Chapter 201 Enter
However, they managed to attract the attention of Wu Hao and Bai Shan. Seeing a big footprint on Hu Jia's round butt, the two of them suddenly became very strange.

Even Bai Shan, who cherished himself and the treasures of Zangbao Pavilion, temporarily forgot his distress, and was a little dazed looking at the footprints on Hu Jia's butt.

Wu Hao, who was always cold like a zombie, unexpectedly showed a look of admiration on his face, North Korea gave a thumbs up.

Hu Jia instantly noticed Wu Hao's expression behind her, and her beautiful face instantly turned red.

"Ah~! Xiao Ning, wait for me, this matter is endless!" After speaking, Hu Jia covered her face and ran away.

Looking at the waves of buttocks during the running, a big foot is so conspicuous, and as it shakes, the footprint seems to be walking with it.

"Uh..." Xiao Ning was a little dazed, does this little witch actually have such a shy side?

Hey, I seem to have forgotten to remind Hu Jia to take a picture of the footprints just now, so everyone saw it when I ran out?
Xiao Ning carefully glanced at Hu Gan on the high platform, remembering that in the original book Xiao Yan beat Hu Jia violently, which seriously injured the old man, it seems that he didn't say anything.

It should be fine... Xiao Ning comforted himself.

Naturally, Hu Qian also noticed Xiao Ning's eyes, instantly guessed what Xiao Ning meant, glared at Xiao Ning fiercely, then his figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared beside Hu Jia the next moment, grabbed her and disappeared without a trace no trace.

They are all students who are cultivators, and their positions are very fast, and they are almost gone in less than 5 minutes.

At this moment, Xiao Yan was still on the way to break through, but Ruo Lin and Xiao Yu walked over, and said with surprise on their faces: "Congratulations, you have won No.1 in the selection competition."

This time, Tutor Ruolin really didn't expect that the class she led would occupy the top three in the selection competition, which was a big surprise.

Not only is she sure to be promoted to a mentor at the end of the year, but she will bring out the top three outstanding talents in the foreign world selection competition, and the rewards will be extremely rich.

Xiao Xun'er also came over at this time, slightly nodded towards Xiao Ning, and said gratefully: "I just thanked Cousin Xiao Ning, if it wasn't for Brother Ning, there might be a bloody battle right now."

"Hasn't Xiao Yan finished his breakthrough yet?" Xiao Yu asked as he saw that the power of heaven and earth was still rushing towards Xiao Yan.

"It will take a while." Xiao Xun'er said, in fact, it has been less than 10 minutes since Xiao Yan's breakthrough.

"Why don't you go first, I'll wait here for brother Xiao Yan to break through." Xiao Xun'er said warmly.

"Okay, then let's go first." Xiao Yan broke through quietly here, and there is no need to accompany him here.

Afterwards, the plaza where Xiao Ning, elder sister, tutor Ruo Lin and some students in the class left together, completely fell silent.

After a few minutes, Xiao Yan's absorption of external energy gradually weakened, and then his aura was shaken. The next moment Xiao Yan jumped up, and the peak aura of the Eight-Star Great Fighter exploded crazily.


The whole square was quiet and empty.

Xiao Yan: "..."

What about people?

Isn't it the final battle of the re-qualifications?
Why is there no one in the huge square...

"Brother Xiao Yan, you have completed your breakthrough!" Xun'er's pleasantly sweet voice suddenly came from the side.

Looking at Xiao Xun'er's slim figure, Xiao Yan scratched his head and said, "Xun'er, have I broken through for a long time, what about the others?"

Xiao Yan wondered in his heart, could it be that he had spent too long in his breakthrough, had the trials already ended, and what was the final result?

"It didn't take long, and it was less than a cup of tea. Brother Xiao Yan made a breakthrough super fast~" Xiao Xun'er pouted her ruddy mouth, and said with a smile.

"Then why, the whole square is empty." Hearing Xiao Xun'er's words, Xiao Yan became even more puzzled. After a while, all the people left.

"Hehe, it's because Brother Xiao Ning is too powerful. After you sat down and broke through, Hu Jia and the others wanted to besiege Brother Ning, but they were all sent flying by Brother Ning." Xiao Xun'er said quickly.

Is that so... Xiao Yan was a little speechless, so fast!
It took more than ten minutes for him to break through, but Ning Ge directly solved the three geniuses to end the game, and then left the field.


After understanding the cause and effect, Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er left the empty square together.


seven days later.

Office of the Dean of the Faculty.

It is spacious and bright, and the rows of bookshelves are filled with various scrolls and ancient books.

Xiao Ning and the top five talented students gathered together in a room.

Vice President Hu Gan, dressed in fancy attire, was confronted by everyone, leaving Xiao Ning with a blank head.

As we all know, the strong like to turn their backs on everyone.

At this moment, Hu Jia was standing on Xiao Ning's left hand side, and glared at Xiao Ning. This hateful person, who doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all, actually put such a big poke on his ass.

If it wasn't for his grandfather taking him away at that time, he didn't know how much face he would have lost. Afterwards, Hu Jia hurried to find Bai Shan and Wu Hao, and seriously warned them not to speak nonsense.

At this moment, seeing Xiao Ning who was beside him as if nothing had happened, Hu Jia suddenly gritted her teeth a little bit, and at the same time thinking of that kick, she felt a dull pain in her buttocks.

Then she was a little discouraged, looking at the back of her grandfather's head in front of her, Hu Jia pouted her lips, feeling aggrieved, her grandfather would protect her before, but this time instead of helping herself, she actually helped Xiao Ning, a big villain, talk.

snort!Grandpa doesn't love me anymore.

Xiao Ning naturally doesn't know what Hu Jia beside him is thinking at this moment, if he knew, he would probably give her a serious warning, girl, your current thinking is very dangerous.

"Okay, all of you are geniuses of the academy, and you will enter the inner court tomorrow. Let me say something more here. The inner court is different from the outer court. The rules of the inner court are more brutal and closer to society.

From the moment you enter the inner court, I hope you can sincerely let go of your prejudices and unite as one, otherwise your life in the inner court may be difficult for a while. "Hu Gan said in a faint voice, but in fact, it was mainly for his granddaughter.

With Xiao Ning, an absolutely suppressing genius, in this class, others will naturally move closer to Xiao Ning,
Since Wu Hao lost the battle with Xiao Ning that day, his attitude towards Xiao Ning has changed obviously, it is respect for the strong.

As for Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Yan, both of them are members of the Xiao family, and from his observation, they are vaguely headed by Xiao Ning.

"Hmph~ I got it!" Hu Jia said reluctantly, and then urged: "Grandpa, hurry up and take us to the Treasure Pavilion!"

"Ahem... come with me." Hu Qian said, patting a space in the wall with the palm of his hand, and then a low rumble sounded.

Afterwards, a pitch-black vortex passage appeared, and at the same time, an extremely dangerous aura came faintly from the passage.

Under the leadership of Hu Qian, the five followed and entered.

(End of this chapter)

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