Chapter 158
After speaking, a tear rolled down from the eye socket.

Perhaps her tears were so touching that everyone was stunned and couldn't help holding their breath, for fear of disturbing this beautiful scene.

Yun Qinian then said: "King Chang's kindness to me is something I will never forget. I have no chance to repay it in this life. If there is an afterlife, I will make a grass ring and live up to King Chang's deep friendship."

After she finished speaking, she walked away.

Obviously Yun Qinian was still wearing modern attire at this time, but in everyone's eyes, she seemed to have become the woman who endured humiliation and gave up love for revenge.

At this moment, Ah Fei is no longer a cold name, but a real person.

A real human being standing right in front of them, talking to them.

After a long time, I don't know who started it first, and there was a burst of applause in the room.

Gradually, the applause became more and more louder.

Everyone clapped along.

"Well, that's great!"

Du Ruhai stood up and said excitedly: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have found it hard to believe that someone could play Ah Fei so well. You are simply an actor who was born to eat this job."

Yun Qinian breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly got out of the role.

Then he turned around and smiled at him, "The director is overrated."

Du Ruhai nodded, "I'm sure, A Fei will be played by you."

Yun Qinian blinked her eyes and smiled mischievously.

"Will the director stop interviewing a few more? Maybe there is someone more suitable than me?"

Du Ruhai waved his hand directly, "No, I know very well that there will never be anyone more suitable for this role than you."

He took out two contracts, "Look at it, if there is no objection, just sign the contract today."

Yun Qinian glanced at the contract and signed it after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the clauses in it.

After signing the contract, she and Ruan Yuzhen left the film and television building together.

Ruan Yuzhen smiled and said: "Nian Nian, I found that after a while, your acting skills have improved again. If you continue to develop like this, you will soon surpass my achievements."

Yun Qinian smiled, "That's not due to the godmother."

"That's right, I'm your first teacher. If you ascend to the throne of movie queen in the future, I'll be a part of it. Thinking about it, I think it's awesome."

Seeing her intoxicated look, Yun Qinian had no choice but to interrupt her fantasy.

"Okay, it's getting late, I still have some things to deal with, you go back by yourself first."

Ruan Yuzhen immediately said dissatisfied: "Aren't you going to send me back?"

Yun Qinian grinned and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek, "I have other things to do, my dear, please give me a hard time, and I'll come see you later."

Ruan Yuzhen was already overjoyed when she got a sweet kiss from her goddaughter.

But he still pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "Okay, then come and play with me when you're done."


After sending Ruan Yuzhen away, Yun Qinian drove to the seventh game.

Yun Qinian had thought about it, that button was very important to her, she had to get it back.

Since it is already known that G took the things, it should be still in the seventh game.

She just needs to find an opportunity to sneak in and steal things out.

For Yun Qinian, this matter was both difficult and easy to say.

After all, she is someone who has lived two lives.

Given her experience in her previous life, she is quite familiar with the internal structure of the Seventh Bureau.

She knew how to avoid the patrolling guards and get in successfully.

The difficulty is that she really doesn't know much about this G, and she doesn't know where he lives.

If you live in the dormitory, it's easy to find, but if you don't, it's terrible.

She can't wander around in it, so she can slowly find his place.

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian felt that this matter should be outsmarted.

Fortunately, when she went to rescue Xiao Li'er last time, she saw a little soldier who followed G.

If she disguised herself as that little soldier, she would not attract so much attention when she started looking for things.

After making the decision, Yun Qinian disguised herself as a little soldier.

After dark, they managed to get into the seventh game.

It was already nine o'clock at night.

In the seventh game, except for the practice room and the dormitory building, the lights were still on, and the rest of the place was plunged into darkness.

She came to the boys' dormitory building lightly, and looked for each room.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps was heard outside.

Yun Qinian quickly found a place to hide.

Under the moonlight, two soldiers had just walked up the stairs, and a thin soldier stood there waiting for them.

After the three met, the two handed a stack of documents to the thin soldier, and said loudly: "Adjutant Xue, these are the documents that the commander asked for, and they are all here."

The soldier named Adjutant Xue nodded, waved them away, and then walked to the other side with the documents.

In the dark, Yun Qinian's eyes lit up.

The soldier she disguised herself as today was the soldier named Xue Adjutant.

When she rescued Xiao Li'er last time, she noticed that this person was about the same size as hers, so she chose to pretend to be this person.

But now, listening to their conversation, it seems that he is going to send materials to G.

Yun Qinian felt like falling asleep and meeting a pillow.

If you don't start now, when will you wait?

Thinking of this, she took out a handkerchief that had already been smeared with medicine from her pocket.

When the adjutant passed by her, she jumped out like a dexterous civet cat.

Covering the opponent's mouth and nose with a handkerchief, within half a second, Adjutant Xue immediately fell down limply.

Yun Qinian dragged the man to a dark place to hide, then took a token from him, got up and walked out with the document in his arms.

This dormitory building has four rooms on each floor.

According to the direction Adjutant Xue came from just now, G's room should be the innermost of the floor.

Sure enough, when Yun Qinian walked to the door of that room, he saw a dark sign on the door plate, which was G's room.

She opened the door and walked in.

There was no such a serious and cold man sitting in the room as she had imagined.

On the contrary, the surroundings are quiet, except for a little light from a small door on the left, there are no other lights.

Xu Shi heard footsteps, and the person inside said, "Did you get the things back?"

Yun Qinian was taken aback for a moment, followed the sound and found that it was in the small door with the light shining through it.

The voice was not as indifferent as usual, but still carried an undeniable majesty.

She hurriedly lowered her voice and replied, "I took it back."

"Bring it in and let me see."


Yun Qinian honestly walked over with the document in her arms.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he saw a jaw-dropping picture.

(End of this chapter)

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