Chapter 15
Gu Jingchen froze.

Huge sarcasm flooded the sky, he looked at the girl on the bed, and felt the urge to strangle her to death.

But in the end, he held back, turned around and left angrily.

The next day, after Yun Qinian woke up, she realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere at home.

Aunt Li has been working silently, and the atmosphere at home is as tense as a string, as if it will break at any moment.

She walked to the door with a water glass in doubt, just in time to see Gu Jingchen who had just returned from morning exercise.

The man was tall and slender, with a tight-fitting black sportswear covering his strong and perfect body, just looking at it made people's blood boil.

Yun Qinian resisted the urge to get a nosebleed, and gave him a big smile.

"Honey, good morning!"

Unexpectedly, the man didn't even look at her, and went upstairs directly past her.

Yun Qinian: "...???"

She looked at Aunt Li next to her with a questioning look.

Aunt Li was also a little confused, and said in a low voice, "Mr. has been like this since he woke up this morning, and I don't know what's going on."

"Even you don't know?"

Yun Qinian couldn't help being even more confused.

She thought about it carefully. From last night to this morning, she didn't seem to have done anything to offend him.

So who is he angry with?
Yun Qinian thought about it and didn't understand it, so in the end she simply stopped thinking about it.

Whoever he was mad at, as long as he wasn't mad at himself.

As for men, there are always a few days in a month when they are in a bad mood, she understands.

Yun Qinian tolerated Gu Jingchen very generously.

After breakfast, seeing that the man hadn't come down, he yelled loudly, "I'm going out!"

No one responded for a long time upstairs.

She stuck out her tongue and didn't care about the man. She turned around and told Aunt Li a few words, and then went out with her bag.

Not long after going out, Gu Jingchen came down from upstairs.

At this time, he had already changed into a light gray casual suit, and he looked as elegant and handsome as a medieval prince from a distance.

Aunt Li said respectfully: "Sir, breakfast is ready, let's eat first."

Gu Jingchen nodded, "Has Madam eaten?"

"Eat, before leaving, I specifically told you to finish your breakfast before going to work. It can be seen that my wife still cares about you."

She originally wanted to say a few good words for Yun Qinian, so as to promote the relationship between the young couple.

Unexpectedly, after the man finished listening, his face became even more gloomy.

Just then, the phone rang.

It's Yu Chuan's text message.

【President, my wife has gone to the detention center. 】

Detention facility?

Gu Jingchen narrowed his eyes, suddenly remembered something, and a cold look flashed across his eyes.

At this point, in the car.

While waiting for the traffic light, Yun Qinian took out the small mirror and put on a beautiful makeup for herself.

She was so desperate that she dreamed of Su Ze last night.

That dog thing!In the previous life, he tried his best to harm her, and now he finally lived again. It's fine that he couldn't get in her eyes in real life, but he actually came to harass her in his dream?
How can this be tolerated?

Yun Qinian has always been a vengeful lord, so without even thinking about it, she decided to go to the detention center to seek revenge from him!

As long as she thinks about what to do later, she can't help but look forward to it!
At this time, in the detention center.

Su Ze was going crazy.

Although he was not a child from a wealthy family, he was also brought up in rich clothes and fine food since he was a child.

I never thought that one day I would be reduced to being locked up in a detention center!

Where is the detention facility?
There are all kinds of people in this place where criminals gather!

The room here is gloomy and cold, the bed boards are as hard as a rock, and there is a damp and musty smell that will never end.

He developed eczema after only two nights of sleep.

What was even more frightening was that he slept until midnight last night when someone crawled over to take off his pants and wanted to stab his ass.

He was so scared that he jumped out of bed and didn't dare to fall asleep all night.

This is only in the detention center, those people dare not be too presumptuous, if they go to prison...

Su Ze felt crazy just thinking about it!
No, he can't go to jail, he must find a way to get out!

Just as he was thinking, someone suddenly walked over.

"Su Ze, someone wants to see you."

The guard said, and opened the door.

Su Ze was taken aback for a moment, wondering if it was Yun Qinian who could come to see him at this time?
After following the guards out, he found that the person who came was indeed Yun Qinian, and his heart immediately settled down.

At the same time, there is a bit of pride.

Hmph, I thought how powerful this little bitch was, and handed him over to the police without saying a word at the birthday banquet.

It's only been a few days now, do you regret it?

Sure enough, she already loved him so much that she couldn't extricate herself, otherwise, how could she have drawn a clear line with him one second, and rushed to bail him out the next second?
Although until now, Su Ze has not figured out why Yun Qinian suddenly accused him.

But that doesn't matter.

As long as she apologized to him sincerely enough and released him on bail, he still didn't mind forgiving her.

Su Ze thought to himself, then swaggered over and sat down on the chair.

"What's up?"

He raised his eyebrows and asked pretending to be arrogant.

Yun Qinian sat across from Erlang with her legs crossed, her straight calves dangling, and she looked at him with a half-smile.

No need to guess, just by looking at Su Ze's expression, she knew what he was thinking.

Thinking about it, I am also stupid, she is also the eldest lady of the Yun family and the only granddaughter of the Ye family.

Although the honor of status is not as high as that of the emperor's relatives, it can be regarded as one of the best in Pingcheng.

But he was coaxed around by Su Ze, who was not on the stage.

The reason is that her mother died when she was a child, she ran away from home in anger, and was saved by Su Ze when she was in danger.

Since then, I have been grateful and want to repay him wholeheartedly, so I will obey him and never doubt.

Now that I think about it, she is really stupid!

People change. The shy and brave boy who wore a mask when he was a child no longer exists.

There is only one stinking garbage in this world today!

Seeing that she had been staring at him without speaking, Su Ze felt a little nervous.

He swallowed his saliva, summoned up his courage and said, "Yun Qinian, don't think that if you apologize to me and release me on bail, I will forgive you!
Let me tell you, this time I suffered such a big injury and went to the detention center, I will not let it go easily! "

Yun Qinian smiled, tut tut and shook her head.

"Su Ze, is your face made of a city wall?"

Su Ze was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't react.

Then she said again: "Who said I came to apologize to you and release you on bail?"

This time Su Ze understood it, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

"You didn't come to bail me out? Then why are you here?"

Yun Qinian stood up and rubbed her wrists.

"Me, I'm in a good mood today, and I want to collect some interest."

As soon as the voice fell, "Bang!"

(End of this chapter)

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