Chapter 179
Chapter 179

She was a little surprised.

She knows the abilities of the two masters, and looking at the whole world, I am afraid that there are few rivals.

Moreover, their whereabouts are inherently erratic, and it is common for them to disappear from time to time.

So she wasn't thinking of the worst.

"Could it be that something happened to leave temporarily? It's just a few hours away, there is no need to rise to the height of disappearing, right?"

Luo Shan said urgently: "That's not the case. The whereabouts of the two hall masters are indeed mysterious, but today is the annual altar meeting. The two hall masters have never been absent in previous years, but today they have not appeared for a long time. We sent people to When I went to check, I found that there was no one in their room, and some personal and frequently used things were all gone.”

Yun Qinian was taken aback.

The Hall of Flames is an old organization with a history of hundreds of years, so although it is the 21st century, it still retains some ancient traditions.

For example, the selection conference, the selection of outstanding talents, and the filling of fresh blood for the organization.

For example, at the altar meeting, the hall master leads all the members of the Raging Flame Hall to worship their ancestors and express their loyalty to the organization.

Such activities are related to the core cohesion of the personnel within the organization, Qinglong and Suzaku have indeed never been absent before.

This time, they disappeared for no reason, no wonder Luoshan and the others were anxious.

Yun Qinian thought for a while, and said, "Hold on for now and see how other people react."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, she hesitated for a while, and finally drove to Ye's house.

Ye family's old house.

Mr. Ye was tasting tea in the garden, when an old man whispered something in his ear, he frowned suddenly.

"What did you say? They left? Will you not teach Nian Nian in the future?"


The old man is the housekeeper of the Ye family, named Uncle Cen. He has been with Mr. Ye since he was young, and he is very trusted.

He whispered: "They called just now. You were sleeping at the time, so I didn't wake you up. From their tone, it doesn't sound like something serious happened, but it's too..."

Cen Bo didn't say what he said later, but Mr. Ye already understood what he meant.

He frowned, held his teacup in thought for a while, and then said: "It seems that something happened over there."

After a moment, he stood up.

"Give me the phone, I have to make a call over there."

Two 10 minutes later.

Yun Qinian walked into Ye's house.

Mr. Ye already knew she was coming, and was sitting in the living room waiting for her.

"Oh! What kind of wind is blowing recently? I haven't seen it a few times throughout the year. Recently, I have been running over every three days. What do you need to ask grandpa for help?"

Facing Mr. Ye's joke, Yun Qinian simply admitted it.

"Yes, Grandpa, I want to ask where my two masters, Suzaku and Qinglong, have gone?"

Mr. Ye: "..."

Afraid of what to come.

He coughed, "Well, grandpa doesn't know about them."

Yun Qinian sat down on the sofa next to her with a half smile, "Really? If Grandpa doesn't know, then I really don't know who knows, or whether Grandpa and them are in the same group and want to get together Come to lie to me?"

Grandpa Ye suddenly looked serious.

"I swear, I never lied to you. Grandpa really doesn't know."


Yun Qinian didn't bother to talk to him so much, and said directly: "Two days ago, two masters, Qinglong and Suzaku, attacked me, does grandpa know?"

Grandpa Ye was taken aback.

He really didn't know about it.

After all, Qinglong and Suzaku were also guilty, so it was impossible to tell him these things.

Seeing his expression, Yun Qinian knew that he didn't know about it.

With a dark sigh in my heart, I had no choice but to tell him about the situation that day.

When Old Man Ye heard this, his face darkened.

After a while, he said, "They also have their difficulties. If you succeed in attacking, it may not be because they let you down. No wonder I said why they left suddenly for no reason. It seems... there is a big problem there. gone."

In the last sentence, he was obviously talking to himself.

Yun Qinian was confused.

"Over there? What do you mean?"

Only then did Mr. Ye come to his senses, and quickly explained: "It's nothing, you don't need to worry about this matter, grandpa will help you find out."

Yun Qinian: "..."

Mr. Ye obviously still didn't want to tell her the truth, no matter how hard she pressed it, it was useless.

She sighed and had to settle for the next best thing.

"Then you just said that they are leaving for no reason, have they told you in advance?"

Mr. Ye was a little guilty, so he had to answer honestly.

"Well, you called me, but I didn't receive it. You Cen Bo just told me."

Yun Qinian nodded.

In fact, when she came out of Raging Flame Hall that day, she felt that something was wrong.

Everything went so well.

Whether she wins the game or takes everyone down with Sensika.

Everything went so smoothly that it was almost miraculous.

In particular, she asked Luo Shan to replace all the medicines on Suzaku with flour. It stands to reason that someone like Suzaku who has dealt with various poisons for decades could not be aware of it.

But they still cooperated with themselves to complete the performance, that is to say, they guessed her plan from the beginning, and everything was just acting.

It's even possible that they killed her on purpose, it was just for show.

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian felt a little complicated.

She doesn't know why everything has changed in this life.

Obviously, in the previous life, she was captured by the two masters and handed over to that perverted mysterious person, but in this life, the masters not only did not really attack her, but also secretly let her go, giving up their existing rights and status and leaving Pingcheng.

what is this?
If you just use the butterfly effect as a reason, I'm afraid there is no way to fully make sense.

Yun Qinian raised her hand and pinched the center of her eyebrows.

Seeing this, Mr. Ye quickly smiled and said: "Don't think about what you have and what you don't have, don't worry! Grandpa will help you take care of things here, so you can live a good life with Gu Jingchen and be you Just do what you like."

Yun Qinian took a deep look at Old Master Ye.

Noticing the genuine concern in the other person's eyes, he had no choice but to nod in response.

Yun Qinian left after dinner at Ye's house.

When she came out, Gu Jingchen just got off work and came to pick her up.

As soon as I received the little girl, I immediately noticed that she was in a bad mood, and said softly, "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Yun Qinian pursed her lower lip.

You can't tell Gu Jingchen about Qinglong and Suzaku, including her secrets.

So, she shook her head, "No, I'm just a little tired."

She was a little tired, although she knew that grandpa refused to tell her the truth to protect her.

But as long as she thought about the fog that shrouded in front of her, she felt uneasy, and always felt that there was something dangerous that she had overlooked.

In other words, she is in the light and the enemy is in the dark. This feeling makes her very insecure, and naturally it is difficult to feel at ease.

Seeing this, Gu Jingchen raised his hand to stroke her hair, and pulled her into his arms.

"If you're tired, just lean on me and sleep for a while, don't think about anything, I'll call you when you get home."


(End of this chapter)

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