Chapter 168 keep silent
Cloud seven thoughts and one stagnation.

It was the same in the previous life, no matter how she asked, grandpa just kept silent.

In the end, she didn't even know who was behind the scenes.

Now that I am living a new life, do I really want to continue living like this in a daze?

She pursed her lower lip and said, "But, what if someone wants to harm me?"

Grandpa Ye frowned.

"Who dares to harm you? You tell grandpa, grandpa will help you fix him!"

Yun Qinian couldn't help laughing.

"Grandpa, I don't mean that kind of evil, but..."

She paused, but she still didn't say anything about Qinglong and Suzaku.

Although she didn't know why her grandfather hid it from her, she felt that the reason behind it must not be simple.

Forget it, she should not embarrass grandpa.

Yun Qinian sighed, "It's nothing, since it's not convenient for you to tell me, I won't ask, and you can tell me later when it's convenient for you."

Only then did Old Man Ye smile and pat her head, "Nian Nian is so good, don't worry, with Grandpa around, no one will dare to bully you."

Yun Qinian also smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

After a while, a servant came over and said that the pastry was ready.

Yun Qinian asked Mr. Ye to taste it with her.

However, Mr. Ye waved his hand.

"Grandpa isn't interested in that thing, and his teeth are sour just looking at it. You can go and try what they make."

Seeing this, Yun Qinian couldn't force it.

Only one person went to the dining room.

Grandpa Ye watched her leaving back and sighed silently.

My little Nian'er, it's not that grandpa refuses to tell you the truth, it's just that the truth is too cruel, and I'm afraid that telling you too early will involve you in those power struggles too early.

Now I just hope that you can be happier, even if you are happier every day counts as one day.

Yun Qinian didn't notice Mr. Ye's thoughts at all.

She sat in the dining room, meditating on something as she ate pastry.

Grandpa has his reasons for not telling her the truth, and she can't force him.

But being kept in the dark like this is too passive.

It seems that she can only make a decision after attending the selection meeting three days later.

In the next two days, the second episode of "The Detective is Coming" will be broadcast.

There is still a lot of praise on the Internet. Everyone said that the plot is too exciting, and every MC in the variety show has gained a lot of fans.

Among them, Yun Qinian rose the most.

After all, her appearance and personality are really amazing, and she simply grew up in the audience's aesthetic point.

And in the second episode, she played the murderer. At the beginning, everyone was a little confused. As the plot was revealed bit by bit, almost no one thought of the murderer on her.

Until the second half, countless evidence against Yun Qinian emerged.

It was only then that everyone realized that she had been hiding so deeply.

As a result, a comment appeared on the Internet.

My sister's smile is not a smile, it is deceptive poison.

It's A and Sayun Qinian, it's not a loss to invest in shares, everyone is welcome to like it, the little rice cakes are waiting for you in the wind and rain.

Yun Qinian also paid attention to the reviews on the Internet, and found that most of them were positive reviews, so she was relieved.

Halfway through, she went to record another episode of the show.

When the recording was finished, it was already three days later, and it was the time for the selection meeting to be held in the Hall of Flames.

Zhou Ye came out of the recording site and asked, "Xiao Niannian, are there any activities tonight? Let's have dinner together."

Yun Qinian shook her head.

"No, I have something to do tonight."

"What's so important? A date."

The relationship between her and Gu Jingchen is now known all over the Internet, and Zhou Ye naturally knows it too.

Yun Qinian gave him a blank look, "I really have something to do, you go and eat, I will treat you next time when I am free."

After she finished speaking, she walked to her car.

Zhou Ye looked at her leaving back and clicked his tongue.

"Going in such a hurry, how dare you say it's not a date."

At this moment, Murong Chi also came out of the studio.

"What are you doing here?"

He asked Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye pressed his chin in the direction of Nu Yun Qinian, "Hey, Xiao Niannian can't go to today's dinner party, she said she has something to do, what do you think she can do this evening?"

Murong Chi glanced at him, and said softly: "It's normal to have something to do at night, don't think about it all day long."

With that said, I was about to leave.

Seeing this, Zhou Ye smiled and followed.

"Well, if she doesn't go, let's go, where are we going to eat tonight?"

Murong Chi said without looking back: "I have something to do at night, so I don't want to eat, you and Senior Wen and the others go."

Zhou Ye was taken aback for a moment, and immediately yelled loudly.

"Hey, there's no such thing as you, if one doesn't go, and neither do the two, what kind of dinner is that?"

Seeing that Murong Chi ignored him at all, Zhou Ye snorted heavily in anger.

"Okay, you don't want to go, then I won't go either, I'll go back to the hotel to sleep, hum!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked to his car.

Wen Wenjun, who came out right behind them, happened to witness this scene and shook his head helplessly.

"These young people are really clueless enough to sing and sing."

He came to Zhou Ye's car window, knocked on the window and asked, "You really don't want to go?"

Zhou Ye's muffled voice came from inside.

"I don't want to go, I'm sorry Senior Wen, you can take Xiaoxue and the others."

Seeing this, Wen Wenjun felt a little helpless.

After each episode of "The Detective Is Coming" is finished recording, everyone will have a dinner together to collect some post-production materials.

But this kind of dinner party is not included in the contract, and there is no recording fee, so you can go or not.

But before today, no matter whether you want to go or not, you will go because of face.

Unexpectedly, I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today, so the three of them didn't go.

Wen Wenjun, as a senior and a host, naturally and habitually presided over the overall situation.

Since they all refused to go, then I, He Xuexiao and Hua Lin must go.

Otherwise, there will be no material to cut for the dinner after this issue.

Thinking of this, Wen Wenjun went back to call Hua Lin and He Xiaoxue.

And this time, the other side.

After Yun Qinian got into the car, she drove directly to the direction of the villa.

She didn't drive the car in, but stopped at a remote place near the villa.

Soon, Dahei came out sneakily.

"Boss, this is what you want, and it's all here."

He handed in a package through the car window, and after Yun Qinian took it, he opened it and asked, "Nobody found it?"

"No, but Boss, do you really want to go alone? I heard that the Hall of Flame is very bloody and cruel. What about the election conference? People die every year. Are you not afraid?"

Dahei and the others are different from Yun Qinian.

They grew up in an orphanage, and they have been exposed to computers since childhood. They have worked hard for more than ten years, and it would be great if they can learn the skill of hacking and keep improving.

(End of this chapter)

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