Chapter 202 "Foul"

In the passage, it was dark and quiet, and a deadly and desolate atmosphere immediately lingered in everyone's hearts, making people tremble and the sphincter contracted.

Except for the faint brilliance coming from the end of the passage, the surroundings of the passage are deep and terrifying, and the slightly turbulent airflow actually makes people feel great terror.

"Be careful in the passage, don't use your fighting spirit to touch and attack anything, otherwise it will seriously interfere with the stability of the passage, you know?" Hu Qian's stern voice in front of everyone remembered.

Everyone's heart was awe-inspiring, and they all nodded solemnly, carefully following in line.

Is this space turbulence?

Feeling this palpitation, Xiao Ning felt it seriously, and at the same time, he actually felt that these space energies had the same origin as some of the silver factors he had fed back from Medusa.

He separated out all the subtle soul power to feel it at close range. There was nothing abnormal about touching the barrier of the channel, and it did not interfere with the stability of the channel.

But when he passed through the energy barrier of the channel, his ray of soul power lost contact with him in an instant.

Xiao Ning suddenly felt like being pricked by a needle, and the stinging pain instantly spread throughout his body, causing his body to pause.

I smiled wryly in my heart, I was a little drifting.

"Oh~ Xiao Ning, why didn't you leave all of a sudden!" A girl's exclamation came from behind Xiao Ning, at the same time, because she bumped into Xiao Ning's back suddenly, she panicked, and was anxious about what her grandfather said, so she didn't use her fighting spirit to maintain her balance.

With the inertia, she staggered slightly forward and slightly leaned forward, directly bumping into the broad back full of masculinity.

Hu Jia's voice immediately stopped Wu Hao and Xiao Yan who were following behind, and these few people did not collide with each other.

Hu Jia was a little annoyed, he felt that Xiao Ning might have done it on purpose, his delicate nose couldn't help but make his breath thicker, a little bit ashamed and angry.

Hu Qian was at the front, and he also stopped and looked back at Xiao Ning with deep eyes.

He has felt Xiao Ning's soul detection power ever since it appeared, but seeing that Xiao Ning only released a tiny amount of soul power, he didn't say anything.

Let this kid feel the power of the void, and tell them thousands of times, it's better for them to experience it themselves.

"Be careful, follow me." Hu Gan said again in a serious voice.

Soon, everyone walked to the bright spot at the end of the passage, and several people walked into the end of the bright passage one after another.

The next moment, a dazzling light flashed, and those who had to adapt to the dark environment subconsciously closed their eyes.

After a while, everyone slowly opened their eyes, and what appeared in front of them was a canyon surrounded by cliffs, and a thick, simple, dignified and majestic pavilion appeared in front of them.

On the quaint attic built along the cliff face, on an ancient plaque that exudes a special charm, there are three large characters that have been eroded over the years - Zangbao Pavilion.

This is probably the most important place in Canaan Academy. According to the original book, the people guarding this place are all the retired elders of the previous inner court, at least all of them are above the mid-level Douzong.

Hu Qian led the five people towards the gate, stopped under the attic, saluted respectfully towards the attic, and said: "I'm bothering you, this is the top five seeded contestants in the inner court selection competition this year. According to the rules, you can Get a chance to enter the Treasure Pavilion to pick a treasure."

Hu Gan's voice fell, and the lingering sound resounded back and forth in this valley surrounded by cliffs on all sides.

a while.

The attic door opened silently.

Outside the door, two figures in gray robes sat cross-legged on both sides of the door at some point, and the old man's originally closed eyes slowly opened.

The fleeting coercion shocked Wu Hao, Hujia and the others. Xiao Ning had seen the aura of several Dou Zong before, and he had already gotten used to it. In addition, he was already mentally prepared. What a shocked expression.

The two old men didn't speak, the vice president kept the posture of saluting, and Xiao Ning and the others hurriedly followed suit.

However, the two old men are like an old computer ten years ago. After turning it on, the circle in the middle turns and turns, but they don't remember the last boot sound.

He clearly knows that the other party has opened his eyes and looked at you, but he just doesn't speak, as if he is in a daze.

After a while, the old man on the left slowly turned his neck to look at Hu Gan, and said with emotion: "Little Hu, you are here again, how time flies!"

When Hu Gan heard this, his wrinkled old face twitched slightly, but he didn't say a word.

Xiao Ning, Hu Jia and the others who lowered their heads had strange expressions on their faces.


It's against harmony for such a nickname like a milk baby to appear on an old man who may be hundreds of years old!
Although they knew that this Hu was not that tiger, but it sounded like they wanted to laugh.

At the same time, everyone was even more shocked by the identities of the two elders who guarded the pavilion. They must be the elders of the previous generation who lived in front of the vice president.

To be able to live for such a long time, it is natural not to have to live because of his terrifying strength, otherwise he would not be able to live for such a long time if he wanted to.

"Huh!" The old man sighed, looking at Xiao Ning and the others, he was suddenly surprised, and said with some surprise: "The students in this class are a bit interesting, and finally saw a few good young talents."

At the same time, another old man finally spoke, "It's not easy for a young man to refine a strange fire."

He looked at Xiao Yan and said: "The cremation is shaped like a lotus flower, and its color is blue. It should be the No. 18 Qinglian Dixinhuo on the list of different fires!"

The old man's words made Xiao Yan's body stiff, and his heart was a little horrified. The old man glanced at him casually, and he was seen through by the other party without even letting out the strange fire. It's amazing!

At the same time, what the old man said surprised Wu Hao and Hu Jia. They never expected that the extremely powerful flame that Xiao Yan showed was actually the rumored strange fire.

On the contrary, Xiao Ning and Xiao Xun'er hid the fire in their bodies, but the two old men did not discover it, otherwise they would be surprised.

Hearing the compliments from the two elders, Hu Gan's face brightened, a sincere smile emerged, and he said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then let the elders unlock the space lock of the Treasure Pavilion!"

The space lock is a space enchantment that can only be arranged by the Dou Zun. There is no specific key or Dou Zun's personal presence. Anyone who wants to forcibly enter the enchantment will either be bombarded or killed, or the space will be broken and involved in the chaos of space. flow.

The two old men didn't say anything, they got up at the same time, facing the attic, and slowly stretched out two pairs of dry arms from the robes, following the operation of the two old men.

Xiao Ning could feel clearly that there was a violent spatial fluctuation, and the two old men formed a special seal synchronously.

 The routine is indeed a bit old~ Don’t mind everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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