Chapter 188
This damn Yun Qinian!

It's so damn home!

Not only did he lose such a big face, it also cut off his career.

You know, being a killer requires a low profile.

Now that he has been photographed online in this way, people all over the country know him, how can he be a killer?
Su Hao was so angry that he was about to have a heart attack.

Just then, the phone rang.

When he looked at the caller ID, his face turned pale.

It's over. It's over.

He was really afraid that something would happen, he just wanted to say that he hoped that Master would not know about this matter, but he did not expect Master to call so soon.

He didn't dare to neglect, and quickly picked it up.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a burst of cursing on the other side.

"Su Haojing! What's going on with the news on the Internet? You're fucking embarrassing and throwing it at me, and now everyone who knows me is asking why this apprentice I taught changed his career to do performance art! Do you fucking want to Are you crazy about money?"

Su Haojing froze, unable to express his suffering.

"Master, I didn't do performance art, I was forced to do it."

"Who dares to force you? Leaving aside that you are my apprentice, is there anyone else in Pingcheng who is your opponent? You have let me down so much without making a draft if you lie!"

Su Haojing was so wronged that tears almost came down.

His master is a high-ranking elder of the Hunter Association, nicknamed Flying Dragon, with a high status, but his temper is really violent.

Even he, the son of a friend and a direct disciple, scolded him unambiguously.

He explained: "I'm not lying, what I said is true, last night I met a third-tier star named Yun Qinian, she beat me up and tied me up like that, Master, She's really good, and I seriously doubt she's in our circle."

Feilong found it even more funny.

"Yun Qinian? A third-tier star? You're talking to me here, you! Is it possible for anyone to enter our business? What's more, the other party is a woman, even a woman But are you still promising, you?"

Su Haojing: "..."

Last night I was beaten so badly that my body hurts enough.

His face was also lost, and his career after years of hard training was also ruined.

Now even Master scolds him like that.

He really feels aggrieved no matter what he thinks now.

After Su Haojing was silent for a while, he muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Put it nicely, as if you could beat it."

"What did you say?"

Feilong's hearing is so powerful, even though his voice was lowered as much as possible, Feilong still heard him.

Su Haojing was stunned, and he simply followed the plan, and said directly: "I said that Master is so powerful, she must not be able to beat her, and if she bullies me, she is bullying you, Master. You can't just ignore it, right? If this spreads to the Tao, Who will take you seriously in the future?"

Feilong snorted coldly.

"Of course I want to settle accounts with her! But you don't want to run away, you still want to stay in the country after losing such a big face, why don't you come back to practice kung fu for me as soon as possible, so that you don't know how to die next time! "

Su Haojing knew he was wrong, so naturally he didn't dare to refute.

Early the next morning, I booked a flight ticket to go abroad and left Pingcheng.

And here, after Feilong hung up the phone, he began to investigate the information about Yun Qinian.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

Only then did he discover that Yun Qinian was actually the wife of Gu Jingchen, the richest man in the country.

He has heard of the name Gu Jingchen, not only that, but also met once before.

Although he is a businessman, the forces behind him are very powerful, and he is a tricky character who is difficult to deal with.

It seems that if you want to move Yun Qinian, you still have to do it secretly.

Feilong is a very protective person, if Yun Qinian bullies his apprentice like this, of course he will not let him go.

But he has more brains and experience than Su Haojing, and he knows how to avoid harming himself.

Therefore, after the plan was made, Feilong was ready to do it.


The night is dark and windy.

Yun Qinian had just finished filming a night scene and was about to go home when she suddenly felt something was wrong.

It was chilly behind him, as if he was being stared at by a pair of cold poisonous snakes.

There is a hint of murderous intent lurking in the air, and everything is showing—there is someone behind!
At this time, Xiaoqin had already been sent home in advance by her, and she was the only one around.

But she didn't panic, she just held a dart in her hand calmly.

Then he stopped in his tracks and said loudly: "Friend, it's been hard work following you all the way, come out!"

However, no one answered her.

In the empty night, only the winter wind whimpered and whimpered.

She was not in a hurry, and listened intently for a while, then suddenly raised her hand and threw the dart to the left rear.

There was only a "poof", and the sharp knife pierced into the flesh.

A black shadow quickly rolled on the ground and rushed towards her.

Yun Qinian's eyebrows were cold, she raised her hand to catch the opponent's move, and then quickly counterattacked. The two fought fiercely in the deep and narrow alley.

Here is a film and television city of costume dramas. I don't know how many such quaint alleys there are.

Yun Qinian kicked against the wall, leaped up, and sent the opponent flying with a series of kicks.

She landed lightly on the ground with a "tsk".

"Kungfu is so bad, you have the nerve to sneak up on people. Didn't your mother teach you the manners of being a human being?"

Feilong was very angry.

Damn it!It seems that Su Haojing is right, this little girl really has some abilities.

He was too careless just now, thinking that he only needs to make four or five successes to take him down, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful!

This time, Feilong didn't dare to underestimate the enemy anymore.

He stood up quickly, made gestures, and stared at Yun Qinian with a pair of cold and sharp eyes.

Yun Qinian didn't hesitate at all, glanced at his gestures, then at the golden hair protruding from the brim of his hat, and said, "Are you from the Hunter Association?"

Feilong was taken aback.

How does this girl know?

He didn't speak, and he still had a mask on his face and even a hat on his head.

How on earth did this damn girl guess that he was a member of the Hunter Association?
As if guessing what he was thinking, Yun Qinian sneered disdainfully.

"Your Hunter Association likes to use hot weapons. You are not good at cold weapons and melee combat, so the kung fu you know are all taught by those teachers. I can see those moves with my eyes closed. Come out, do you still need to guess?"

Feilong: "????"

It was as if he had been hit hard in the heart, which made him doubt his life.

Yun Qinian said again: "Are you here to avenge that kid from yesterday?"

Feilong: "???"

How did you know it again?

Yun Qinian shook her head and sighed: "Looking at your age, you should be in your forties. Is that his father? No, he is from the East. You can see that he is a foreign old man. Is he his master?"

Feilong: "..."

No, give him a trash can, he will vomit blood.

(End of this chapter)

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