Chapter 165 Private Villa
Sure enough, the doorman saw his strange attire, so he asked vigilantly through the carved iron door: "Who are you looking for?"

Gu Jingchen said calmly: "People from the seventh game, I want to ask you about the situation."

After all, they are neighbors. Although the doorman doesn't know what the seventh game is for, he also knows that they live on the mountain behind them, and they seem to be very powerful.

So, he quickly opened the door and let him in.

"If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, I will know everything, and I will say everything."

Gu Jingchen asked, "Have any strangers been here recently?"

The doorman thought for a while, then shook his head.


Gu Jingchen had no hope at all.

After all, this is the property of the Ye family, no matter how courageous the members of the X League are, they probably wouldn't dare to come here to act wildly.

The reason why he wanted to do this was just to find a reason to go in and take a look, and cherish the memory of the place.

"Then have you noticed anything unusual recently?"

The doorman was taken aback, and asked, "What kind of abnormality are you referring to?"

"Anything is fine."

"The cats in the manor don't know why they stopped catching mice in the past two days, and they just dozed off in the heating room all day long. Does that count?"

Gu Jingchen: "..."

He sighed helplessly.

"Not counting."

After a pause, he still couldn't help but said: "It's cold, and they are also afraid of the cold, and there won't be so many mice in winter, you can let them rest."

The reason why Gu Jingchen is willing to say a few more words for the cat is because he gave the cat to Yun Qinian.

It was originally because pet cats were very popular at that time, and he saw that other girls liked them, so he bought two for her.

Unexpectedly, she would use the pet cat to catch mice.

The cats who were born were quite competitive.

They are obviously American short, Maine breed, under Yun Qinian's training, they all become good at catching mice.

They caught all the mice in the whole manor, and he received a lot of compliments from Yun Qinian for this.

The past was heartbreaking, and Gu Jingchen couldn't bear to recall it.

He asked directly, "Can I go in and have a look?"

The doorman hesitated.

It stands to reason that this kind of private villa is not open to the public.

But since the opponent is in the seventh game, it's another matter.

In the eyes of the doorman, regardless of the number of rounds, they are all members of the public, so what they do is official business.

As a good citizen, it is only natural to cooperate with the investigation.

So, after a brief hesitation, the doorman let him in.

"Then please come in. It's just that our eldest lady is here today. You'd better not bump into her, so as not to blame her and make it difficult for us."

Gu Jingchen was taken aback.

"You said, your eldest lady is here?"


The doorman nodded honestly before he could react.

Gu Jingchen narrowed his eyes sharply.

He still remembered the scene when the woman followed Ruan Yuzhen into the door about an hour ago.

Came here so soon?

Seeing that his expression was not right, the doorman asked, "Is there any problem?"

"no problem."

Gu Jingchen thought for a while and said, "Can you take me to meet your eldest lady?"

"This..." The doorman hesitated for a moment, and said, "I have to ask her first."

"it is good."

Soon, the doorman called the housekeeper in the villa.

As soon as the steward heard that the people from the seventh game were coming, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately came to find Yun Qinian.

"Miss, there is a person at the door who claims to be the Seventh Bureau and wants to see you. Do you want to see him?"

At this moment, Yun Qinian was chatting with Dahei and the others about what to do next.

Hearing the butler's words through the door, he was taken aback for a moment.

The guy from the seventh inning?

Her first reaction was that the people from the seventh round came after her!
But after thinking about it, this is impossible.

Not to mention how concealed they were transferred here, it is impossible for the people in the seventh game to know so quickly.

Just talk about the attitude of the butler just now, and listen to what he said, the other party is still waiting at the door.

If they were really here to catch them, they would have rushed in a long time ago, so why wait at the door?
Thinking of this, she felt relieved.

"See, you take him to the living room, and I'll be right over."


Five minutes later, Yun Qinian came to the living room.

From a distance, she saw a slender man wearing a black mask sitting there.

There was a cup of tea by his hand, the tea smoke was curling up, coupled with his upright sitting posture, this scene gave Yun Qi Nian an inexplicable sense of deja vu.


She had never invited G here before, how could she be so familiar with this scene?
Yun Qinian shook her head, thinking that her brain was flooded.

Soon, she came to Gu Jingchen.

"I heard that you are from the seventh game, do you want to ask me for a question?"

Gu Jingchen looked up at her.

The woman in front of her had a sly smile, bright eyes and bright teeth, she was undoubtedly his wife Yun Qinian.

But isn't she with Ruan Yuzhen?How did it appear here?

Gu Jingchen said calmly: "It's not about asking questions, but I just happened to pass by here, so I came in to have a look out of curiosity."

Yun Qinian smiled slightly.

"So that's the case. Then this gentleman can be regarded as favoritism. After all, our place is a private villa. If it wasn't because you said that you have business matters to ask, they would not have let you in."

Gu Jingchen was silent for a while.

She was right, now he is not Gu Jingchen, but G, the highest official of the seventh bureau.

They really couldn't have let him in if they hadn't had business to attend to.

Gu Jingchen stood up.

"In this case, please forgive me for disturbing, and I will leave now."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.


Yun Qinian suddenly opened her mouth and said with a smile: "Since you are here, please sit down for a while. I just made some pastries and new tea. If you don't mind, you can try it for me too?"

With that said, he ordered people to prepare.

Seeing this, Gu Jingchen hesitated for a second, then came back and sat down again.

"it is good."

Seeing him sitting there, motionless like a mountain, Yun Qinian sneered in her heart.

If someone asks you to come back, you will come back, it is really impolite.

But now the enemy is in the dark, and she is in the dark.

Let's see how she will deal with him later!
Gu Jingchen had his own ideas in his heart.

This was the love nest where he and Yun Qinian used to be, so he naturally wanted to stay longer.

Even if things are not people, at least they still retain some memories that belong to them alone.

Yun Qinian asked Gu Jingchen to sit down for a while, while he went to the back kitchen.

Gu Jingchen sat there, thought for a while, and sent a message to Yun Qinian.

【Where are you now? 】

He always felt that Yun Qinian appeared here at this moment, and things were a little weird.

At this time, Yun Qinian was slowly wrapping chili powder in the middle of the pastry in the back kitchen.

Seeing the message on the phone, he put the spoon down and replied: [At the villa, the godmother is not physically strong, and she cried out that she was tired after dancing for 10 minutes, so I came to the villa to play. 】

(End of this chapter)

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