Chapter 157
Yun Qinian really didn't expect that she would have such a high popularity.

What she didn't know was that as soon as the trailer for "The Pianist" movie came out, Su Luo, whose acting skills were outstanding, had already attracted a wave of fans for her.

Later, the affair between her and Yun Qianyu was trending several times. Although everyone hadn't seen her works, they still felt that this little sister was not easy.

So beautiful, with such good acting skills, yet she was bullied by her family.

It is simply a representative of beauty and misery.

Therefore, another large wave of fans was attracted.

Later, "The Detective is Coming" was broadcast. It was obviously a very simple ancient costume, but she just wore it like a blockbuster movie.

Everyone couldn't help but marvel at this girl's control ability again.

In addition, her appearance in variety shows is lively and humorous, and her humor is also full of straightforwardness.

Everyone thinks that this girl is simply too cute!
How can there be such a perfect person in the world?

Therefore, after several exposures, it is not surprising that there are many people who like her.

Yun Qinian has always been adhering to doing her own thing, let others say it.

So she seldom pays attention to the news about herself on the Internet, and naturally she doesn't know that she is actually a small fire now.

Hearing that the other party wanted to sign, she readily agreed: "No problem, I'll sign for you when I come out after the audition."

The man was suddenly overjoyed.

"Okay, then I'll take you there now."

On the way in the past, Ruan Yuzhen leaned close to Yun Qinian's ear and whispered, "Niannian, why do I feel that you are already popular now? Even when I first debuted back then, there was no such sign, do you think it will happen in the future?" Are you stronger than me?"

Yun Qinian smiled: "Isn't that very good? I have lived up to your cultivation."

Ruan Yuzhen raised her chin triumphantly, "Of course."

Du Ruhai is only 27 years old this year, and he is already very young in the circle of directors.

The young man couldn't help being a little arrogant, so before this, although he thought about letting Yun Qinian be the lead actress in his movie, he was more or less hesitant in his heart.

However, these hesitations were dispelled the first time they saw Yun Qinian.

How to describe it?
He remembered a poem called "There is no beauty in a thousand years, but a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman".

Using this poem to describe Yun Qinian's state at this time could not be more appropriate.

After a brief astonishment, he quickly reacted.

He hurriedly greeted him warmly, and said with a smile, "Welcome Senior Ruan, this is Miss Yun Qinian, right?"

Ruan Yuzhen nodded, and said with a gentle smile: "Your teacher recommended you to me several times before, saying that you are very talented, and you even wrote the script this time. The goddaughter came to see you."

Du Ruhai froze slightly, but quickly smiled and said, "Since that's the case, then I can't let Senior Ruan down.

It's just that it's my first time writing a script, so if there's anything wrong, I'd like to ask Senior Ruan to enlighten me. "

Ruan Yuzhen was not polite, and nodded in agreement.

The three of them walked to the office together.

After entering the office, Du Ruhai was not in a hurry to take them to the audition.

Instead, they made a pot of tea first, and the three of them drank quietly.

While drinking tea, he and Ruan Yuzhen chatted around his teacher for a while.

After about five or six minutes, someone who looked like an assistant came in and said to him, "Director Du, the room is ready."

Du Ruhai nodded, and then said with a smile: "It's ready over there, let's go there."

"it is good."

The three came to the audition room.

Du Ruhai gave Yun Qian a script and said, "Just prepare according to this one."

Yun Qinian nodded, took the script and walked aside, silently memorizing it.

About 3 minutes later, she walked up to Du Ruhai.

"Director, I'm fine."

Du Ruhai was taken aback, a little surprised.

He seemed unable to believe his ears, and quickly raised his wrist to look at the time, making sure that he didn't feel wrong, and then asked, "You're all right now? Are you sure?"

Yun Qinian smiled.

"I'm not sure, the director will know after watching it later?"

Du Ruhai: "..."

Seeing his complex expression, Ruan Yuzhen proudly said: "Don't believe me, my daughter has a good reputation in the previous crew, and it is definitely your luck to invite her."

Du Ruhai smiled awkwardly, agreeing repeatedly in his mouth, but disapproving in his heart.

These days, everyone can brag about cowhide, but they just don't know if they really have that ability.

It takes only 3 minutes to silence a paragraph that is a test of both acting skills and lines, and successfully interpret it. This kind of thing is probably impossible even if the ancestor is alive!

This Yun Qinian can actually do it?

Whether others believe it or not, he does not believe it anyway.

From the looks of it, this person is just a superficial woman who likes to talk big and doesn't know the heights of the world.

Du Ruhai believed in his heart that Yun Qinian was lying, so his attitude was not as enthusiastic as before.

He sat down on the chair and said, "Now that you're ready, let's get started."

Yun Qinian nodded, exchanged a glance with Ruan Yuzhen, put down the things in her hands, and walked to the center of the venue, ready to start.

It's a revenge film about a woman disguised as a man, set in the Ming Dynasty.

Su Ruhui, a former cabinet scholar, was framed by Dongchang, and his family was copied and executed, except for one daughter who was left living among the people.

Eighteen years later, the daughter grew up and changed her name to Ah Fei.

Disguised as an eunuch, he sneaked into Dongchang in an attempt to avenge his father.

Unexpectedly, she met the third prince Chang Wang who loved her deeply, and also met many friends who treated her sincerely.

Facing the four fetters of family, friendship, love and hatred, she fell into a dilemma where she couldn't make a choice.

The scene where Du Ruhai asked her to audition today is the scene where the heroine Ah Fei ruthlessly refuses King Chang's confession the night before she is about to assassinate Wang Zhi, the chief eunuch of the East Factory.

She took a deep breath, and after sorting out her emotions, she said directly: "Prince Chang, please go back, I'll pretend you didn't say anything just now."

There was silence in the room.

Yun Qinian took two steps forward and then stopped suddenly.

Du Ruhai remembered that this was King Chang's line, it should be about why he refused to give him a chance?
Yun Qinian turned around slowly, her phoenix eyes filled with tears at some point.

With red eyes, she said: "The revenge of destroying the family is irrelevant. I also want to give myself a chance, but it is not allowed here."

She pointed to her heart, her voice trembling slightly.

"Every night in the dead of night, there will always be a voice jumping out to tell me that my father is dead, my mother is dead, my sister and brother are all dead, and the enemy is right in front of my eyes. Do I have to give up everything and go with you?" Do you want to enjoy the pleasures of the world? I can't do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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