Chapter 189
Feilong was shocked that the other party could easily guess his origin in such a short period of time.

He simply didn't hide anything anymore, and said in a cold voice, "Is it because I'm really impatient if I know I'm a member of the Hunter Association and still don't surrender obediently?

I promise you, if you admit defeat now, I can still give you a whole body, otherwise don't blame me for being rude later! "

Yun Qinian sneered and shook her head.

"Sure enough, people flock together and things divide into groups. It's not unreasonable for snakes and rats to have a nest.

I don't know who is beaten by me yesterday, knelt down and begged for mercy, stripped naked and tied it up in the square for public display.

You've become a defeated underling. If you don't behave yourself with your tail between your legs, you still dare to yell at me now? "

The flying dragon froze.

It's okay if she doesn't mention this, but when he mentions this, he thinks of the gossiping and gloating expressions of his friends when they saw the video and came to ask him.

He couldn't help itching his teeth with anger, and said angrily, "He's him, I'm me! That's just my ineffective apprentice, do you think I'm as easy to deal with as him?"

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, so it's master and apprentice. No wonder you have such similar tempers. It's a pity that your apprentice can't beat me, and you are still not my opponent, so I advise you to get out as soon as possible!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, how dare you despise me so much, I'm not a flying dragon if I don't give you some flair today!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and rushed towards Yun Qinian.

Yun Qinian sneered.

"Flying dragon? Hmph, I'll beat you into a flying insect later!"

After finishing speaking, he also caught his move abruptly and counterattacked back.

The two soon fought again.

But Yun Qinian learned martial arts from several masters since she was a child, and each master is the world's top fighting master.

How could Feilong be her opponent?

Soon, he was defeated.

Yun Qinian kicked him far away, slammed into the wall with a "bang", and then fell from the wall to the ground.

Before Feilong could react, another burst of fists and kicks rained down.

Yun Qinian stepped hard on his chest with one foot, grabbed his collar with the other hand, and asked, "How is it? Are you convinced?"

How could Feilong be convinced?
He gritted his teeth and said angrily: "I don't accept it! What kind of skill is it to use a hidden weapon? If I hadn't hit your dart just now, would I have lost to you?"

Yun Qinian sneered.

"Really? Since you are not convinced, come again!"

After finishing speaking, he picked him up, and the two fought again.

However, in the following time, the more Feilong fought, the more he realized that the woman in front of him seemed to be an emotionless fighting machine.

She was terrible, terrible!

Whether it's physical strength, tricks, or speed, they are all flawless, and no one can find a single flaw.

How can this be?

He has lived for so many years, and he thinks he has some cultivation in martial arts.

At least in the Hunter Association, his melee combat is one of the best, otherwise he would not give up his best hot weapon and choose to use this most primitive method to trouble her.

Isn't it just to reduce some troubles and leave less evidence?
But now, not only did he fail to find the other party's trouble, but he seemed to be in trouble himself.

How could this not make him angry?

Two minutes later, Feilong was knocked down again.

Yun Qinian asked, "Are you convinced?"

Feilong gritted his teeth: "Not convinced!"

"Okay, then come again!"

So, the two fought again.

This went back and forth four or five times, and at the end, Feilong's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was beaten so badly that even his mother couldn't recognize who he was.

But the point is, he found that his physical strength was exhausted, but Yun Qinian was fine.

There is even a trend of getting more and more excited.

Oh shit!Is this woman a violent maniac?
How could Gu Jingchen marry such a woman as his wife?
He still doesn't understand that Gu Jingchen doesn't know Yun Qinian's true face at all.

The whole person is still trapped in a mess of self-doubt.

Finally, when Feilong was beaten until he vomited blood again, Feilong couldn't hold on anymore.

He raised his hands and surrendered.

"I'm convinced, I'm really convinced! It's our master and apprentice who don't know Taishan with eyes, and don't know that the girl is also a person of Taoism. If we had known earlier, we would never dare to provoke you.

I just don't know what the girl's code name is?From now on, whenever we hear your name, we master and apprentice will definitely detour and never dare to offend you again. "

Seeing that it was already this time, Yun Qinian did not forget to inquire about her identity.

He couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Those who lose the fight are not entitled to know my code name. Want to know? Wait until you beat me one day."

Feilong: "..."

Yun Qinian glanced at Caishikou not far away, and smiled viciously.

"Since you have obeyed, I will spare your life, but the death penalty is inevitable, and the living penalty is inevitable. You can admit your death today!"

After she finished speaking, she grabbed Feilong from the ground and walked towards Caishikou.


the next day.

Ran Yue just passed by the film and television city today, so she was going to come over to see Yun Qinian.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the set, I found that there were many people surrounded by three floors and three floors outside Caishikou in the set.

Everyone was discussing something in a low voice, and many people were holding up their mobile phones and taking crazy photos of a certain point in the crowd.

Curiously, she pulled an extra actor who came over to watch the excitement and asked, "Hey, what are you doing over there? There's no machine, so it shouldn't be filming, right?"

The extras said: "It's not filming, it's a psycho who is doing performance art here, it's winter, he stood there naked all night, do you think he is crazy?"

Ran Yue: "..."

The extras hold up their phones.

"However, I have called the police just now. I believe the police will arrive soon. If you are interested, go and have a look. Not to mention, although the man looks a little rough, he has a really good figure and a muscular body. It's all together..."

Ran Yue hastily interrupted her words.

"No, I have other things to do, so I won't watch this excitement, thank you."

The extras smiled honestly, "You're welcome."

After the other party left, Ran Yue glanced at the crowd.

At this moment, the police arrived and were evacuating the crowd. She immediately saw the naked blond man surrounded by the crowd.

I couldn't help feeling cold.

Hey, these days, these people are really desperate for popularity!

There was only an Internet celebrity with naked left in the square yesterday, and some people are starting to follow suit today.

It's really a decline in the world, a decline in the world!

Ran Yue shook her head and walked to the dressing room.

At this time, Yun Qinian was already sitting in the dressing room, asking the makeup artist to do her makeup.

Seeing Ran Yue coming, she smiled and asked, "Why are you here?"

Ran Yue looked at her with a strange expression.

(End of this chapter)

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