Chapter 516 He Was Kidnapped
She gets on the phone.

is an unfamiliar number.

A man's low and hoarse voice came from the opposite side.

"If you want to see Murong Chi, come to No. 183 Binhai Road."

After speaking, the phone hung up.

Yun Qinian was taken aback for a moment, a little confused.

Murong Chi?
She hadn't contacted Murong Chi for a while.

Hearing the other party's voice, it seemed that Murong Chi was in their hands, but they didn't know exactly what happened.

Yun Qinian frowned, apart from being stunned, there was also a trace of uneasiness.

She quickly called back the phone.

On the other side, it prompts to shut down.

She found Murong Chi's number again and dialed it.

However, the bell rang for a long time, and no one answered it.

Subconsciously, she felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell anything just based on the other party's simple sentence.

Fortunately, at this time, she had already walked to the set.

She remembered that the executive director on the set seemed to have the number of Murong Chi's assistant.

So I found the executive director, got the number of Murong Chi's assistant from him, and dialed.

This time, the other party connected quickly.

A man's trembling voice came from the opposite side.


"Is it Xiaoxue?"

Murong Chi's assistant's surname is Xue, so everyone calls him Xiao Xue.

There was a noticeable silence on the other side.

Immediately afterwards, his trembling voice was heard.

"who are you?"

"I'm Yun Qinian."

Xiaoxue: "..."

The fear seemed to be relieved a little, and turned into a crying voice with some fear.

"Miss Yun..."

As soon as Yun Qinian heard his voice, she realized that something had happened.

Quickly asked: "What happened? Where's Murong Chi?"

"Brother Chi... he was kidnapped!"


Yun Qinian couldn't believe it.

Probably finally found the backbone, Xiao Xue cried and told what happened.

It turned out that Murong Chi was on vacation yesterday, and he had a hard day off, so naturally he wanted to go out and relax.

But because he is too famous, it is not safe to go to other places for fear of meeting fans, so he took Xiaoxue to a deep mountain forest where few people would go, planning to go there for a picnic and take pictures for fun .

Unexpectedly, right there, they encountered a group of robbers.

I don't know if the other party followed all the way here, or if they happened to meet them there.

Anyway, they recognized Murong Chi's identity and kidnapped him.

The reason they didn't take Xiao Xue away with them was because they ordered Xiao Xue to come back to raise money.

Said that one billion must be exchanged for Murong Chi, otherwise they would tear up the ticket!
How could Xiao Xue get so much money? Even if Murong Chi has been in the industry for so many years, it would not be enough to give out all his net worth!
He didn't dare to call the police, because the kidnappers said that if he dared to call the police, they would kill Murong Chi immediately.

Xiao Xue was scared and flustered, and didn't know who to turn to.

It wasn't until Yun Qinian called that she seemed to have found a savior, and she spoke angrily about what happened before.

Yun Qinian's expression darkened after hearing this.

It's not uncommon for celebrities to encounter such things as kidnapping.

After all, it is well known that they are famous and rich, and in order to reduce their influence, there is a high probability that they will not choose to publicize.

But one billion...

Who would be so stupid to think that a star who debuted for ten years can come up with one billion in cash all at once?
Not to mention the amount of Murong Chi's net worth, even if he is worth so much, it still involves a lot of stocks and real estate. It is impossible to have so much cash at once, right?

(End of this chapter)

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