After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 100 Variety Show Resources

Chapter 100 Variety Show Resources
Although Yun Qinian is not a small-minded person, she doesn't think she is that magnanimous.

Ning Xi confronted her time and time again, embarrassing her a few times, it's no wonder she let Ning Xi participate in this variety show.

The people on the opposite side did not dare to disobey, and responded repeatedly.

"Yes, I understand. Does the chairman have any other orders?"


"Okay, then I want to ask, when will you be free to visit our company? No one has seen you since the company was acquired."

Yun Qinian thought for a while, she didn't want people to discover her identity as the boss of CN Entertainment yet.

So he just said lightly: "Let's talk about it later when I have a chance, I still have something to do, so let's just leave it at that and hang up."

the next day.

Ning Xi came to the set again early in the morning.

Everyone is used to her behavior of running to other people's crews every two days.

Therefore, not only does it not feel strange, but it feels normal.

It was time for breakfast, and a familiar actor smiled and said, "Ning Xi, have you had breakfast? Do you want to have some together?"

Ning Xi tilted her head, "I won't eat, you guys can eat."

"Tsk, Missy doesn't like our breakfast."

That person was familiar with Ning Xi, so he didn't have any fear of making jokes.

Ning Xi was not angry, but instead looked expectantly at the direction of the entrance of the studio.

The man knew who she was waiting for, so he leaned over gossipingly and winked at her.

"Waiting for Brother Xu again? I think you ran over to wait for him when you were free. You're almost like a husband-wife stone. When are you two going to have a wedding?"

Ning Xi glared at him coquettishly.

"What nonsense? We're not planning to get married yet."

"Not yet? Didn't you say that you are a family marriage?"

The Ning family and the Xu family are both big families here, and their parents had long thought of marrying the two families.

Ning Xi also likes Xu Jiamu very much, and even entered the entertainment industry because of him.

Therefore, those who are familiar with them think that the two of them are married long ago.

Thinking of this, Ning Xi bit her lip.

"We will be together soon, as long as I finish filming the next variety show and increase my popularity, we will definitely be together."

Until now, Ning Xi still felt that the reason why Xu Jiamu looked down on her was because she was a scumbag who brought money into the team, and he was already the best actor of all time.

The man's eyes lit up when he spoke to her.

"Variety show? What variety show are you going to participate in?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Ning Xi immediately became elated.

"You don't know yet? CN Entertainment has launched a new indoor variety show. The investment is huge. Our company has already sent me to participate."

The other party's eyes widened in surprise.

"CN Entertainment? That's a well-known blockbuster maker in China. Whether it's film and television dramas or variety shows, you've invested in ten out of ten movies. You're going to be popular."

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows proudly.

"Of course!"

"If you want me to say that you are still very good. It has only been a long time since your debut, and you have obtained such amazing resources. Unlike some people, you have not won many resources, but there are a lot of scandals. I don't know how to be arrogant."

Of course Ning Xi knew who he was talking about.

It just so happened that Yun Qinian was walking into the set at this time, and she couldn't help but sneer and said, "You can't say that, people rely on a big tree to enjoy the shade, although they can't get such a big resource as CN Entertainment, but if they can serve you comfortably , it’s okay to give her some scraps, don’t you think?”

"Hahahaha, that's true."

The two laughed.

As soon as Yun Qinian came in, she realized that someone was talking about her.

Looking up, it turned out to be Ning Xi.

This is no surprise.

But what did she just say?

She won the resources of CN Entertainment?
Thinking of Ran Yue's words last night, Yun Qinian seemed to understand something, and nodded thoughtfully.

She didn't intend to pay any attention to Ning Xi, and walked towards the dressing room.

However, Ning Xi managed to catch an opportunity to show off, how could he miss it?

Immediately rushed over to stop her, shouted: "Don't leave!"

Yun Qinian stopped patiently, "What's the matter?"

Ning Xi folded her arms and said with a proud smile: "Yun Qinian, I didn't have any good resources before, so you never looked at me seriously. Now that I have won the position of MC of CN's new variety show, you should admit defeat, right?" ?”

Yun Qinian said indifferently: "I have never argued with you before, so why admit defeat?"

Her calm appearance made Ning Xi a little angry.

Who doesn't know that even though she is the eldest daughter of the Ning family, her career in the entertainment industry is not going smoothly.

Those directors and producers either said that she was not suitable for acting, or that she had no inspiration for acting.

It made it difficult for her to even join the team.

Now that he finally got a good resource, Yun Qinian actually has this attitude?

what is this?
Look down on her?
Is she not even worthy of being an opponent?

Ning Xi said coldly: "Yun Qinian! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking when you put on such a calm look. You must be envious of me, right? What's so great about making a movie? Can you Fire is not sure yet!

Now is the world of variety shows, look at the resident MCs of variety shows launched by CN Entertainment before, how many are not popular?So I'll red it's a surefire fact, and you?Just continue acting as your high school student in this cold film and television city! "

After she finished speaking viciously, she was about to leave.

Yun Qinian suddenly stopped her.

"Ning Xi."

Ning Xi turned her head, her eyes wary, "What are you doing?"

Yun Qinian smiled, "Are you sure you really won the resources of CN's new variety show?"

Ning Xi frowned.

Recalling what her agent said to her before, although she has not signed the contract yet, she said that the other party appreciates her character of daring to speak and do, and this cooperation is almost inseparable.

Since it is almost inseparable, it is almost certain.

Therefore, Ning Xi's confidence rose immediately.

"Of course, why, are you not convinced?"

"Convince." Yun Qinian smiled more and more gently, but if you look closely, you will see a hint of cunning in her eyes.

"Since you are so sure, why don't we make a bet?"

"What are you gambling?"

"Just bet that you can't get CN Entertainment's variety show resources. If I lose, I will praise you on Weibo for seven days in a row. The copywriting is not the same every day, and I promise to write it by myself. If you lose, it's the same. How about it?" ?”

Ning Xi looked at her suspiciously, for some reason, she always felt that Yun Qinian was digging a hole for her.

But think about it, the resources have almost been obtained by themselves.

Yun Qinian is a newcomer, with the exception of Ruan Yuzhen, a former actress who is a godmother, and has no special background.

Ruan Yuzhen still has some influence in the film and television industry, but in the variety show industry, she simply has no place to speak.

Even if she wanted to pry her, she shouldn't be able to pry her own resources away.

Thinking of this, Ning Xi agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, it's a deal! If you lose at that time, don't hold back!"

(End of this chapter)

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