Chapter 166 Unique taste
Yun Qinian originally didn't want to lie to Gu Jingchen.

But she has a lot of things, it's really inconvenient for Gu Jingchen to know.

Therefore, only tell the truth as much as possible where you can tell the truth.

Gu Jingchen asked: [Is that the private villa that grandpa gave you? 】

Yun Qinian: [Well, husband, let me tell you, I met a really annoying person here. 】

Gu Jingchen: [How annoying? 】

Yun Qinian: [A man, wearing a black and ugly mask on his face, claimed to be from the seventh bureau, and said he was here to find someone, but he didn't find anyone after he came in, Just sitting there and not leaving, and want to taste the cakes I made, do you think this person is annoying? 】

Gu Jingchen: "..."

Looking at the image he was portrayed by his little wife, he also felt that it was quite annoying.

But wasn't she the one who invited herself to stay?

Why did he just hang on and refuse to leave?

But since Yun Qinian said so, it is impossible for him to hurt his little wife's face.

Therefore, we can only follow suit.

Gu Jingchen: [It's quite annoying, drive him away after he eats, don't let him stay there anymore. 】

Yun Qinian: [It doesn't need to be like this, after all, they are also neighbors!Husband, don't worry, I've already thought of a way to deal with him, I promise to make him go away obediently, and I won't dare to come here again next time. 】

Gu Jingchen looked at the information on the mobile phone, imagining how his little wife was shaking her hands in the kitchen at this time, and couldn't help but find it funny.

Gu Jingchen: [Okay, be careful. 】

Yun Qinian: [Yeah, I love your husband. 】

After Yun Qinian finished sending the message, she put away her phone.

At this point, pastries and new tea are ready.

She walked out with her things, and when she came to the living room, she immediately put on a smile.


Gu Jingchen looked at her and recognized her fake smile at a glance.

However, he still cooperated with all his strength, just wanting to see what method she could think of to deal with him.

"Fortunately, this is the pastry and new tea you made?"

"Yeah, it's the first time I'm doing it, maybe the craftsmanship is not very good, so please don't hold it against me."

Yun Qinian deliberately pretended to be harmless to humans and animals, just to trick the other party into taking the bait.

Sure enough, the man nodded and praised: "You look pretty good, you are too modest."

Yun Qinian smiled even more enthusiastically.

"In this case, let's try it quickly!"

Gu Jingchen was no longer polite, picked up a piece of pastry and put it in his mouth.

The pastry is very fragrant. The surface is made of sweet-scented osmanthus. It melts in the mouth when you bite it. In fact, the taste is very good.

Gu Jingchen was about to say a few compliments, but at this moment, his brows frowned suddenly.

A pungent spicy taste hits the tip of the tongue, as if the whole body is wrapped in chili, which makes the veins burst.

Seeing his expression, Yun Qinian knew that he had eaten it.

She smiled and asked, "How does it taste? Is it delicious?"

Gu Jingchen glanced at her and knew that this was the way she said to deal with him.

Can't help being angry and funny.

After finally swallowing the pastry, he nodded and said, "Very good."

Yun Qinian snorted coldly in her heart.

It's so hot that your voice has changed, isn't it good?
Ah!The dead duck has a hard mouth.

She laughed again: "I usually feel thirsty after eating cakes. I just prepared new tea that I just brewed, and I specially cooled it for you. It's not hot at all. Drink it quickly."

Gu Jingchen glanced at the cup of tea, wondering if she had poisoned it.

But since the little wife made it with her own hands, he would drink it even if it was poisoned.

He picked up the tea and drank it all in one gulp without even thinking about it.

Yun Qinian was taken aback.

She put three full tablespoons of salt in the tea, and she knew how salty it was.

Originally, I thought that this man would vomit after taking a sip, but he actually drank it all?
Gu Jingchen put down the teacup, looked at the dumbfounded little wife, and said, "It's delicious."

Yun Qinian: "..."

The corner of her mouth twitched, and she said with a half-smile: "Mister's taste is really strange."

Gu Jingchen smiled slightly, "Fortunately, it happens to be more suitable for you."

Yun Qinian: "???"

Gu Jingchen realized that he had said something wrong and stood up immediately.

"I still have something to do today, so I'll take my leave first. Thank you for your hospitality. If you have any troubles in the future, you can come to the seventh game to find me. My name is..."

He paused, but he still didn't tell the truth.

"Just say you can find Chief G."

Yun Qinian smiled sarcastically.

"Okay, in the future, if I lose my wallet at home, or someone tramples on the vegetable field, I will definitely come to you to uphold justice for us."

Gu Jingchen hesitated slightly, and knew that his little wife was really annoyed.

So I didn't stay any longer.


He turned and walked outside.

It wasn't until people left the gate of the manor that Dahei and others walked in from the outside.

"Boss, why do you want me to tell you that you are our boss! Just now, facing the enemy without blushing and heartbeat, you killed the opponent in a calm manner, amazing!"

Yun Qinian rolled her eyes.

"Come on, it's just a pack of chili powder and two pieces of salt. At most, he can drink a few buckets of water after he goes back. It won't hurt him at all. What's so bad?"

In fact, she also thought about poisoning just now.

As a master ghost doctor, he also got the true biography of Suzaku's poison-making ability.

She is absolutely sure if she wants to pour out the medicine without making a fuss.

But in this way, her identity will probably be exposed.

Yun Qinian didn't want to reveal her identity yet.

After all, not to mention anything else, even for Gu Jingchen, she doesn't want to confuse public and private matters.

"Okay, it's good for people to leave. Where did we talk just now, let's go back and talk."

"Okay, just now we talked about the next selection meeting of the Hall of Flames, and someone wanted to buy news from us..."

The two of them walked towards the back room while talking.

Here, after Gu Jingchen left the villa, he didn't go back to the seventh game, but went directly to another place.

He has already handed over the matter of the seventh game to Lin Yang, and the rest of the actions are useless until the whereabouts of Seven and his party are found.

Therefore, instead of messing up the situation, it is better to stand still and wait for the opportunity.

Hall of flames.

The room was dimly lit, two old people, one tall and one short, one fat and one thin, were sitting on two wicker chairs, looking at each other silently.

After a while, the short and chubby man said: "There is an order from above, asking us to do something to her, at this election meeting, what do you think?"

The tall and thin man said: "She is our apprentice. I have taught her for more than ten years. If you want me to kill her, I can't do it."

"Hmph, if you can't do it, how can I do it? I brought this girl up since she was five years old, and now I kill her if I say so. What do those people think this is killing? Killing a pig?"

"Bah! You're the pig!"

Qinglong: "..."

After a while, he sighed.

"Then what should we do? If she doesn't die, we will die. Do you want to betray the master?"

(End of this chapter)

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