Chapter 146
Luo Shan froze, but he also knew that what she said was true.

Had to agree unwillingly.

"I know, I'll do it."

Only then did Yun Qinian hang up the phone in satisfaction.


When Yun Qianyu woke up, he was on an unfamiliar big bed.

The room was full of obsessive atmosphere after the affair, and she turned her neck before remembering what happened before.

She was reading online comments at home, when she suddenly received a call from Luo Shan, and got into the car he sent.


Then what happened?

Yun Qianyu was startled, sat up, and immediately screamed after seeing the marks on her body.

"How could this be? How could this be?"

Perhaps it was her voice that alarmed the people outside, and soon, Luo Shan rushed over.

As soon as Yun Qianyu saw him, she immediately covered her body with the quilt, and cried, "Dad, how did I become like this? What happened?"

Luo Shan's brows were gloomy, and he didn't answer.

He just turned around and told the servant, "Help the eldest lady wash up, and take her to the plane in half an hour."

"What? Airplane?"

Yun Qianyu couldn't believe it, and scrambled out of bed.

"Dad, where are you taking me? What plane are you taking me on?"

Luo Shan said expressionlessly: "Africa, the cannibal tribe, I have already arranged there in advance. Although the conditions are a bit poor, no one dares to touch you. Those indigenous people have long stopped cannibalism, and they will not Move yours."

"No! I'm not going!"

Yun Qianyu's expression changed drastically in fright, and he stepped back desperately.

"Why did you send me to Africa? I am the young lady of the Yun family, and no one dares to touch me except my father!"

"I am your father!"

Luo Shan roared angrily, stepped forward and squeezed her chin.

"Listen to me! From today on, I'm your father! When you arrive in Africa, just stay with me and don't go out to cause trouble, otherwise I may not be able to keep you next time!"

Yun Qianyu burst into tears.

"You are not my father! You liar! Devil! You clearly agreed to help me deal with Yun Qinian, but the result, the result..."

She clutched the quilt, weeping uncontrollably.

Luo Shan also felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't say anything in front of Yun Qianyu.

In the end, he just ordered: "Don't take her out yet?"


The servant came forward immediately.

Yun Qianyu was still struggling, but how could her strength be as strong as the servant's?

Soon, he was taken out.

After he left, one of his subordinates came forward and said in a low voice, "Altar Master, what should we do with the other one?"

Luo Shan's brows were gloomy, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"I can't move my daughter, can't I still move him? Go to Zhujiang Road and cause a car accident. I don't want to see any more information about this person in the future."



When receiving the news of Su Ze's death in a car accident, Yun Qinian was in the studio shooting the cover of a magazine.

Ran Yue brought her cell phone over and said, "Nian Nian, your cell phone keeps ringing, and I don't know if there is something urgent, why don't you take a look first."

Yun Qinian nodded and took the phone, only to see that it was Dahei's call.

She pressed connect.

"what's up?"

Dahei's voice sounded a little anxious.

"Boss, you finally answered the phone, do you know that something big has happened!"

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows, took a sip of the drink offered by Ran Yue, and asked, "What's the big deal?"

"Su Ze is dead!"

Yun Qinian: "!!!"

"At three o'clock this afternoon, there was a car accident at the intersection of Zhujiang Road. Su Ze and his car were knocked off the Pearl River Bridge and died on the spot! That tragedy... Tsk tsk, I feel disgusted just looking at it."

Yun Qinian said slowly: "I see, is there anything else?"

Dahei smiled and said, "Boss, why are you so calm? After all, it's your old lover, he's really dead now, you really don't feel at all..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yun Qinian said impatiently, "I'll hang up if I'm fine."

After that, he hung up the phone directly.

Just after hanging up the phone, Luo Shan's call came in again.

This time, Luo Shan was obviously more confident.

"Although I didn't kill Qian Yu, I also solved one for you. How about it? Am I sincere enough?"

Yun Qinian sneered, but did not answer his words.

Instead, he said in a cold voice: "If you could provide me with clues to find out who is behind Qinglong and Suzaku earlier, maybe I could return the evidence to you earlier, does Mr. Luo think I am sincere? "

Luo Shan: "..."

He snorted coldly, hung up the phone without saying anything.

Yun Qinian also raised the corner of her lower lip coldly, put away her phone, and walked to the dressing room.

Two days later.

The first episode of "The Detective is Coming" was successfully broadcast.

Before this show, there had never been a suspenseful variety show in China.

Therefore, netizens are very curious and want to see what the show is like and how scary it is.

Unexpectedly, after clicking in and watching it for a while, not only did it not feel scary, but it was very funny.

[Hahahahahaha, what kind of large-scale sand sculpture is Zhou Ye, and he is still traveling with him!God walks on horseback! 】

【Ahhhhh my brother Chi is too handsome!This ancient costume is almost ready to go directly to filming, isn't it? 】

【He Xiaoxue is so gentle, as expected of everyone's lady, she is really comfortable no matter how you look at it. 】

[My daughter goose is so beautiful!I've only seen her look in campus dramas before, but I didn't expect ancient costumes to be so good-looking! 】

[Yun Qinian is good-looking +1, if this appearance is not perfect, then it is really the ceiling of the appearance of domestic entertainment. 】

[And I feel that she is so smart. I felt that she had already guessed who the murderer was with her several looks before, but she didn't say it, just to cooperate with everyone's acting. 】

[My female goose is of course smart. Let me know about the filming nickname "One Pass". By the way, I will refer to director Lu Linsenwei's personal evaluation of her. Here is an interview with @林森伟, talking about the performance of the heroine Yun Qinian on set. 】

[By the way, this Yun Qinian is the Yun Qinian who was distressed by netizens two days ago and met a scumbag? 】

[It's her, but the scumbag is in the past tense, she and her husband are very happy now!Do sisters want to invest in Xiaonian Gao?It can be salty but sweet, beautiful and saucy, and you can chat with it when you have nothing to do. It is not a loss to invest in shares. 】

Little Rice Cake is the name Yun Qinian's fans gave him.

Soon, a large group of netizens were amwayed by the little rice cakes. After looking at beautiful pictures, watching movie trailers, and learning about Yun Qinian's debut experience during this period, they immediately fell in love with her.

At the same time, netizens also commented on the Internet one after another.

[The detective is here, what kind of fairy variety show is it?It's so pretty! ! ! 】

[I originally wanted to watch a suspense movie, but I didn't expect to click it and found it was a comedy movie. I didn't realize until I saw the ending that it was actually a tragic movie!Crying to death, Liaowuwuwu...]

(End of this chapter)

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