to grasp the time to warm up the furnace.

At the same time, on the bluestone countertops of all the contestants, a low-level Naring appeared, containing examination questions and corresponding materials.

Almost everyone immediately took out the medicinal materials and exam questions, and began to read them one after another.

In vain, thousands of pharmacists are refining pharmacists at the same time. This kind of big scene can be described as quite spectacular. The pharmacists who are usually cold and rare, except for a very few, are all frantically starting to refine medicine at this moment.

In the center of the square, only Xiao Ning and the others didn't move immediately. After the alchemists' guild sent out the questions, they began to read the exam questions carefully.

The elixir refined in the first round this time is called Shenggu Pill. The name is a bit exaggerated. According to the brief introduction of the elixir, it is a kind of elixir for treating serious injuries, and it is only a second-grade elixir. Alchemist is quite difficult to refine.

At the beginning, it was the top-ranked elixir in the second rank. It seems that most of the alchemists will be eliminated. It is not easy to reach the second-rank alchemist under the age stipulated by the conference. If you want to successfully refine it within three chances A elixir whose difficulty is not weaker than that of the third grade is naturally very difficult.

Xiao Ning took a careful look at the pill formula, analyzed the medicinal properties of this medicinal material, and found no problems, so he slowly began to refine it.

Refining one by one into the cauldron, although Xiao Ning can easily refine more than ten kinds of medicinal materials at the same time, but it is not necessary now.

As time passed, the sound of the fryer sounded from time to time.

This time, there is no sound insulation setting. With the sound of a fryer, it may affect the people who are making alchemy next to them.

So sometimes, when someone is unlucky, one person frying the furnace will lead to a series of serial frying furnaces, and the pharmacists with weak control will start the second refining with a dark face. Three refining opportunities.

Xiao Ning had already refined all the medicinal materials, and was preparing for the final step of melting alchemy, when suddenly there was a muffled sound in Xiao Yan's alchemy furnace, and a puff of black smoke came out from the vent hole of the cauldron.

But Xiao Yan didn't show any dejection on his face, instead he looked excited, and then quickly started the second refining.

Liu Ling who was on the side saw Xiao Yan blowing up the stove, and sneered on his face, you deserve it just because you forced yourself to be in the limelight and blow up the stove!
The speed in the hands is a little faster, and the concentration is concentrated.

Xiao Ning glanced at it distractedly, instead of watching, he started the last process of refining his elixir.

With the changes in the knots in Xiao Ning's hand, in the pill furnace, a pitted pill prototype was formed, and with Liu Ling's hand movements, it gradually became round.

Not long after, the lid of the tripod was opened, and a round pill flew out, Xiao Ning grabbed it.

"Wow! Who is that person? Half of the time has passed, and he has already released his alchemy!" A spectator in the audience seat exclaimed.

Immediately, all eyes turned to Xiao Ning. At the VIP table on the high platform, Fa Ma stroked his beard and smiled, very satisfied with Xiao Ning's performance.

Through the observation just now, Fa Ma had a deeper understanding of Xiao Ning's alchemy technique, so he took a meaningful look at Xiao Ning.

Feeling in my heart, what a genius, such a fire control ability is not as good as some fourth-rank pharmacists.

Fa Ma thought in his heart that there should be no accidents in this conference. With Ning Qianhuan Town, the other great empires want to slap him in the face, so go ahead and dream!

Fa Ma thought with a relaxed heart.


The next moment, there was another sound of opening the furnace, and someone became a pill again.

Fa Ma looked at it warmly, his face froze slightly, it was the alchemist of the Izumo Empire.

Also so fast!

It was only a few minutes slower than Ning Qianhuan.

After seeing this time, the Izumo Empire Alchemist Guild is also a bad person.

The two of them successively formed pills one after another, and all the participating pharmacists present couldn't help but get nervous, and speed up the refining with serious faces.

The little princess and Liu Ling took a deep look at Xiao Ning and the female alchemist wearing a bamboo hat, and they also speeded up silently.

Five or six minutes later, Liu Ling and the little princess fired the cauldron and released the pill almost at the same time.

At this point, Xiao Yan seemed to be a little anxious. He just failed once because he was not familiar with the formula of the elixir.

At this moment, he gritted his teeth and threw the remaining six medicinal materials into the cauldron at the same time to start refining at the same time.

Next, on the huge square, people from Chengdan kept appearing.

Time passed quickly, and only a few minutes remained before the end of the time, Xiao Yan finally became a pill at the critical moment at the last moment.

The moment he slapped the tripod away, a melodious bell sounded, indicating that the time had come.

The audience didn't have Xiao Yan's breath, seeing him become a pill at the last critical moment, there was a sense of nervous excitement, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, it was time to test the effectiveness of the pill.

"All the alchemists who have completed the alchemy, according to the procedure, put your elixir into a special small black hole on the bluestone platform. The green light passes through, but the red light fails!" On the high platform, President Fa Ma said with a long voice.

After being instructed, the pharmacists of Chengdan put the elixirs they refined into the small holes one after another, and then around the bluestone platforms in the square, lights of different colors shone one after another.

Seeing the red light around them, many alchemists immediately looked downcast, and some were cursing.

"Fuck! What a broken testing machine, my medicine will fail!"

But when he saw the strong man in the water on the high platform, he chose to leave from his heart.

"Hehe, Brother Qian Huan, Your Royal Highness, why don't we go together." Liu Ling said with a smile, he was confident in his heart, he performed well this time, the quality of the elixir has reached the middle-grade high-grade, and it is close to the high-quality elixir Medicine, very confident.

The refining speed of Ning Qianhuan is so fast, the quality of the refined pill must not be high.

"Okay~" The little princess had a beautiful smile on her face, she nodded her head in agreement, then looked at Xiao Ning and said proudly: "I want to see how fine the elixir you can refine with such a fast speed. "

The little princess is not as righteous as Liu Ling.

Instead, she clearly stated her purpose, coupled with her slightly arrogant loli voice, it made people feel cute.

While trying to compare himself with Ning Qianhuan, he also cleverly avoided many subsequent troubles and possible conflicts.

Hearing the little princess's words, Liu Ling seemed to think of something, and then squinted at Xiao Yan and said, "Mr. Yan Xiao, do you want to come together?"

Xiao Yan at the side: "..."

Am I being embarrassed?
Xiao Yan looked calm, glanced at Liu Ling, and ignored it without saying a word.

Afterwards, the four of them put the elixir into the detection hole together, and the surroundings of the bluestone platform suddenly lit up with dazzling green light.

Among them, Xiao Ning was the most prosperous, followed by Xiao Yan, then the little princess, and finally Liu Ling.

Such a result immediately made Liu Ling's face turn red.

He never expected that he was actually the lowest quality among the few, and he was so ashamed and ashamed.

At this moment, Liu Ling wished she could find a crack in the ground and slip in, it was so embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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