Chapter 101
Yun Qinian smiled slightly, "I promise not to default."

Only then did Ning Xi leave proudly.

As soon as she stepped forward, a call from Li Hu, president of CN Entertainment, came in.

Yun Qinian picked it up while walking to the dressing room.

"Is something wrong?"

"Chairman, just now I found out that there is indeed a guest named Ning Xi on the list of guests to be invited for the variety show "The Detective is Coming", and her name has been crossed out according to your instructions."

Yun Qinian curled her lips, "I see."

After Ning Xi went back, she found her manager.

"Sister Xue, the variety show resources of CN Entertainment that we agreed earlier should be fine, right?"

"No problem, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just want to know when the contract will be signed."

"I've already told them that they can sign tomorrow."

"Really? That's great!"

A wave of joy rose in Ning Xi's heart.

She felt that as soon as the contract was signed, Yun Qinian would lose, and then it would be up to her how to mess with her!

Thinking of this, she said happily: "Thank you, sister Xue."

The next day, the two came to CN Entertainment's headquarters building to sign the contract.

It was a staff member from the project department who received them. After leading them to the reception room to sit down, he asked, "I wonder what the two of you are doing here?"

Sister Xue smiled and said, "The one we came to sign the contract is the variety show "Detective Is Coming". I talked to your manager before."

The staff member raised his eyebrows, and his gaze suddenly turned strange.

But she didn't say anything, just smiled politely: "Then please wait a moment, I will call our manager over here."

After she left, Ning Xi just suppressed the excitement in her heart, lowered her voice and asked, "Sister Xue, the project manager of CN Entertainment, isn't she very good?"

Sister Xue said: "Of course, most of us agency companies have to look at his face. After all, CN Entertainment's status is there. The company is big and has a lot of resources. As long as everyone wants to eat this food, who doesn't want to curry favor with him?"

"Then should I say something nice for a while? In this way, next time he has a good project, he will think of us."

Sister Xue thought about it and shook her head.

"You don't need to. I'll do these things. You have to remember your personality. You're an upright and careless young lady. They chose you to join the group because of your controversial points. Don't contract with me." It’s going to collapse before anyone signs it.”

Ning Xi nodded obediently.

Not long after, a thick middle-aged male voice came from outside.

"Oh, Li Xue is you, why didn't you tell me earlier, I should go down to pick you up."

It was the project manager of CN Entertainment who came in.

The manager's surname is Liu, and he and Li Xue were college classmates. They had a good relationship when they were in school, but they had no contact for many years after graduation.

Unexpectedly, some time ago, CN Entertainment was acquired, and I heard that it has undergone a major internal change.

In order to make contacts, she asked someone to introduce the manager here. Unexpectedly, after the introduction, she found out that the project manager here was exactly her old classmate when she was in college.

When the two met, they were naturally affectionate.

It is also because of this that Li Xue was able to help Ning Xi get this resource.

Li Xue tugged at Ning Xi's sleeve, stood up, and said with a smile, "Mr. Liu is joking, it's not the first time I've come here, I just came here by myself, how dare I bother you."

Manager Liu waved his hand.

"You're out of touch now. We are old classmates. Whether Mr. Liu is not Mr. Liu, it's still the same as when we were in school. Just call me Liu Yu."

Seeing this, Li Xue was naturally very happy.

Then he introduced Ning Xi who was next to him.

Ning Xi has been coveting the big chaebol CN Entertainment for a long time, but although the Ning family has some money, it is still inferior to a consortium like CN Entertainment.

Therefore, she has not been able to make friends.

Now that I know Liu Yu, I can be regarded as having a personal connection.

She didn't believe it, if she could establish a good relationship with Liu Yu, she would be unable to get along in this circle in the future.

Thinking of this, the smile on Ning Xi's face became more attentive.

"Hi Mr. Liu, my name is Ning Xi."

Liu Yu glanced at her and nodded lightly.

"I used to be shocked when I saw Miss Ning on TV, but now I see her in person, she is even prettier than on TV. No wonder Li Xue is so troublesome for you."

Hearing him praise herself, Ning Xi felt even more proud.

Consciously, Liu Yu definitely appreciates him very much, and he has already started to imagine the scene of himself leaning against a big tree and making a fortune in the future.

"Mr. Liu was joking, it's Sister Xue who thinks highly of me, and I'm able to get to where I am today thanks to your care."

Liu Yu smiled and said nothing.

After a while, I asked, "By the way, what are you guys doing here today?"

Li Xue was taken aback.

Because when she recommended Ning Xi to Liu Yu on the phone, the other party agreed.

So she took it for granted that the other party should know that she was here to sign the contract today.

Now Liu Yu's reaction was as if he didn't know, so Li Xue was confused by the question.

But after all, it was someone who had been in the circle for a long time, she quickly realized.

She smiled flatteringly and said, "I brought Ning Xi here to sign the contract today. It's the variety show we talked about earlier, "The Detective is Coming". You must have forgotten it, right?"

Liu Yu froze for a moment, then slapped his forehead.

"Oh, look at my brain! Yes, I promised you before."

Hearing that he didn't deny it, Li Xue was relieved.

However, the next words made her not so happy.

Only Liu Yu said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, that variety show is already full, so this contract may not be signed for the time being."

Both Li Xue and Ning Xi were shocked.

"What? Full?"

Li Xue said sharply: "Didn't you say that there is still a young flower missing? Why is it full now?"

Liu Yu smiled awkwardly.

"Before, there was still one short, but it was filled later, so now there is really no shortage of people."

Li Xue: "..."

Ning Xi: "..."

At this time, how could they still not understand that someone robbed their resources.

Ning Xi's complexion sank instantly, and she no longer had the cute and cute appearance before.

"Who? Who robbed my resources?"

Liu Yu glanced at her and said nothing.

Li Xue also asked: "Mr. Liu, no matter what, we are old classmates. You have already promised me this resource before, so how can you give it to someone else? Aren't you playing tricks on me?"

Liu Yu was also a little unhappy when they said that.

But in the end, I took into account the face of my old classmates and didn't make the scene any more ugly.

Instead, he calmed down with a gentle voice: "I can't help it. Speaking of which, I'm the project manager of CN Entertainment, but I'm actually just a part-time worker. I can only follow the instructions, right? So it's really not that I don't want to." Give you a chance, I really don’t have the power.”

(End of this chapter)

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