Chapter 147 His Birthday
[It's really good to cry, especially in the end, Murong Chi knew that they wanted to frame him, so he silently took on everything, woo woo woo... The show crew, you give me back my tears! 】

[I still want to blow it up again, my daughter goose is really good-looking Liao!I beg the program team to give her an identity card with a lot of drama next time! 】

[Kneel together! 】

Yun Qinian didn't notice at all that she had already quietly attracted a wave of fans on the Internet based on her good looks.

At this time, she was recording the fourth episode of "The Detective is Coming".

Due to the plot of this issue, everyone did not shoot in the studio, but came to a cruise ship.

The deceased was pushed from the fifth floor of the cruise ship into the sea and drowned. His name was He Xiaoyu, an ordinary violinist who was responsible for providing violin performances for guests on the cruise ship for a living.

After the group knew the general situation, they began to draw ID cards.

The detective in this issue is Hua Lin. She was young, and when she learned that she was going to be a detective, she was almost nervous to death.

I kept begging everyone to take care of her for a while, and don't make things difficult for her on purpose.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, it's okay to be embarrassed, but it's just a question of whether they deserve to cooperate or not.

Yun Qinian also got her own ID card. As usual, she hid in the dark and took a peek, then walked back into the crowd calmly.

"I'm the Earl, the VIP guest on this ship."

Murong Chi said while holding his ID card.

Yun Qinian also took out her ID card, "I am the countess, and I am also a VIP guest on this ship."

Wen Wenjun immediately joked: "Hey, I was a brother and sister before, but now I am a husband and wife. I really wish that all people in the world will become brothers and sisters!"

Yun Qinian was a little embarrassed by his teasing, so she reached out and hit him.

"Okay, what are you guys?"

"I am the captain of this ship."

Wen Wenjun said.

Zhou Ye and He Xiaoxue also showed their ID cards.

"I'm a painter, an ordinary guest on this ship."

He Xiaoxue said: "I am the elder sister of the deceased. The reason why I appeared on this ship was to find my younger sister. It's a pity that she died before I could see her."

Hua Lin nodded.

"In this case, everyone should state their alibi first."

As always, after everyone made their statements, it turned out that almost everyone had an alibi.

In desperation, the next step was to search in groups.

Since they are husband and wife, Yun Qinian and Murong Chi are naturally in a group.

As usual, the two briefly inspected the deceased, and after confirming that he was indeed drowned, they went to the fifth floor deck.

Unfortunately, apart from some scattered items, nothing else was found on the fifth floor.

The two had no choice but to go to the room of the deceased He Xiaoyu again.

As the violinist on the ship, He Xiaoyu had a single room, but it was on the floor of the ordinary guest room.

After the two entered, they found that the arrangement in this room was very pink and dreamy.

It can be seen that it looks like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl would like it.

Yun Qinian accidentally saw a stack of constellation cards on her dressing table, which was used for fortune-telling.

She couldn't help being a little surprised.

"He Xiaoyu letter constellation?"

Murong Chi said: "I don't know, but at her age, she should believe it."

Yun Qinian looked at the cards one by one, and found that two of them were marked.

The symbols are two small pink hearts, one for Cancer and one for Sagittarius.

She showed the marked card to Murong Chi, "Look, there is a heart drawn on it, does it mean something?"

Murong Chi stared at the card for a while, then shook his head.

"I don't know, I don't know astrology."

Yun Qinian actually didn't understand this, she didn't believe in astrology, so she had to ask Hua Lin for advice.

Hua Lin and He Xiaoyu were about the same age, and upon seeing this, he quickly said, "It's very simple. This is a constellation match. She marked two hearts on it, which means that Cancer and Sagittarius are compatible."

Yun Qinian nodded, as if she understood something.

"So, He Xiaoyu actually has someone he likes."

She went back to the room and asked Murong Chi, "What month are you from?"

Murong Chi was taken aback, and replied, "June."

Yun Qinian took out her phone and began to count the constellations.

"What's the date in June?"

"number 28."

As soon as these words came out, Yun Qinian's fingers suddenly stopped.

He raised his eyes and looked at Murong Chi.

"What's your birthday, you say?"

Murong Chi was a little dazed, "June 6th, what's wrong?"

Yun Qinian: "..."

For a moment, she shook her head with a broken smile, "It's nothing, it's just...a bit of a surprise."

Her little brother's birthday is June 6th, and Murong Chi did not expect it to be too.

Although Murong Chi was a little puzzled by her reaction, he didn't ask any further questions.

Soon, Yun Qinian found out the constellation attribute of June 6th.

She looked up at Murong Chi in astonishment, and asked, "Are you a Cancer?"

Murong Chi nodded calmly.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Then you and her..."

She pointed to two cards, the meaning was self-explanatory.

Murong Chi smiled.

"Not only am I a Cancer, but so is Zhou Ye and Wen Wenjun. Our birthdays are all about the same. If you don't believe me, you can ask."

Yun Qinian: "..."

She was a little unwilling to give up, and really ran to another room to ask them.

The result is true.

Yun Qinian was completely speechless.

She felt that the program group was deliberately messing with her. How could it be possible for a program group to have three male artists of the same constellation?
But with the facts in front of her eyes, she couldn't say anything.

In desperation, he had to look for the next clue.

Soon, she found the online diary she wrote in He Xiaoyu's computer.

It clearly wrote what she experienced every day and how she felt about life.

It can be seen from the diary that He Xiaoyu is an ordinary girl.

But one day, she met a man who was like a fairy descending from the earth, which completely fascinated her.

She is obsessed with each other, the other seems to be very good to her, the two are very much in love.

The diary was broken on the day before her death, and until that day, she was still looking forward to a bright future for the two of them in the diary.

Yun Qinian went through all the diaries back and forth, but found that He Xiaoyu only wrote about the good memories of the two of them, but never mentioned the man's name.

In the diary, whenever it comes to the man's name, she uses the letter A instead.

Yun Qinian couldn't help thinking.

At this moment, Hua Lin began to ask everyone to share the evidence they found.

She had no choice but to close the computer and walk into the hall.

"After half an hour of searching, did everyone find anything?"

He Xiaoxue was the first to stand up.

"Let me say it first, I found this in Zhou Ye's room!"

(End of this chapter)

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