Chapter 517
So, why did the other party put forward a condition with a lower possibility?

If it's really for money, wouldn't it be better to lower the requirements and have a higher success rate?

Moreover, he called her again afterwards and asked her to meet Murong Chi at No. 183 Binhai Road.

Isn't this superfluous?

Yun Qinian frowned, full of doubts.

Xiao Xue heard that she stopped talking, sobbing softly.

"Sister Qi Nian, I really don't know what to do, and I dare not call the police. What if they really tear up Brother Chi?"

"But I can't afford that much money right now, and I don't even know how much money Brother Chi has, and I don't care about that. How do I know the password?"

Yun Qinian said in a deep voice, "You don't need to prepare money yet."

According to her guess, since the other party called her clearly, they asked her to go to that place to find them.

Maybe, this matter is not as simple as a simple kidnapping case.

Thinking of this, she ordered in a deep voice: "Well, you don't need to worry about this matter, leave it to me. If there are no accidents, there will be an answer tonight, and I will notify you then."

Xiao Xue froze for a moment.

A little dazed.

"Sister Qi Nian, you are..."

Yun Qinian smiled.

"What a coincidence, they also called me, probably... because they are afraid that you really can't raise money?"

Xiaoxue: "..."

I was inexplicably relieved.

Anyway, the sky is falling, and there is a tall man holding it up.

The ability of his little assistant can only do this.

Thinking of this, he said anxiously: "Then I will leave this matter to you. If there is anything that requires my cooperation, please let me know at any time. I will always be here."

"it is good."

Yun Qinian comforted him a few more words before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she thought about it, and checked the address mentioned by the other party online.

No. 183 Binhai Road, according to the clues found, there is a warehouse near the pier.

There are few people in this kind of place, and it is convenient for hiding and escaping. It really looks like a place that kidnappers would choose.

It's just that they let themselves go... What's the idea?
Yun Qinian couldn't help but go to the dock warehouse that night.

It was already ten o'clock at night when she arrived.

There was no one around, the moonlight was shining, and there was no other sound except the sound of waves beating against the rocks.

She followed the sign carefully and came to the address the other party said.

What I saw standing in front of me was a tall iron gate.

The iron gate was locked tightly, reflecting a cold light under the moonlight.

Yun Qinian hesitated for a while, and was about to knock on the door.

At this moment, a limited hum came from the side.

She was startled, but fortunately she was fast enough, and immediately dodged behind a pile of containers next to her.

With the bright moonlight, she could see who was coming.

I saw that it was a middle-aged man about 30 years old, with two small mustaches on the corners of his mouth, sleepy eyes, and flushed face, as if he had drunk alcohol.

Probably because I am in a good mood and have just finished solving some major life events.

He lifted his trousers and walked towards here while fastening his belt, humming an out-of-key tune as he walked.

Yun Qinian's eyes flickered slightly.

Seeing him walk to the iron gate, he patted on the door.

Immediately, someone opened it for him from the inside, looked around vigilantly, and asked, "Is it not being watched?"

The man waved his hand, "Who can watch? There are not even ghosts here in the middle of the night, and they won't be discovered. Don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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