Chapter 167
Suzaku also fell silent.

The two of them are the hall masters of the Raging Flame Hall, but they are not just the hall masters of the Raging Flame Hall.

They also have a higher and more secret identity, but they are not known to outsiders.

With this identity, they are doomed to be manipulated like puppets all their lives, unable to have their own ideas, and unable to act according to their own preferences.

Qinglong sighed and said: "There are still three days until the selection meeting. If it really doesn't work, we can only do it."

Suzaku nodded.

"Yeah, there is no way, who made her unlucky?"

"Hey! At the beginning, we were asked to train her hard, but now we are only halfway through the training, and we are asked to kill her. What's the matter?"

"Forget it, don't talk about it! The more you talk about it, the more distressed you become. It's still important to save your life. At worst, let's choose an easier way to die for her."


After talking, the two got up and shook their heads and left.

In the corridor outside, Luo Shan heard the sound of the door opening, and quickly hid himself in the dark.

Seeing two figures, one tall and one short, come out and walk to the other side of the corridor, he silently took out his mobile phone and called Yun Qinian.

"Hey, I just heard some news that may be useful to you."


Yun Qinian never thought that the betrayal by Qinglong and Suzaku in her previous life would happen earlier in this life.

According to the trajectory of her previous life, she would only see the true faces of the two masters after she participated in this selection meeting. Half a year later, the masters received orders to attack her.

But in this life, everything is ahead of schedule.

According to the news from Luoshan just now, Qinglong and Suzaku obviously already knew that she would go to the selection meeting and planned to kill her at the selection meeting.

She didn't know how the masters knew she would attend.

The only explanation is the butterfly effect.

Her rebirth changed too many things, and these things, like the little wings of a butterfly flapping, brought about changes in other things.

Maybe the masters already knew her identity, but they just pretended not to know.

Or maybe someone told them everything about themselves...

But no matter what, the result is the same.

They still received the order from that person, and decided to obey the order and kill her!

Yun Qinian didn't know who the person who ordered them was, but one thing is certain, she should have a deep relationship with herself, otherwise it would be impossible to send so many masters to teach her carefully and cultivate her into a talent.

But since she has put so much effort into cultivating her, why kill her?

Yun Qinian thought about it, but couldn't think of an answer.

She felt that besides the person concerned, only grandpa would know the answer to this matter.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of the ending of her grandfather's previous life, her eyes dimmed.

In her previous life, her grandfather died suddenly after she was chased and fled.

It was said to be due to a stroke.

But Yun Qinian knew very well that although my grandfather was old, his body had always been strong, so how could it be possible to say that he had a stroke?

There must be other reasons for this.

Now that she has been reborn, she must figure this out.

At the same time, it is also necessary to prevent the grandfather from going back to the old path of the previous life.

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian bid farewell to Xiao Li'er and the others, and drove to Ye's house.

Ye family's old house.

Mr. Ye was in the manor taking care of the new flowers that had just been transplanted yesterday, when he suddenly heard that Yun Qinian had come, he was overjoyed.

"My precious granddaughter is back? Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and welcome her in."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Yun Qinian's charming voice.

"Grandpa, I'm not an outsider, why welcome? I came in by myself."

I saw her wearing plain casual clothes, walking in generously.

Grandpa Ye was immediately happy.

"You girl, I haven't seen you coming back in 300 years, why did you come back today?"

Yun Qinian smiled and stepped forward to hold his arm.

"I miss grandpa, so I came back to see you."

Mr. Ye clicked his tongue, "It's so true, I almost believed it."

His exaggerated movements immediately caused everyone around him to laugh.

Yun Qinian blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Grandpa, I was ignorant before, and I will definitely come back to see you more in the future."

Mr. Ye didn't really want to blame her, so he laughed out loud.

"Okay, it's just in time for you to come back today. Your elder brother brought some high-end French ingredients from abroad some time ago. My old man is not used to those foreign things. I just asked the kitchen to make it for you to taste. If you think it is delicious, you can eat it. Take them all back."

Yun Qinian asked curiously, "Is the elder brother back?"

"I came back for two days and left again. He was busy with the company, so I didn't bother to detain him at home."

Ye Tianci is the eldest son of Ye Yufeng and the eldest grandson of the Ye family.

After he became an adult, he was captured by Ye Yufeng to manage the family business with him, and now he is the person in charge of the Ye family's overseas branch.

Yun Qinian was very close to this elder brother, the two of them walked towards the hall while chatting.

After returning to the living room, a servant brought hot water for Mr. Ye to wash his hands.

He ordered: "Go and take the things that the young master brought back to the kitchen a few days ago, remember to get a little of everything."


After the servants went down, Yun Qinian quickly grabbed the old man.

"Grandpa, actually, when I come back today, I want to ask you something."

Mr. Ye turned to look at her and shook his head again and again.

"Look, what am I talking about? If you have nothing to do, you won't come back to see me, a bad old man. Tell me! What's the matter?"

Yun Qinian said coquettishly: "Grandpa, it's not that I'm not coming back, I'm busy! In fact, the main reason I came back today is to see you, and the second is to do business."

Mr. Ye raised his eyebrows, "Yoho, since that's the case, let's not do the important things, just do the main things well."

Yun Qinian: "..."

She knew that Mr. Ye was joking with her on purpose, so she could only say helplessly, "Grandpa, don't tease me."

Grandpa Ye laughed out loud.

"All right, all right, I won't tease you, tell me, what do you want to ask me?"

Yun Qinian glanced around to make sure no one was passing by, and then asked, "Grandpa, I want to ask who is behind my masters?"

Grandpa Ye was startled.

Yun Qinian's masters were sent to teach her, and he never told Yun Qinian about this.

How did she know?
His expression became serious.

"What do you ask for this?"

Yun Qinian curled her lips.

"I just found out out of curiosity, Grandpa, just tell me, okay? This matter is very important to me."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Ye shook his head seriously.

"No, it's not time for you to know about this, Nian Nian, you just need to listen to grandpa and learn your skills obediently, when the time comes in the future, someone will naturally tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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