Chapter 163

However, Gu Jingchen obviously wouldn't explain too much to him, so after finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

When he returned to the bedroom, he saw Yun Qinian just coming out of the bathroom.

"Honey, I'm fine, do you want to use the bathroom?"

Yun Qinian smiled, and when Gu Jingchen saw her smile, he immediately felt that he was in a better mood just now.

"No, you can wash up first, I'll just use the guest bedroom."

Yun Qinian smiled sweetly and said, "Then I will wrong my husband."

The two washed up and went to bed separately, and had a good night's sleep.

the next day.

After finishing her breakfast, Yun Qinian was about to go out when Gu Jingchen suddenly stopped her.

"Are you going to your godmother? I'll see you off."

Yun Qinian froze and forced a smile.

"Don't be so troublesome, you still have to go to work."

"It's okay, it's just on the way."

After speaking, he walked to the car.

The man's tough and domineering appearance made Yun Qinian a little helpless.

But she couldn't refuse, after all, it was just to give her a ride, and she had absolutely no reason to refuse.

It seems that we can only take one step at a time.

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian got into the car obediently.

While in the car, she silently took out her mobile phone to send a message to Ruan Yuzhen.

Seeing this, Gu Jingchen took her mobile phone over.

"Don't play with your mobile phone in the car, it's bad for your eyes."

Yun Qinian froze for a moment, looking at the sent message, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the message has been sent out, the godmother should be able to see it, right?

About 10 minutes later, the car stopped in front of a small French villa.

Gu Jingchen asked: "Do you want me to accompany you in?"

Yun Qinian smiled, "No need, I'll just go in by myself, you still have to go to work, so don't waste your time here, go quickly."

Said, got out of the car.

Seeing this, Gu Jingchen was a little helpless.

He had no choice but to stroke her hair reluctantly, before saying, "See you tonight."

"Yeah, see you tonight."

Just about to wave goodbye, at this moment, Ruan Yuzhen's surprised voice suddenly came from behind.

"Niannian? Why are you here?"

Yun Qinian froze, and when she turned her head, she saw Ruan Yuzhen standing at the door in her pajamas.

She seemed to have just woken up and was about to go out for a walk, but she saw Yun Qinian standing there at a glance.

"I miss you..."

Yun Qinian smiled all over her face and walked over quickly.

"Godmother, didn't you ask me to come over and play the dancing machine with you? called me so late yesterday, did you get confused after sleeping?"

Ruan Yuzhen was taken aback.

Dance machine?

She never plays the dancing machine.

Also, when did she call Yun Qinian last night?

Facing Ruan Yuzhen's bewildered expression, Yun Qinian blinked hard at her.

Ruan Yuzhen quickly realized.

"Oh... yes, yes, look at me, when I am old, I am forgetful, that, Xiao Gu, do you want to come in and play together?"

Gu Jingchen said lightly: "No, let's play together, I will trouble you to take care of Niannian these two days, don't make her too tired."

Ruan Yuzhen's smile was stiff, and she complained in her heart that it was your wife who insisted on pulling me to lie with her, why should I not make her too tired?
But there was no expression on her face, she smiled and waved to Gu Jingchen.

"In this case, then you go slowly, we will go in first."

Gu Jingchen nodded, and then Ruan Yuzhen dragged Yun Qinian into the room.

As soon as she entered the room, Ruan Yuzhen immediately asked questions.

"What's the matter with you, girl? Didn't you say that you got married with Gu Jingchen? Why do you still use this method to escape and play? You didn't tell me earlier, you almost wore it just now, do you know?"

Yun Qinian was a little helpless.

"I've already sent you a message, but you didn't see it yourself."

"Really?" Ruan Yuzhen looked at her suspiciously, then turned to get her phone.

"I've just woken up, and I'm about to go for a walk outside to stretch my body. It's not like you young people who play with their mobile phones before going to bed and play with their mobile phones when they wake up."

While complaining, she picked up her phone.

Sure enough, there was a text message from Yun Qinian on it.

Ruan Yuzhen felt wronged for a while, so she cleared her cough and said, "I really didn't see it, so we weren't suspected by Gu Jingchen just now, right?"

Yun Qinian thought for a while, then shook her head.

"should not."

"That's good."

Ruan Yuzhen breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately frowned again.

"What's the matter with you two? I think you were very affectionate with him before, and it didn't seem like you were pretending? Or did you quarrel again?"

Yun Qinian smiled and said, "Does it look like we were arguing just now?"

Ruan Yuzhen was taken aback.

Recalling what Gu Jingchen said to her when he left, it really didn't look like it.

"Then what's the matter with you?"

Yun Qinian shook her head and said: "It's a long story, I don't have time right now, I'll explain to you later when I have time.

Now I have to go out. If Gu Jingchen asks later, you can tell him that we have been together all the time, including yesterday. Do you understand? "

As she spoke, she picked up Ruan Yuzhen's car keys and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Ruan Yuzhen was a little confused.

"Oh, no, where are you going now?"

"I'm going to do something private, and I'll tell you later."

Yun Qinian opened the door and walked towards the garage.

Ruan Yuzhen had no choice but to say anxiously: "Then be careful on the road, that car is the second one on the left, don't make a mistake."


Yun Qinian came to the underground garage and soon found Ruan Yuzhen's car.

She called Dahei and asked him to tell her the new address, and hurried over there.

Two 10 minutes later.

The car stopped in front of a quiet private villa.

Dahei had been waiting for her at the door a long time ago, and when he saw her arrive, he immediately came forward with a smile.

"Boss, you are here."

Yun Qinian got off the car, looked at the huge villa in front of her, and asked, "Why did you choose the place here?"

You know, this is located in the suburbs, not far away is a dense forest, and along the forest, halfway up the mountain is the headquarters base of the seventh bureau.

Dahei laughed and said, "The most dangerous place is the safest place. They must have never imagined that not only did we not escape, but we even set up our base camp in front of their house.

At that time, if we really want to do it, we will know each other well, and we will be safe in all battles, right? "

Yun Qinian laughed.

But Dahei is right, this private villa is owned by the Ye family, and Mr. Ye is an old soldier.

People in the seventh game must have never imagined that she would set up her base camp here.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go in first."


After the two went in, they saw that the inside was still the same as usual.

This is the private manor that Mr. Ye bought a few years ago. It is not open to the public. It is only provided for his family to come and play in summer, so there are not many staff members.

(End of this chapter)

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