Chapter 190
"Nian Nian, tell me honestly, are you under a lot of pressure when you are filming?"

Yun Qinian was taken aback.

I saw Ran Yue sigh and hold her hand.

"If you feel a lot of pressure, don't hold it in your heart. You must tell me that we can see a psychiatrist. If it is really necessary, we can stop filming."

Yun Qinian couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Ran Yue, what are you talking about? When did I say I was stressed?"

Ran Yue frowned.

"Nian Nian, don't hide it from me anymore. Look at that person outside at Caishikou, he's crazy when he says he's crazy at a young age, isn't it because of pressure?"

Yun Qinian: "..."

She didn't know what expression to use to face Ran Yue.

To be honest, it's incredible.

Don't tell the truth, just let her misunderstand, isn't it good?

Fortunately, Ran Yue only cared about her, and didn't think too much about it.

The two were chatting, at this moment, the door of the dressing room was pushed open, and Du Ruhai walked in.

"Nian Nian, there is a temporary change in the next scene, let me tell you..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Ran Yue standing in the room.

The expression on his face froze there.

Ran Yue also saw him, and the smile on her face disappeared immediately.

She turned her head and said to Yun Qinian: "I still have something to do, so I'll go first, you take good care of yourself."

Yun Qinian nodded, and Ran Yue was about to leave.

Du Ruhai hurriedly called her to stop.

"Ran Yue."

Ran Yue's footsteps paused, but only for a moment, she didn't really stop, instead she quickened her pace and walked out.

Seeing this, Du Ruhai hurriedly said to Yun Qi, "I'll go out first, and I'll talk to you when I come back."

Immediately afterwards, he quickly chased out.

Ran Yue walked quickly, but Du Ruhai was a man after all, and he was tall and long-legged, so he caught up with her not long after.

"Ran Yue, wait a moment, listen to me."

As soon as he grasped Ran Yue's wrist, he was thrown away forcefully.

"We have nothing to say between us! From the moment you killed my sister, we have nothing to say!"

Du Ruhai frowned.

"I didn't kill your sister."

Ran Yue sneered, her eyebrows and eyes extremely mocking.

"It's not you? Why, it's been a few years since she wanted to cheat and deny it? When she was pregnant with your child, she ran to find you in a hurry, but saw you hugging other actresses in the crew and went back There was a car accident on the way, I didn't wrong you for that, did I?"

Du Ruhai pursed his lips twice, but did not speak.

Ran Yue continued: "The story of you stepping on two boats was exposed. The crazy fans of the actress couldn't find my sister, so they found my house and threw acid on me on the spot to disfigure me. Is this true?"

Du Ruhai was silent again.

Ran Yue said coldly: "All of this started because of you, but afterwards you disappeared without even an apology, let alone attending my sister's funeral, and now you even want to shirk your original responsibility , are you still human?"

Du Ruhai panicked, and quickly explained.

"That's not what I meant. At that time, I didn't know that your sister would have a car accident. I was plotted against. She turned around and ran away without listening to my explanation. I really didn't expect that it would end up like that."

Ran Yue immediately laughed angrily.

"So you have to blame my sister?"

"I didn't mean that, I, I just wanted to apologize to you..."

"Enough! No matter what you mean, I will never forgive the harm you caused our two sisters in this life! If you really want to apologize, go underground and apologize to my sister!"

After she finished speaking, she left angrily.

Du Ruhai originally wanted to stop her, but seeing her cold and hateful eyes, he finally lost his courage and let her leave.

At the corner not far away, Yun Qinian stood there, listening to everything they just said.

Her cold eyes darkened slightly, and before Du Ruhai came back, she turned around and walked to the dressing room.

When Du Ruhai returned to the dressing room, he saw Yun Qinian sitting there, already putting on her makeup.

He looked a little lonely and forced a smile.

"Sorry, let you see a joke."

Yun Qinian said coldly: "You should say that the one who is embarrassed is not me, but Sister Ran Yue."

In her previous life, she only heard that Ran Yue was killed by a man, and she thought it was Ran Yue's boyfriend or husband or something.

But she didn't expect that this matter had nothing to do with her personal feelings at all, it was all because of her brother-in-law in name.

Although the two of them only said a few words just now, Yun Qinian has already guessed the whole story.

It was nothing more than Du Ruhai had an affair with a certain actress on the set, and was bumped into by Ran Yue's sister on the spot.

After Ran Yue's sister left angrily, perhaps because she was too emotional, she accidentally died in a car accident.

After her death, the love triangle of the three was also exposed.

Maybe the actress secretly manipulated the public opinion, some crazy fans mistakenly thought that Du Ruhai and the actress were together first, and Ran Yue's sister was the mistress.

Therefore, some brainless fans couldn't find Ran Yue's sister to vent their anger, so they turned to the innocent Ran Yue.

This caused Ran Yue's face to be splashed with sulfuric acid, completely disfiguring her face.

Thinking of this, her expression became more indifferent.

Hearing what she said, Du Ruhai knew that she probably heard the conversation between him and Ran Yue just now.

Because he was wrong, he couldn't say anything for a while.

I can only whisper: "I will go and apologize to her again. I owe the two sisters all my life. I never thought of escaping, but the time has not come yet."

He paused and looked at Yun Qinian.

"Let me tell you the truth, in fact, I didn't write this script alone, but Ran Ying, Ran Yue's sister and I created it together.

Her greatest wish in life is to have this work photographed, so since her death, I have been working hard.

But because the previous news was too loud, all the investors immediately refused to invest when they heard her name.

I have no choice but to say that I wrote this book alone.

Only in this way will they be willing to invest and I will be able to fulfill her only and last wish during her lifetime. "

Yun Qinian didn't speak, as if she didn't want to talk to him.

When Du Ruhai saw this, he knew her attitude.

He whispered: "I have finished what I want to say. When the time comes, I will explain the truth of this matter to the public. I hope you can understand."

Yun Qinian still ignored him.

Du Ruhai was a little embarrassed, but he didn't force himself anymore, and turned around to go out.

Soon, the assistant director came in and communicated with her about the details of the script changes on Du Ruhai's behalf.

Yun Qinian listened quietly, but Du Ruhai's words just now came to mind.

He and Ran Ying wrote this script together, but in order to attract investment, he could only name it alone.

She didn't know who the actress who intervened between Du Ruhai and Ran Ying was, but since it's about money, it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, she suddenly interrupted the assistant director and asked, "Is our crew still short of investment?"

(End of this chapter)

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