Chapter 178 Disappearing
"Why can't I be here? I knew that you signed with CN Entertainment, and deliberately rejected my original company's exorbitant contract extension to follow me. Aren't you moved by my deep friendship?"

Yun Qinian: "..."

Go to the special deep friendship!

She turned around directly and called Li Hu while walking towards the elevator.

"Li Hu, withdraw the contract with Zhou Ye, we will not sign this artist!"

Li Hu was taken aback, although he didn't understand why, he didn't dare to disobey Yun Qinian's order, and quickly responded: "Okay, I will withdraw immediately."

Zhou Ye naturally also heard her words, and followed up cheekily.

"Xiao Niannian, don't mind! We are friends after all, and we have recorded the program together for such a long time, how can you be so unreasonable?"

Although he said so, there was no sign of anxiety in his expression, and there was even a hint of joking.

"Also, how can you order Li Hu? Oh, I understand! I heard that CN Entertainment was acquired by someone before, and you are the one who acquired it, right?

If I put it in the past, I definitely wouldn't believe it, but since you are Seven, a well-known information hunter in the world, you shouldn't be surprised to acquire a mere entertainment company..."

Before Zhou Ye finished speaking, Yun Qinian suddenly turned around and stared at him.

Zhou Ye froze for a moment, raised his hands under her cold gaze, and said with a playful smile, "I was wrong! I was quick to talk, I'm sorry."

Yun Qinian asked coldly, "Apart from this, what else do you know?"

Zhou Ye's expression immediately became serious.

"I swear, I only know this. I'm still investigating other information. If I find out, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Yun Qinian: "..."

Just, very angry.

She took a deep breath and said, "Zhou Ye, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Ye showed his trademark naughty smile again.

"I don't do anything, I just want to sign with CN Entertainment and be your brother and sister. Aren't you always worried about me? It's safer to put me under your nose, isn't it?"

Yun Qinian didn't believe that he would be so kind to give her advice to deceive herself.

The reason why he came to CN Entertainment was probably because he had a ulterior motive and wanted to make trouble.

But Yun Qinian is not afraid, anyway, in her territory, a tiger has to lie down, and a dragon has to be coiled by her!

She didn't believe that he could really make such a big wave!

She took out her mobile phone and called Li Hu again.

"The artist named Zhou Ye, signed it!"


Li Hu was dumbfounded again.

You just said no to sign, and now you say sign, boss, what does this mean?

However, Yun Qinian didn't give him a chance to ask any questions at all, and hung up the phone after finishing the order.

Seeing this, Zhou Ye grinned and said, "It's still our little Niannian who is smart and says that those who know how to practice are the best. I believe that we can develop a vast sky if we work together."

Yun Qinian sneered.

"I'm warning you, Zhou Ye! Shut your mouth, if you let me hear a word I shouldn't hear outside..."

Zhou Ye immediately made a zipper to seal his mouth, and then raised three fingers.

"I swear! If you don't tell me if I promise you, I will never say it! Anyway, I have something in your hands, don't I?"

Yun Qinian smiled coldly, "It's good that you know!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored him and strode inside.

In the office, Ran Yue was already waiting for her.

Seeing her coming in, Ran Yue immediately stood up and said with a smile, "You're here."


Yun Qinian nodded, and looked slightly sideways to see another young girl sitting on the sofa, a little surprised.

"She is……"

"Oh, she's my new assistant for you. You usually go out to film and record variety shows, and you can't be alone all the time. I can't stay by your side all the time, so I specially hired one for you."

As he spoke, he called someone over and introduced, "Xiao Yu, you haven't said hello to the boss yet."

The girl named Xiao Yu immediately said, "Hello boss, my name is Yu Qing, it's fine if you call me Xiao Yu."

Yun Qinian gave her a slight look.

I saw that she was about 20 years old. Although she was only 1.5 meters tall, she had a delicate appearance and clear eyes, which gave people a very good impression.

Every artist in the industry has an assistant, and some even have more than one.

In fact, she has long planned to find an assistant, after all, it is impossible to bring Aunt Li with her every time she goes out to film.

In that case, there would be no one to take care of the family.

Therefore, she nodded.

"Don't be so polite, just call me by my name in the future, have you registered with the personnel department?"

"Not yet." Ran Yue said: "I'm going to let you meet first, I think I can take her there."

Yun Qinian said: "Take her there, there is nothing wrong with me."

"it is good."

Ran Yue took Xiao Yu out.

Yun Qinian walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the ants-like traffic downstairs, and slightly frowned.

She didn't really let go of what happened yesterday.

Until now, she still couldn't figure out who the person Qinglong and Suzaku said was related to her by blood and who wanted to kill her.

And Gu Jingchen, did he notice something about the question he asked last night?
Yun Qinian pursed the corners of her lower lip, and after a while, she took out her cell phone and made a call.

"Luo Shan, help me with something else."

At this moment, Raging Flame Hall.

In the dim room, Suzaku and Qinglong were still sitting opposite each other.

The difference from last time was that this time their expressions were very relaxed, as if they had let go of a big stone in their hearts.

Qinglong smiled and said: "Old bird head, do you think that girl can understand our painstaking efforts?"

Suzaku said blankly: "Whether she understands it or not, I won't regret it if I do it."

"That's right!" Qinglong sighed, "After all, it's the apprentice we brought up with one hand, I really can't bear to let her die like this, no matter what!
Although Lie Yan has been the work of our half-life, it is nothing more than a dead thing, so let's give it up, as long as she can follow the clues we gave, she will know the truth one day, and then...hehe. "

He sneered, the laughter touched his chest, and suddenly he coughed violently.

Seeing this, Suzaku took out a medicine bottle and threw it over.

"Take a pill, don't let her die before she finds out the truth."

Qinglong poured out a pill and swallowed it, and then said: "How could it be? We two old monsters have lived for so many years, why haven't we seen such a big storm? Why is it so easy to die?"

Suzaku did not refute his words.

After a few seconds of silence, he asked, "Where are you going?"

Qinglong thought for a while, and said: "Da Yin is hiding in the city. Since the family has already had internal strife, they must not have so much energy to come to us. How about we go to the imperial capital?"

Suzaku nodded, "Okay, it just so happens that I haven't seen those old friends in the imperial capital for a long time, this time I go back and meet them together."

"Then it's settled. We'll leave in the afternoon."

Yun Qinian stayed at CN Entertainment for a long time and didn't leave until the afternoon.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the company building, he received a call from Luoshan, saying that the two hall masters had disappeared!
(End of this chapter)

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