Chapter 515 Want to cover up
"And the so-called unattended, growing up wildly outside is also false."

"Actually, you were adopted by this family when you were very young and became their dead soldier."

"And your status on the international killer list is just a cover-up, am I right?"

The cat was annoyed and angry for a while, and his face was flushed.

She said angrily: "No! You are talking nonsense!"

Yun Qinian didn't listen to her at all.

He murmured slightly, and then guessed: "The most famous wealthy family in the world who likes to keep dead soldiers in captivity is the famous oriental wealthy family, the Huangfu family."

"So your master should be from the Huangfu family, and the rest of the Huangfu family has nothing to do with Yun Qinian."

"The only one who has an intersection is Huangfu Yu, the eldest lady of the Huangfu family who competed with her for the same role some time ago."

"So it was Huangfuyu who ordered you to kill Yun Qinian, right?"

The cat's eyes widened in disbelief.

It never occurred to her that she would use such a small clue to deduce the person behind her.

An endless panic hit my heart.

She shook her head quickly, "No! It's not what you said."

However, the more she denied it, the more she seemed to cover up.

Yun Qinian smiled ironically.

"Okay, if you don't look in the mirror, you don't know how far-fetched your denial is."

"I already know the person behind you. Go back and tell her. I don't accept her conditions. I also advise her to give up the idea of ​​trying to touch Yun Qinian, otherwise I will not be responsible for the consequences."

After finishing speaking, she swaggered away arrogantly.

The cat stood there, clenched its fists in anger, but there was nothing it could do with her.

After a while, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Huangfuyu's number.

"I'm sorry, miss, I failed again."

"She refused to accept our conditions, and her attitude was still very arrogant. She even said that she would bribe me with money and let me do things for her. It was simply too much."

On the opposite side, Huangfu vigorously brushed all the things on the dressing table to the ground.

Angrily said: "She dares to be so arrogant, I will make her pay the price sooner or later!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

And here, after Yun Qinian rejected the cat, she returned to the hotel without any psychological burden.

She first passed the things she got to Dahei and the others, and then went to wash and rest.

What they didn't know was that on that night, a message came from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

"Get ready, let's go!"

Murong Chi was woken up in the middle of the night.

Looking at the message on the phone, he closed his eyes.

There were footsteps outside the house, and soon the door was opened.

A group of men in black appeared in the house, looked at the man lying on the bed, and said respectfully: "Elder Fa, we are here to carry out the task by the order of our ancestors, please don't make things difficult for us."

Murong Chi didn't speak, just lay there quietly.

After a while, the leader winked at his subordinates, and someone immediately stepped forward and tied him up.

Murong Chi did not resist.

Soon, a group of people took him and left quietly.

But here, Yun Qinian had no dreams all night.

After a good night's sleep, the most direct result is that when you wake up the next day, you will feel particularly refreshed.

She washed up in a good mood, finished her breakfast, and then walked slowly to the set.

Unexpectedly, before reaching the set, the phone rang.

(End of this chapter)

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