Chapter 102
What she said made Li Xue even more surprised.

She was surprised and said, "You mean it's not your idea to change people, it's the higher-ups' meaning?"

Liu Yu nodded.

Ning Xi was somewhat disapproving.

"Which one? Didn't they say that you are in charge of all the projects under CN Entertainment? Of course, you have the final say on the selection of variety shows. Is it possible that your president has a lot of time to worry about the casting of variety shows?"

Her tone was not very good.

Liu Yu frowned, and simply didn't bother to go around in circles with them.

He said directly: "Forget it, let me tell you the truth, this time it is someone arranged by our big boss, not to mention me, even our general manager can't help it, so don't waste your efforts in vain, this variety show is really for you! No fate."

Li Xue: "..."

Ning Xi: "..."

He had already talked to this point, so the two of them naturally couldn't say anything more.

In the end, I could only leave disappointed.

After leaving the building of CN Entertainment, Li Xue sighed and said, "At first I thought it was a certainty, but I didn't expect it to change. Ning Xi, don't be discouraged. Anyway, you just made your debut not long ago, and now you are participating in a variety show under CN Entertainment." It is indeed too early, wait for you to make a few more movies and gain some popularity, then I will find you better ones."

Unexpectedly, Ning Xi gritted her teeth bitterly.

"No, I'm going to participate in this!"

She had already made a bet with Yun Qinian, if she gave up at this time, wouldn't she really praise her on Weibo for seven days?
A ghost would do such a disgusting thing!
Seeing her like this, Li Xue frowned worriedly.

"Ning Xi, I just said that they are full, and that person was stuffed in by their big boss, so there is no way to move him. You must not do anything impulsive just because of your whim."

Of course Ning Xi knew what she said.

It's just that when she thought of losing, she would have to admit defeat to Yun Qinian, and she felt unwilling.

"Sister Xue, don't worry! I won't act impulsively. I just want to find out who the other party chose, and see if I can get in touch with them, so that they can give me this resource. Let it go, if you can't let it go, I won't mess around."

Li Xue felt relieved after hearing this.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll help you ask and call if you need anything."


After separating from Li Xue, Ning Xi began to ask people in the circle who was the last candidate for "The Detective is Coming".

But the strange thing is, no matter how much she inquired, there was no news at all.

Everyone only knows a few other members of this variety show. As for the last member, they only vaguely heard that a candidate has been found.

Who exactly it was was not revealed.

Ning Xi asked around but didn't answer, so she couldn't help feeling a little impatient.

At this moment, she suddenly received a call from her family.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

It was Mrs. Ning Zeng Rao who called her.

Zeng Rao's tone was a little excited.

"Xixi, are you free to come back this weekend?"

Ning Xi frowned, a little impatiently.

"Mom, it's not like you don't know that I'm filming now, and there are announcements every day. How can I come back when I'm free?"

Zeng Xiao said in a good voice: "I know you are busy, but isn't this the weekend for Mr. Xue's birthday? At that time, all the famous and dignitaries will go, and I heard that the boss of CN Entertainment will also go. You are in the entertainment circle now It's good for you to make more contacts like this, otherwise, how long will it take to become popular if you are acting honestly like you are now?"

Ning Xi was taken aback for a moment, suddenly a little surprised.

"What did you say? The boss of CN Entertainment is here?"

"That's right, I heard people from Xue's family say so, so you can try to find time to come back, if you really can't, forget it."

"No, I'm back, I'm free!"

Ning Xi quickly answered, as if she was afraid that Zeng Xiao would not let her go back again.

"Is it this weekend? I'll ask the director for leave after a while and promise to come back this weekend."

Although Zeng Xiao was surprised by her sudden change, she was naturally happy that her daughter was willing to come back.

Therefore, I happily agreed, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xi secretly clenched her fists.

Mr. Liu said that the person who replaced her was assigned by the big boss of CN Entertainment.

Since she couldn't find out who that person was, she could just go to their big boss directly.

As the boss of an entertainment company, she knows what kind of virtue she has.

At that time, if you act softly, act coquettishly, and make friends with your family, won't you have everything?
After all, since the other party was able to attend Mr. Xue's birthday banquet, it meant that he had some relationship with the Xue family.

And my family and Xue's family are distant relatives, even if I don't look at other things, in terms of this relationship, the other party should give me face.

Thinking of this, Ning Xi went back to filming with peace of mind.

And this time, the other side.

Yun Qinian suddenly received an invitation for Mr. Xue's birthday party.

The Xue family has some connections with her, but not as Yun Qinian, but as a ghost doctor.

At the beginning, she had just completed her studies with her master, and when she went out to practice, she met a white-haired patient.

The patient not only suffers from heart disease, but also has serious geriatric diseases such as high blood pressure and cerebral thrombosis.

I didn't know what was going on, and I was separated from my family, and passed out alone by the roadside.

It was Yun Qinian who happened to save him, and then healed him.

After the other party revealed his identity, she knew that he was the old man of the Xue family in Linshi.

Yun Qinian only knew about Xue's family, but didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, she herself was born in a wealthy family, and the Ye family has surpassed many powerful and famous families.

She doesn't pay much attention to the small Xue family.

But she likes the character of old man Xue's family, like an old urchin, very funny.

Therefore, the two formed a year-end friendship at that time.

After two lifetimes, Yun Qinian actually forgot this Wangnian long ago.

If it wasn't for this invitation post, she wouldn't have thought of it.

After thinking about it, Yun Qinian still decided to participate.

It's not because she likes to join in the fun, but because she remembers that a big event will happen to Xue's family soon.

After all, they were friends, and she didn't want Mr. Xue to end up miserable in his later years.

So, I decided to check it out first.

So, on the day of the weekend birthday party, Yun Qinian asked Lin Senwei for leave again and went to Lin City.

For her request for leave, Lin Senwei has become numb from his reluctance at the beginning to his helplessness later on.

But fortunately, Yun Qinian's acting skills are top-notch, no matter what the play is, there is basically one or two passes.

Therefore, even if he asks for leave, the progress will not be delayed, so he will not say anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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