After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 16 Receive some interest

Chapter 16 Receive some interest
A fist hit Su Ze hard in the face.

Su Ze let out a scream, and fell back with the chair.

But before he fell to the ground, someone grabbed him by the collar again.

Immediately afterwards, dense raindrops of fists came down.

Su Ze was beaten so hard by her that he kept screaming and calling for help.

It's just that the guard at the door had already gone out, and the two of them listened to the movement inside through the door, and they both put on earplugs silently, expressing that they didn't hear anything.

Just kidding, Yun Qinian came to visit the prison today, but he had greeted the director.

No matter what happens later, they don't care, as long as they can ensure that the people inside are still alive in the end.

10 minute later.

Yun Qinian finally let go of Su Ze.

At this time, Su Ze's face was swollen into a pig's head, his clothes were torn, and he was in an unbearable embarrassment.

He never thought that Yun Qinian would become so vicious and cruel after seeing her for a few days.

Especially the strange strength of that body, it is simply terrifying!
Hasn't she always been gentle and obedient?

Seeing a cockroach would make him hide behind him in fright, how did it become like this now?
Facing his question, Yun Qinian calmly said that it was a normal operation.

Which girl doesn't pretend to be weak and weak in front of the man she likes?
Even if she can move the refrigerator with all her hands, in order to give the man room to express herself, she has to pretend that she can't even unscrew the bottle cap, right?
It's a pity that this man doesn't know how to cherish.

That being the case, she has nothing to be polite about.

Yun Qinian felt much better after beating someone up.

He didn't even bother to look at Su Ze again, and walked away.

When leaving, I ran into Director Li in the hall.

Chief Li didn't know what happened in the prison visit room yet, when he saw her, he quickly came forward with a smile.

"Miss Yun, don't worry, we will definitely take good care of Mr. Su, and we will never let him suffer any grievances until he is released on bail."

Yun Qinian was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little puzzled.

What's the matter with these people?

She's here to beat someone up, why does everyone think she's here on bail?
"Director Li, as the official of the people's parents, the most important thing is to enforce the law impartially. How can you treat me favoritism just because you have some friendship with my grandfather?"

Director Li: "???"

Yun Qinianyu patted him on the shoulder earnestly.

"The officialdom is not easy, Director Li should cherish it!"

After she finished speaking, she left with a serious expression on her face.

Director Li stood there in a daze, and it took him a long time to react.

Is this... sick?

Except for occasionally opening a small back door to his mentor, Mr. Ye, he has never done anything corrupt or perverting the law.

And every time Mr. Ye finds him, it's not because of her, a rich granddaughter!

She still has the face to say it?
Director Li also left speechlessly.

At this time, inside a black car outside the detention center.

Yu Chuan told Gu Jingchen what he just found out.

"President, the people inside said that the wife did not release Su Ze on bail, but beat him up instead."

Gu Jingchen was taken aback.

"What? A beating?"


Yu Chuan also found it unbelievable.

Thinking about Yun Qinian's previous obsession with Su Ze, and her ruthlessness towards her own CEO, she doubts whether this is true now!

Could it be that someone dropped the bag halfway?

Gu Jingchen fell silent.

There is still a number on the phone that is ready to be dialed. If Yun Qinian really releases Su Ze on bail today, he will surely die.

But now...

While he was in a daze, not far away, a petite figure suddenly came into view.

Yun Qinian was seen bouncing out of the detention center, shaking the key.

When he saw the car parked not far away, he froze for a moment.

"Hey, isn't this my husband's car?"

She tilted her head and looked in, and she saw Gu Jingchen in the car, her eyes lit up.

"Honey, why are you here?!"

Yu Chuan's expression was a little stiff.

Gu Jingchen still has that iceberg face, but he doesn't know what's going on in his heart.

"Good, madam."

Yu Chuan bit the bullet and said hello.

Yun Qinian also waved at him with a smile, then opened the car door and asked, "Are you here to do some business? Or are you looking for someone?"

Yu Chuan: "Do something."

Gu Jingchen: "Look for someone."

Yun Qinian: "???"

Yu Chuan glanced at his own president, and said wittily, "We'll find someone to handle the matter."

Yun Qinian nodded suddenly.

"So are you done?"

Yu Chuan: "Not yet."

Gu Jingchen: "It's over."

Yun Qinian: "..."

What happened to these two people?Why do you feel weird?

Yu Chuan had the urge to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

It was Gu Jingchen who added, "I'm not here today, come back another day."


"what are you doing here?"

Gu Jingchen asked suddenly.

Hearing this question, Yu Chuan's ears perked up.

Yun Qinian didn't lie either, she said honestly, "I'll ask Su Ze to collect some interest."


"Yes, I had a dream last night. I dreamed that he wanted to break us up again. I was so angry that I ran over and beat him up. My hand still hurts."

After Yun Qinian finished speaking, she didn't forget to act coquettishly.

Gu Jingchen's eyes softened instantly.

Was it a dream?
It's not that I miss Su Ze, nor does I think of him as Su Ze.

It was just a simple dream that he wanted to cause damage, so he came to beat him up in anger.

For some reason, Yun Qinian felt that the originally cold atmosphere around her suddenly warmed up.

The man opened the car door, "Come up and have a look."

She nodded blankly.

After getting in the car, Gu Jingchen took a closer look at her hands, and saw that the back of the girl's white and tender hands were indeed a little red.

His eyes deepened, and he ordered Yu Chuan to drive to the nearest pharmacy.

After buying the medicine and rubbing it on her, I asked, "Is it better now?"

Yun Qinian's pretty face flushed slightly.

It's not painful, it's embarrassing.

Think back when she was in the countryside and was forced to practice by her grandfather and masters, what sufferings and injuries did she not suffer?
They also gritted their teeth and persisted, never humming.

Now it's just that my hand turned red when I hit someone, so...

Seeing her bowing her head and not speaking, Gu Jingchen thought it was still hurting, and his face darkened.

"Yu Chuan, go to the hospital."


Yun Qinian's eyelids twitched in fright, and she quickly said, "No, no need, my hands don't hurt anymore, really."

She said, raising her fist and shaking it.

Seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, Gu Jingchen was relieved.

"Then I'll take you back."


Soon, the car arrived at Jingyuan.

When getting out of the car, Yun Qinian gave the man a big one.

Gu Jingchen's eyes were much gentler, and when he saw her enter the room, there was finally a subtle smile on his face.

Just then, the phone rang suddenly.

It's from the company's technical department.

"President, I found the X Alliance, and they are in Pingcheng."

(End of this chapter)

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