Chapter 164

As soon as you enter the gate, you will see pavilions, pavilions, waterside pavilions and stone bridges.

This is an imitation of ancient buildings. In addition to these inherent buildings, the flowers and trees inside are also unique.

She didn't change her face when she came here today, so the servants all recognized her.

When they saw her, they all shouted respectfully: "Hi, Miss."

Yun Qinian nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked Dahei: "How did you explain to the staff here?"

Dahei smiled and said: "Boss, don't worry! We are not stupid, and we didn't reveal our real identities, we just said that we are friends of Miss Ye's family, and we will live in this place for a while.

Don't mention it, the people here are quite qualified, and they are afraid that we are liars, so they just cleaned up the room and let us stay. "

Yun Qinian smiled and said: "Of course, there are all people left by my grandfather, you think everyone is like you."

Daheihan smiled and touched his head.

"But this is not a long-term solution. The incident happened suddenly last night. I really couldn't arrange a good place for those big guys in such a short period of time. That's why I came up with this idea. In the future, it will take another time to develop. Find a place."

Yun Qinian said: "It's okay, this manor was originally bought by my grandfather as a birthday present, and it was handed over to me a few years ago. You can live as long as you want."

The big black eyes lit up.

"Really? That's great! This place is right next to the seventh round, which means the enemy is in the open and I am in the dark. In the next three days, I will get him a pair of shoes to wear, and he will be killed!"

Yun Qinian smiled and stopped talking.

The two walked in together.

Everything is placed in the back wing.

When Yun Qi read to the hall, she saw Xiao Li'er and Wu Girl sitting there, drinking tea.

Seeing her coming, the two stood up immediately.


Yun Qinian waved her hand and said, "Okay, where are the things?"


"Take me there first."

A group of people went to the wing room where things were kept.

Fortunately, there is a wing room at the back that was remodeled from a meditation room. It has a very large area, and it is suitable for those bulky servers.

Yun Qinian first took a general look around, and then asked: "Our whereabouts have not been found?"

The little raccoon said: "I promise, it will never be found this time! Even if they went to the place where we lived before, they could only find a pile of burnt scrap iron and nothing useful. On the other hand, we set off in the middle of the night last night, and they couldn't make it in time."

Yun Qinian nodded.

She turned her head and looked towards the halfway up the mountain through the window, curling the corners of her lips mockingly.

At this time, the seventh inning.

When Gu Jingchen came over, he received the news that the X Alliance was empty.

This was actually not surprising to him.

As early as yesterday when testing X, he guessed that the other party would do this.

It's just that the other party's movements were so fast, it was beyond his expectation.

"Notice to go on, thoroughly investigate all the places where they may appear in Pingcheng, and don't let go of a single corner."


After everyone left, he walked to the window, opened the curtain and looked at a private estate at the foot of the mountain.

I saw the faint green hills, and the antique manor, as if it was a paradise.

Everyone knew that it was a birthday present that Mr. Ye bought for Yun Qinian six years ago.

But no one knew that he actually bought the manor.

Six years ago, he and Yun Qinian were still affectionate lovers, and they spent a very happy and sweet time in that manor, and because of this, they had Keke.

But then something happened that caused her to leave him and lose her memory.

The strange thing is that she lost no more memories, she just forgot all the memories about him.

And I don't know where I went to make up a "memory" of that time that belongs to her alone.

In her "memory", he did not exist.

She only remembered that the manor was given to her by her grandfather, and she lived there alone for a year.

She forgot everything about him.

It's not that he hasn't consulted a doctor, but countless doctors have come to see her, and they all confirmed that she is not sick.

All the indicators of her body are normal, even better than ordinary people.

The only thing is, she forgot about him.

Doctors can only interpret this situation as a psychological suggestion.

She subconsciously didn't want to have any more contact with him, and she didn't want to remember him, so she hinted that she would forget this memory.

It is possible for a person to have such a situation under a strong self-awareness.

Another possibility is that someone used a method of artificial intervention to erase that memory for her.

There are many hypnotists in the world who use this method to make people forget the pain and only remember the happy things.

The doctor said there was a good chance that was what she was doing.

Because it was too painful, I deliberately found a hypnotist to clean my memory for myself.

cleaning memory...

Ah!What a cruel word.

Clean up all the memories about him like garbage.

Therefore, she will not remember him later.

When I saw him, it was as if I was looking at a stranger.

That's all, she actually fell in love with the housekeeper's son, what's his name... Su Ze?
Fortunately, he finally snatched her back.

No matter whether she is willing or not, she can only be Gu Jingchen's wife in this life.

And for some reason, since she woke up that morning half a year ago, everything seemed to have changed.

She no longer feared him, hated him, hated him.

But love him, cling to him, get close to him.

At first, Gu Jingchen also thought it was her pretending.

But after half a year, he was almost sure that she wasn't pretending.

A person can pretend for a while, but as long as half a year, according to her temperament, she must not be able to do it.

Is it really a turn of events?
Thinking of this, Gu Jingchen couldn't help laughing at himself.

It's really ridiculous that he even started to believe in luck because of her.

Gu Jingchen closed the curtains, turned and walked outside.

Seeing this, Lin Yang hurriedly followed.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"Go down the mountain and walk casually, you don't need to keep up."

Soon, Gu Jingchen came to the foot of the mountain.

The gate of the private manor in front of him was closed. After thinking about it, he chose to ring the bell politely.

Soon, a doorman came over.

After the two separated, all the staff here have been changed, so Gu Jingchen is not sure whether the other party recognizes him or not.

But he quickly remembered that he was still wearing a black mask, and he had come here as the highest official of the seventh bureau.

Therefore, the other party should not know him.

(End of this chapter)

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